
Guided Hunt Expectations

  1. Safety is our number one priority, safety for you, your group, the dogs and the guide. Anyone who is hunting must have a hunter’s safety card or be exempt in the eyes of the State of Colorado, no exceptions. Anyone who violates any of the safety rules may be asked to leave the field by the guide. Guides are responsible for enforcing the safety rules on all guided hunts. Your guide will review these rules prior to your hunt. If you have questions ask, don’t let a mistake ruin a life, human or canine.
  2. No alcohol of any kind is allowed in the field. Consumption of alcohol before or during the hunt will not be tolerated. This includes any mind altering substance.
  3. Your guide is in charge in the field. It is paramount to having a successful hunt that all hunters listen to them! They know the property, their dogs and more than likely where the birds will be located. If you have a suggestion please speak up, we have selected our guides carefully based on personalities, dog quality and work ethic. You will never find a guide at Black Canyon to be unilateral or too proud to listen.
  4. Guides may ask hunters to walk areas already hunted. Listen to them; they hunt BCW&C almost daily and know where the birds are located. They know the general area the birds have been liberated so they may hunt an area several times to make sure the area has been thoroughly covered! Regardless if you are hunting with pointing dogs or not, hunters need to be ready at all times for wild flushes. The pace at which you hunt is determined by the guide, walking too fast will increase the chances of walking past birds.
  5. Black Canyon Wing & Clay or its guides are not responsible for factors outside of their control. i.e. weather (including temperature), natural predators, hunters’ shooting ability or hunters’ physical condition. Warm and sunny days often encourage birds to run, Black Canyon cannot control this or natural flight from the fields.
  6. Hunts are from 8:00am to 11:30am and 1:00pm to 4:30pm. We ask that hunters arrive 30 minutes prior to the hunt; it is every hunter’s responsibility to be here and be ready to go on time. (However, arriving more then 30 minutes early does not help getting you out to the field any faster.) Punctuality is a key part of a successful hunt.
  7. Guides are not expected to clean your birds, most are glad to help but it is not part of the guide fee. If you want the guide to clean your birds a fee of $4.00 per bird will be added to your bill.
  8. Use of slings and short barreled shotguns (like T.C. Circuit Judges) are not allowed.
  9. The birds you ordered have been liberated in your hunting area. Birds are charged by the number you ordered, not by how many you bring back. Your guide will tell you when the group has reached the number of birds presented that you asked to be released. If you wish to continue hunting, any residual birds wounded or harvested after that will be 1⁄2 price. Birds that are missed or not shot at that are found again will not be counted twice. However, all accounting is up to your guides’ discretion; guides have the final say on number of birds accounted for on the hunt. Please remember, our guides are hand-picked, have lots of experience and are here to be fair. If you have questions, ask, we want you to have the best experience we can provide. We are not here to overcharge but you must also understand these birds are our business. Once we have let them go for you we have little control of them. Do not order birds that you are not willing to pay for.
  10. Both pheasants and chukars are on the property at all times. It is strongly suggested that both species are harvested given the chance, residual birds are always 1⁄2 price. We do not have the ability to differentiate between roosters and hens when we purchase them as chicks, there are roughly an equal amount liberated for your hunt.
  11. Guides work for gratuities.


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Hunter's Age Acknowledgment*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
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