Release of Liability and Personal Injury Waiver and Photo Release Areté Dance Center offers Ballroom and other forms of dance training. As is inherent in any physical activity, the possibility for injury exists.
Dancing in the above styles includes but isn't limited to dips, lifts, and also "tricks", which are movements which have extreme physical ranges of motion and can be stressful for the body to execute. Dancing itself in the above styles (Ballroom, Latin, Ballet, Fitness) and other dancing can be dangerous and can cause injury, or in extremely rare cases even death, especially if done without proper instruction or supervision.
You in signing this agreement state that you have read it in its entirety and agree also to hold Areté Dance Center free of any liability for any injury or more severe bodily occurrence to your person or personal effects or any other person (including minors) you may bring into the facility or onto a lesson at Areté Dance Center. It is understood that you undertake to learn dancing completely at your own risk and will not place responsibility for your health on anyone other than yourself, and if the guardian or accompanying a minor state that you (a) have legal guardianship over said minor and (b) will not hold Areté Dance Center liable for any injury or more severe bodily occurrence to that minor. At the same time, it is expected that you will communicate freely to your instructor about any dance move or exercise you feel may cause you injury or pain so that any injury or liability to yourself may be avoided.
Please sign below indicating that you have read and understood the above and release Areté Dance Center from any and all liability associated with your undertaking to learn dance. In signing this agreement, you grant Areté Dance Center permission to use photographs and video recordings taken while attending classes, lessons, or events at Areté Dance Center for any legal use, including but not limited to: publicity, copyright purposes, illustration, advertising, and web content. Furthermore, you understand that no royalty, fee, or other compensation shall become payable to you by reason of such use. In signing this agreement, you are agreeing to Areté Dance Center's Refund, Cancellation, and Package Policies: |