2020 Spring General Meeting (SpGM) Videoconference Tuesday, April 14, 2020, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
I the undersigned member of Toronto Island Sailing Club (the "Club") hereby: |
Appoints: (please check one box) |
Option 1: the designated representative of the Executive, Joni Di Placido (Secretary), or failing her, Sue Holland (Communications), who will vote in accordance with the Executive's position. |
OR |
Option 2: |
, or falling her/ him
(Please print the name of the person you want to act as your proxy and any desired alternate) |
as my proxy holder with full power of substitution to attend, vote and otherwise act on my behalf at the Winter General Meeting of the members of the Club to be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 and at any adjournment of it, in the same manner, to the same extent and with the same power as if I were present at the meeting. And revoke any proxy previously given by me for that meeting.
I understand that I may direct how my proxy holder is to vote and I direct that my proxy holder may (check 1, 2 or 3, and if choosing 3, fill in how you wish to limit the authority you are giving): |
1. Vote in accordance with his or her discretion (taking into account my instructions where applicable, whether written or verbal), on any motion specified in the notice or which may properly come before the meeting, including any amendments which arise from a motion under consideration; |
2. Vote in accordance with his or her discretion (taking into account my instructions where applicable, whether written or verbal) on any motion specified in the notice but not on amendments to the motion under consideration. (Please note: this is the only option available for proxy votes assigned to the Executive's designate except for correction of any typographic errors). A proxy assigned to the Executive will be voted in conformity with the Executive position. Because the Executive will not have taken a prior position on any amendments that arise, or on motions not contained in the Notice of Meeting or Agenda), the proxy cannot be exercised on these.) or; |
3. Vote as follows in respect of each matter raised in the notice (identify each motion from the notice and then clearly note "FOR" or "AGAINST" following such reference): |
Motions by the Executive: |
1. Motion: To adopt the 2020 Spring General Meeting Agenda.
The 2020 SpGM Agenda can be found in the Members Only section of the TISC webpage.*
2. Motion: To approve the 2020 WGM Minutes.
The 2019 WGM Minutes can be found in the Members Only section of the TISC webpage.*
3. Motion: To authorize the Executive to transfer up to $30,000 from the replacement reserve to the operating account to cover expenses if needed. Details can be found in the Members Only section of the TISC webpage.*
4. Motion: To amend the fee structure for the 2020 season as outlined in the agenda, to be offered at the discretion of the executive: The background on this motion can be found in the Members Only section of the TISC webpage.*
5. Motion: To give the Executive discretion to offer full or partial refunds to members as they see fit. The details/proposed refund schedule can be found in the Members Only section of the TISC webpage.*
- Only Sailing Members and Honorary Members may vote and appoint any person as proxy to do so.
- You are responsible for ensuring that the Secretary receives this before the deadline specified in the Notice of Meeting or it will not be effective. OR Give it to your proxy holder with instructions that they are to deposit it with the Secretary by 6:00 pm on Tuesday, April 14, 2020.
- The Secretary of the meeting has the right to refuse any proxies that are not deposited before deadline.