Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement
In consideration of being allowed to use the facilities and services of Arkansas Armory, Inc., I hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Arkansas Armory, Inc., its officers, directors, employees, instructors, agents, and affiliates (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, injuries, liabilities, losses, or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) that may arise from or be in any way related to my use of the facilities, equipment, or participation in activities at Arkansas Armory, whether caused by the negligence of the Released Parties or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
I understand that this indemnification and hold harmless agreement applies to any claims or actions arising out of or resulting from personal injury, property damage, or other losses that may occur, and I voluntarily assume all risks associated with my participation. FIREARMS: In no event shall the management of Arkansas Armory, Inc., its shareholders, officers, heirs, consigns, and/or employees be held responsible or liable for acts or omissions, for any indirect, direct, incidental, special or consequential damage or costs whatsoever resulting from or related to the use or misuse of firearms on any of the shooting range facilities. Arkansas Armory, Inc. shall not be held liable for any act or omission outside its jurisdiction and control or directly related to negligence on the part of a customer. Customers of this facility have been notified of safety rules including, but not limited to those listed below. **Arkansas Armory Indoor Shooting Range Safety Policies** To ensure the safety of all patrons and staff, all individuals using the range must comply with the following safety policies. These policies are enforced uniformly to prevent accidents and ensure a secure environment for everyone. 1. Vision Requirements Target Identification: All users must be able to clearly see their target and identify what is beyond it. Corrective Lenses: If corrective lenses (glasses or contacts) are necessary to meet vision requirements, users must wear them while on the range. Vision Impairments: Individuals who are legally blind or otherwise unable to visually confirm target placement and surroundings may not use the range without a certified instructor present to assist. Private instruction services are available by appointment. 2. Sobriety Requirement Zero Tolerance Policy: Intoxicated persons are strictly prohibited from using the range. This includes: Alcohol: Users must not be under the influence of alcohol. No alcohol consumption is allowed within the facility. Cannabis and Other Substances: Use of cannabis, prescription medications that impair alertness, or any controlled substances that could affect judgment, coordination, or reaction time is prohibited. On-Site Judgment: Range officers and staff reserve the right to refuse service if they suspect any impairment, regardless of cause. 3. Physical and Mental Fitness Requirements Control of Firearm: All users must have the physical ability to hold, aim, and discharge a firearm safely. This includes the strength to handle recoil and maintain a steady grip. Mental Alertness: Users must be mentally alert, coherent, and able to follow all range rules and instructions. Anyone exhibiting signs of extreme fatigue, confusion, or erratic behavior will be asked to leave the range. 4. Supervision Requirements Minors and Dependent Adults: Minors or adults with disabilities that impair safe and independent firearm handling must be accompanied by a qualified guardian or instructor at all times. Instructor Supervision: Individuals without firearms knowledge or who do not meet independent use requirements due to vision, disability, or other limitations may use the range only under direct supervision of an instructor. Private coaching sessions are available at a standard hourly rate. 5. Attire Requirements Footwear: Open-toed shoes, sandals, or flip-flops are not permitted on the range. All users must wear closed-toe shoes to protect against accidental contact with hot brass and other potential hazards. Upper Body Clothing: To prevent burns from ejected brass, all users must wear clothing that covers the chest and shoulders. Open shirts, low-cut tops, or tops exposing cleavage are prohibited. High-necked shirts are recommended. Protective Gear: Eye and hearing protection are required at all times while on the range and are available for purchase if needed. 6. Pregnancy Policy Pregnant Individuals: Due to noise levels and potential lead exposure, pregnant individuals are not permitted to use the range. This policy is in place to protect the health and safety of both the mother and unborn child. Alternative Options: Pregnant individuals are welcome to participate in other non-shooting classes or events offered by Arkansas Armory and can schedule range use after pregnancy. 7. Compliance with Range Rules Safe Handling: All range users must adhere to range safety rules at all times, including safe firearm handling, muzzle discipline, and awareness of surroundings. A full list of range rules is available on our website at Immediate Compliance: Failure to immediately comply with any staff or range officer instructions will result in removal from the premises. Note: These policies are in place to ensure a safe and controlled environment for all patrons. Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in denial of range access. Disclaimer These policies may be updated to ensure continued safety and compliance with legal standards. These policies are available for review and users are encouraged to review them before each use of the range.
General public customers expressly agree to hold Arkansas Armory, Inc. harmless for any acts or omissions on their part as it relates to the transportation of firearms to and from the facility and to certify that the method used to transport said firearms conforms to the laws of the State of Arkansas and the handling of or using firearms while participating in live-fire events on the range. General public customers affirm that they are knowledgeable of the firearms and ammunition they will use while visiting the range and that they have received, read, understand, and will comply with posted and published rules and regulations as it relates to the use of said facilities, and/or that they have been informed that basic firearms education courses are available to any user who is unfamiliar with shooting as a recreational activity. Further, that failure to comply with the above could result in their expulsion from the range and receive temporary and/or permanent loss of range privileges. General public customers expressly understand that Arkansas Armory, Inc. management reserves the right to refuse access to any person(s) for any reason that might result in a safety violation, damage to the facilities, or who become a safety hazard, i.e., they demonstrate unsafe firearm handling practices, a lack of proper training, their use of an unsafe firearm, they become loud, boisterous or disruptive, fails to wear the minimum footwear (sandals), or any other any other act or omission that is contrary to established criteria, for operating a safe and efficient shooting range. General public customers affirm, by their signature that they have refrained from being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs while on property owned and/or controlled by Arkansas Armory, Inc. Further, customers affirm they understand the consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages is expressly prohibited on Arkansas Armory property or prior to arrival at Arkansas Armory, and that any person(s) who, strictly by our observations, appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or emotionally unstable, shall be denied access to any part of the facility. General public customers do hereby affirm that they alone shall assume full responsibility for their own actions while visiting the Arkansas Armory facility and that any injury sustained either by their act or omission directly attributed to the lack of training, or careless acts shall be borne by themselves. General public customers do hereby affirm that the ammunition they will use in their firearm(s) has been properly loaded, either by a licensed manufacturer or if the ammunition has been hand loaded by themselves that it was done so by following established criteria as contained in leading reloading manuals; and further that said reloads meet or exceed factory specifications regarding safety. Further, that I understand that I MAY NOT USE ARMOR PIERCING, STEEL CORE, INCENDIARY, TRACER AMMUNITION, OR ANY SHOTGUN AMMUNITION OTHER THAN 00 BUCK OR SLUGS and that if I do, any damages resulting such use may be billed directly to me; i.e. damage to range structures or fires. GENERAL PUBLIC CUSTOMERS ACKNOWLEDGE THEY WILL BE CHARGED $5 PER OCCURRENCE FOR SHOOTING WALLS, FLOORS, CEILINGS, BAFFLES, DOORS, TARGET CARRIERS (OR ANY OBJECT BESIDES THE TARGET AND THE BACKSTOP), $15 FOR SHOOTING LIGHT BULBS, $50 FOR SHOOTING LIGHT FIXTURES, $50 FOR SHOOTING FIRE EXIT STROBES, AND $250 FOR SHOOTING CAMERAS. FULL REPLACEMENT FEES WILL BE CHARGED FOR DAMAGING SHOOTING STALLS. BULLET PROOF GLASS DIVIDER IS ~$3,200, TABLES ~$250. If you feel you cannot abide by this regulation, Arkansas Armory suggests you take a firearms handling class to better prepare yourself for your experience at Arkansas Armory. If you shoot the above mentioned objects, the safety of your gun handling is in question and we enforce these rules for your safety. GENERAL PUBLIC CUSTOMERS ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IF FOR ANY REASON, THEY SHOULD INTENTIONALLY USE UNSAFE FIREARMS PRACTICES TO INFLICT BODY INJURY OR DEATH TO THEMSELVES OR OTHERS, THEIR FAMILY AS WELL AS ALL ESTATE HEIRS WILL BE HELD LIABLE. I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue Arkansas Armory, Inc its respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees. Other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and leasers of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the “releases” herein) from all the negligence or the “releases” or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite this release waiver of liability, and assumptions of risk I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the releases, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the releases from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim. I have read this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement and assurance of any nature and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect. I agree that this waiver will not be signed at every visit, but will remain in full force and effect for one (1) calendar year from the date of its signing During the course of visiting Arkansas Armory I acknowledge my image will be captured by closed circuit TV and possibly by attendees or staff taking photos or videos of activities. Those photos/images may be used for promotion and participant releases his/her likeness to be used by Arkansas Armory without further consent. Today's date: February 21, 2025 |