CHEROKEE FIREARMS RANGE RULES - All range participants must have a liability release on file.
- Participants must not be legally barred, or prohibited, from handling/owning firearms.
- Range participants must be at least 8 years of age. Anyone under 18 must be with an adult guardian.
- Maximum of 2 shooters per lane.
- When all lanes are full, and the range is busy, shooters are limited to 1 hour use at a time. Please feel free to get back in line for additional time.
- Eye and ear protection must be worn at all times when in the range. Regular prescription glasses &/or regular sunglasses are not acceptable by themselves as they do not meet ANSI standards.
- Allowable targets are either paper or cardboard, and of a tasteful nature. (We reserve the right to deny the use of untasteful targets).
- No horse play or foul and abusive language will be allowed.
- No smoking, tobacco, food, or drinks allowed in the range area.
- No drug or alcohol use allowed before, or during range time.
- Immediately report any unsafe conditions in the range to a staff member.
- Used targets are to be placed on the cart for recycling, trash is to be placed in the trash can, and unwanted brass in the recycling bin.
- All participants must wash hands upon exiting the range.
- The range officer will eject from the range (with no refund given) anyone who is handling a firearm in an unsafe or careless manner.
- Range officers have the right to inspect all firearms, ammunition, and equipment. Any firearms, ammunition, or equipment deemed unsafe will not be allowed.
- Shooters must immediately obey range commands given by range officers.
- The cease fire command means to stop shooting immediately, lay firearms down on the table, and step out of the booth.
- Firearms will be left unloaded , or in a holster, until at the firing line.
- All loading and unloading will be conducted on the firing line in the shooting stall. No handling of firearms outside of the shooting stall.
- In case of a malfunction, firearms must remain in the firing stall pointed down range. Do not carry the firearm to the range officer, let them come to you.
- All firearms must be pointed in a safe direction at all times. In our range, the only safe direction is down range towards the bullet trap.
- Only shoot at the target assigned to your lane; no cross shooting.
- No crossing of the firing line for any reason. This includes brass retrieval.
- Hip shooting is not allowed.
- Shotguns are not allowed in the range (with the exception of .410 revolvers).
- Tracer, incendiary rounds, armor piercing, and steel core ammunition are prohibited.
- Violations of range rules and regulations will void your rental and/or range fee with no refund given.
- Any person seen firing at lights, baffles, target retrievers, or any other range property or equipment will have their membership suspended and will be reported to the proper authorities for appropriate action. Firing at boxes, cups, or other objects is prohibited. Only targets authorized by the range officer will be permitted. All shooters will be held accountable and will pay for any damage you cause; including replacement and installation charges.
HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY OF GUN RANGE READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY; IT CONTAINS THE WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LEGAL RIGHTS. I hereby acknowledge and agree as follows: I wish to use and enjoy the Cherokee Firearms Range (hereinafter “Range”) for its intended purpose and in accordance with any Range Rules adopted by the Range Owners/Operators. I am eighteen years of age or older, of sound mind and capable of reading, comprehending and executing this document. I am not under the influence of any alcohol, drugs or other illicit substances that may affect my reading, comprehension, consent or execution of this document or in any way affect my ability to use the Range for its intended purpose and in accordance with any Range Rules adopted by the Range Owners/Operators. I understand that my possession, handling, loading, discharging, cleaning, clearing and general use and operation of firearms on the Range or other premises of the Range Owners/Operators located in or around the Range may be a dangerous or hazardous activity which I agree to engage in at my own risk and responsibility. I understand that being in close proximity with others who are possessing, handling, loading, discharging, cleaning, clearing and generally using and operating firearms in or around the Range may be a dangerous or hazardous activity which I agree to engage in and/or subject myself to at my own risk and responsibility. I understand and agree that if I, my minor child or any of my guests cause physical damage to the Range or other property of the Range Owners/Operators that I shall be responsible for the payment to repair or replace the property so damaged and if Range Owners/Operators are forced to engage an attorney or the courts to collect the costs of damage, that I will be responsible for the reimbursement of any collection costs incurred including reasonable and necessary attorney’s fees. THEREFORE, in consideration for my use and enjoyment of the Range, I hereby agree to forever WAIVE, RELEASE and HOLD HARMLESS Cherokee Firearms, LLC, a Missouri limited liability company, and Newman Enterprises, LLC, a Missouri limited liability company, their members, managers, officers, employees, agents, representatives, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors and assigns (herein “Range Owners/Operators”) from ANY AND ALL LIABILITY arising out of, through under or as a result of my use of or presence on the Range and the premises around the Range, including but not limited to, claims, demands, causes of action and law suits for damages, for personal bodily or mental injury, economic loss or any damage to me, my person or property, my spouse’s person or property, my child(ren)’s person or property, or my guests’ person or property which may be connected to my, or their, use of or presence on the Range or other premises of the Range Owners/Operators around the Range. THIS WAIVE, RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS INCLUDES ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, CAUSES OF ACTION AND LAWSUITS FOR DAMAGES I MAY HAVE AGAINST THE RANGE OWNERS/OPERATORS RESULTING FROM THE RANGE OWNERS’/OPERATORS’ OWN NEGLIGENCE, FAULT OR WILLFUL ACTS OR OMISSIONS WHETHER OCCURING NOW, IN THE PAST OR IN THE FUTURE. INDEMNIFICATION I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the Range Owners/Operators harmless from and against any and all third-party claims, liabilities and obligations of every kind and description, contingent or otherwise, arising out of or related to this document, my use of or presence on the Range and surrounding premises, the above named child(ren)’s use of or presence on the Range and surrounding premises, any claims, demands, causes of action or lawsuits for damages any third parties may bring against the Range Owners/Operators for injuries to me, my spouse or injuries to the above named minor child(ren). This indemnification shall include the duty to defend the Range Owners/Operators against any third- party claims and the payment of any attorney’s fees, costs and expenses incurred by the Range Owners/Operators resulting from any third party claims. I HAVE FULLY READ, UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ABOVE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ASSUMPTION OF RISK, HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY ON BEHALF OF BOTH MYSELF AND ANY MINOR CHILD(REN) IN MY POSSESSION, CUSTODY OR CONTROL. I have read and understand the foregoing page. RELEASE OF MINOR RIGHTS I understand, acknowledge and agree that if I have minor child(ren) in my possession, custody or control on the Range or in and around the premises around the Range, that I am also consenting to all understandings, acknowledgements and agreements contained herein on behalf of the minor child(ren). I represent and warrant to the Range Owners/Operators that I am the parent or guardian and have all the legal authorities to execute consents on behalf of the following child(ren) On behalf of the minor child(ren) listed, I hereby agree to forever WAIVE, RELEASE and HOLD HARMLESS the Range Owners/Operators from ANY AND ALL LIABILITY arising out of, through, under or as a result of the child(ren)’s use of or presence on the Range and the premises in or around the Range, including but not limited to, claims, demands, causes of action and law suits for damages, for personal bodily or mental injury, economic loss or any damage to the child(ren) which may be connected to the child(ren)’s, use of, or presence on, the Range or other premises of the Range Owners/Operator around the Range. ON BEHALF OF THE MINOR CHILD(REN) LISTED ABOVE, I HEREBY WAIVE, RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE RANGE OWNERS/OPERATORS AGAINST ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, CAUSES OF ACTION AND LAWSUITS FOR DAMAGES THE CHILD(REN) MAY HAVE AGAINST THE RANGE OWNERS/OPERATORS RESULTING FROM THE RANGE OWNERS’/OPERATORS’ OWN NEGLIGENCE, FAULT OR WILLFUL ACTS OR OMISSIONS WHETHER OCCURING NOW, IN THE PAST OR IN THE FUTURE. I have read and understand the foregoing page. Today's Date: March 26, 2025 |