FASTLANE RACING SCHOOL POLICIES AND MINOR PARTICIPATION PLEASE READ RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, AND ALL POLICIES BEFORE REGISTERING AND ATTENDING IN ANY EVENT. All PARTICIPANTS must sign all agreements prior to attending EVENT(S). Rescheduling & Refunds All requests for Rescheduling & Refunds must be submitted in writing sixteen (16) days or more before your scheduled course and are subject to a $250.00 processing fee. No refunds, no credits and no rescheduling within sixteen (16) days of your scheduled course. NO EXCEPTIONS. No refunds or credit will be issued wherein the PARTICIPANT is deemed to be a "NO SHOW". The FastLane Racing School and its affiliates are not responsible for any Personal or Business matters that cause a cancellation, reschedule, or non-attendance. Weather Conditions All courses will be held regardless of weather conditions - rain or shine. If your course is cancelled for safety reasons, you will be notified by phone or email that you provided during registration, and you will be able to reschedule your course with no additional fees. Classroom Safety Sessions & Attendance It is important that every PARTICIPANT is prompt in attendance. Classroom and Safety Sessions are mandatory and must be attended. PARTICIPANT will not be permitted for the EVENT if the mandatory sessions are not attended. Damages & Mechanical Failure - Helmet Damage - Helmets are for impact purposes only. If for any reason the helmet is damaged in any way of misuse, accident or dropped, and the helmet is unsuitable for further use, you will be charged $250 for the helmet.
- Mechanical Failures of RELEASEE's vehicles shall be the responsibility of RELEASEE (as identified below) who will make an attempt to provide another vehicle to PARTICIPANT.
- Vehicle Damages done to RELEASEE's vehicles are the PARTICIPANT's sole responsibility. Payment for any crash damage or collision shall be made on the EVENT DATE or shortly thereafter upon final confirmation of total damage cost.
- RELEASEE is not responsible for any mechanical failures, loss, liability, damages, costs or fees to PARTICIPANT’s own vehicles when parked at or operated for the EVENT, used at the VENUE or within RESTRICTED AREAS.
Gift Certificates - A credit card will be required at the time of registration when a Gift Certificate is used.
- Gift Certificates are valid for dates and/or EVENT(S) as indicated on the certificates, or for one year from the date of purchase, where proof of purchase will be requested.
- Any upgrades for EVENT(S) that PARTICIPANT registers for, will be charged to the credit card on file for the PARTICIPANT account unless otherwise instructed. Expired gift certificates will not be honored.
Minors (Under the Age of 18)
Minors will agree to follow all guidelines, rules, instructions and policies in force, posted, stated or verbally instructed, at Event(s), Venue and within Restricted Areas, or forego the right to participate or observe in any way. All students under the age of 18 years must have a signed MINOR RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT by Parent or Legal Guardian to participate in any way.
MINOR RELEASE AND WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING IN CONSIDERATION of allowing the below MINOR PARTICIPANT (“MINOR”) to compete, officiate, observe, work for, or participate (“participate”) in any way in the above event and/or activities (“EVENT(S)”) at the location, race course or facility (“VENUE”) and/or being permitted to enter for any purpose any “RESTRICTED AREA” (defined as any area requiring special authorization, credentials or permission to enter or any area to which admission by the general public is restricted or prohibited including but not limited to the competition area and any hot pit area or paddock area), EACH OF THE UNDERSIGNED, for himself/herself, his/her personal representatives, heirs, and next of kin agrees that: THE MINOR AND PARENT OR GUARDIAN RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the promoters, other participants, racing associations, sanctioning organizations or any affiliates thereof, VENUE or track operators, VENUE or track owners, officials, vehicle owners, builders and designers, drivers, pit crews, rescue workers, all persons in the RESTRICTED AREA, promoters, sponsors, equipment and parts manufactures and suppliers, advertisers, owners and lessees of premises used to conduct the EVENT(S), premises and event inspectors, surveyors, underwriters/brokers, consultants and others who give recommendations, directions, or instructions or engage in risk evaluation or loss control activities regarding the premises or EVENT(S) and for each of them, their directors, officers, agents, and employees, all for the purposes herein referred to as “RELEASEES”, from all liability to ourselves, the undersigneds, our personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin, for any and all claims, demands, losses or damages of the MINOR and/or PARENT/GUARDIAN on account of any injury, including, but not limited to the death or injury of the PARENT/GUARDIAN or MINOR or damage to property arising out of or related to the EVENT(S) , whether caused or alleged to be caused by negligence of any RELEASEE(S) or otherwise. THE MINOR AND PARENT OR GUARDIAN will immediately inspect the RESTRICTED AREA upon entering it and warrants that their entry therein and/or the MINOR’s EVENT(S) participation constitutes an acknowledgement that they have inspected the RESTRICTED AREA and find it safe and reasonably suited for the purpose of its use. The undersigned agree that if at anytime in the RESTRICTED AREA they believe something is unsafe, it will be brought to the attention of an official, and they will remove themselves from the RESTRICTED AREA and the MINOR will withdraw from participation in the Event. THE PARENT AND/OR GUARDIAN hereby agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless the RELEASEES and each of them from any loss, liability, damage, fees or costs they may incur due, in any manner or degree, to the presence of the parent/guardian or the MINOR in the RESTRICTED AREA AND/OR VENUE, or related in any way to their participation in or presence at the EVENT(S) and whether caused by negligence of ANY RELEASEE(S) or OTHERWISE. The parent and/or guardian further recognize and agree they are executing this Waiver and Releases of Liability and Indemnity Agreement on behalf of themselves and on behalf of the MINOR. THE MINOR AND PARENT AND/OR GUARDIAN HEREBY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE due to negligence of RELEASEE (as identified below) or otherwise, while in or upon the VENUE AND/OR RESTRICTED AREA for any purpose and/or while participating in any way in the Event. The undersigned recognize and understand that there are risks and dangers associated with participation in the EVENT(S) and admission within the RESTRICTED AREA that could cause severe bodily injury, disability and death. Further, the risks and dangers may be caused by the negligent failure to act of the Releasees and others. All of the risks and dangers associated with participating in the Event(S) and/or entry into the VENUE AND/OR RESTRICTED AREA are assumed notwithstanding. This Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement extends to all acts of negligence by the RELEASEES, INCLUDING NEGLIGENT RESCUE OPERATIONS and is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the Province or State in which the EVENT(S) is/are conducted and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. THE PARENT OR GUARDIAN UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THE MINOR RELEASE AND WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT AND DOES SO VOLUNTARILY AND FREELY, WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT, ASSURANCE OR GUARANTEE BEING MADE AND WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS ARE BEING GIVEN UP.