♦Agreement for Services and condition: In consideration of the services of Iron Brush Tattoo Studio and all other associated persons or entities (collectively, the “Studio”) I state that I am acting voluntarily, and I fully consent to the application of a tattoo and to any actions or conduct of the Studio reasonably necessary to the procedure. I acknowledge that I have been given the full opportunity to ask questions I might have about the tattoo procedure, to approve of the general design of the tattoo, the risks and the care and treatment of the tattoo. I acknowledge that all my questions have been answered to my full and total satisfaction. The Studio does not recommend any topicals or numbing cream the customer may apply and assumes no responsibility or guarantees for their use. ♦Other Conditions and Agreements: I have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions of this Consent and Release and acknowledge that it shall be effective and binding. I agree that the Studio and its artists retain all rights to the image(s) that are tattooed on me. The image may be duplicated, photographed and/or used by the Studio or its artists in advertising, in portfolios, or in publications.
♦Risk notification: As with any procedure involving needles piercing and thereafter inserting the skin, there are risks involved. Possible risks associated with tattooing include but are not limited to infections, scarring, keloids, granulomas, raised tattoos, ink migration, healing issues, including but not limited to prolonged healing times, and other possible risks to Customer's health. Some individuals can get light headed or pass out during the procedure and there is a risk of falling which can lead to other injuries. Other risks, both known and unknown, exist when a Customer undergoes a tattoo procedure and the Customer assumes all risks, both known and unknown, when he/she consents to undergoing the procedure. Possible allergic risks to the procedure include, but are not limited to allergies to ink, pigments, dyes, gloves, soaps, cleaning products and latex. The pigments used during the procedure can also pose other medical risks to Customer, including but not limited to allergic reactions. Furthermore, the pigments can make it difficult for medical professionals to evaluate the Customer's skin or changes in your skin after the procedure that may pose a risk to you. The Customer understands that the medical risks that may exist as a result of the use of pigments during the procedure are unknown to the Studio but by agreeing to this procedure the Customer assumes any risks associated with the use of pigments during the procedure. Customer further acknowledges and agrees that: (i) this procedure entails numerous medical risks, both known and unknown and the risks and side effects of this procedure can differ for each individual and the Customer both understands and assumes those risks, (ii) the risks include the possibility of injury to me (iii) the Customer understands that the risks which have been discussed with Customer may not be complete and there may be unknown or unanticipated risks, (iv) Customer acknowledges that he/she may experience an allergic reaction(s) to the dyes, pigments or other products, tools or substances used during the procedure, and (v) the inks, pigments, and dyes may contain potentially harmful substances, and (vi) Customer understands and acknowledges that it is not reasonably possible for the Studio to determine or ascertain whether Customers might experience any of the risks or side effects as described herein including, but not limited to an allergic reaction, granulomas, keloids, infection, prolonged healing time, scarring, raised tattoos, ink migration, ink drift, misspellings, permanent bruising or any other risks or damages to Customers health, and (vii) I understand the Customer assumes all responsibility for any outside topicals or numbing cream they may have applied before the tattoo, and (viii) the Customer assumes responsibility for all risks known and unknown. ♦Description of tattoo procedure: Sterile instruments and needles are set up new for each client. New pigments are poured for each client. The area to be tattooed is cleaned and scrubbed and shaved if necessary. A stencil or drawing of the design is placed on the area for client approval. The design is tattooed. Upon completion, the tattoo is washed and dressed, and the artist will discuss the after care (see below) and cleaning of the tattoo. I understand and acknowledge that variations in color and design may exist between any tattoo selected by me and as ultimately applied to my body. Such variations are a normal part of tattooing and the practitioner may determine to make changes as he or she determines to be within keeping of the art. I understand and acknowledge that tattooing is a permanent change to my appearance and that the Studio has not made any representations to me regarding my ability to later change, alter or remove my tattoo. I state, and understand the Studio will rely upon, the information I have answered in this form. COVID-19 WAIVER: I understand that I am opting for a service that is not urgent and not medically necessary. I also understand that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. I further understand COVID-19 is extremely contagious. State and federal health agencies recommend social distancing. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the Studio harmless and release the Studio from any liability whatsoever should I become infected with COVID-19 which may include but not be limited to claims for personal injury, loss of income, disability, illness and death. Furthermore, I understand that this Agreement is subject to the laws of the State of Nebraska and further agree that the appropriate venue for any dispute involving this Agreement shall be Lancaster County, Nebraska. Given the nature of the virus, I understand there is an inherent risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 if I proceed with this elective service. Accordingly I acknowledge and assume the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, and any variation of mutation thereof, through this elective service and I gave my express permission for the staff at the Studio to proceed with the same. This consent applies to any follow up of additional services in the upcoming months. I understand that even if I have been tested for COVID-19 and received a negative test result, the tests may not have detected the virus or I may have contracted COVID-19 after the test. I will not hold that business and professional offering the service responsible for any liability related to COVID-19 and variation or mutation thereof. I understand that exposure to COVID-19 before, during, or after my procedure(s) may result in complications and/or delayed healing. I have been given the option to defer my service to a later date. However, I understand all the risks including those noted herein and I would like to proceed with this service. I have been offered a copy of this consent form. I understand the explanation and consent to the procedure(s). By signing below, I agree to notify my tattooer/piercer immediately if I experience any of the symptoms listed, or test positive for COVID19 in the next 3 days. I understand that the Studio, and its independent contractors, employees, staff and representatives cannot guarantee, with total certainty, that all risk of contracting an illness or virus such as Covid19, has been eliminated. ♦I understand that there are no warranties express or implied of any kind or nature and I waive any right to claim differently. I agree that tattooing is an art form and that the image may be slightly different in terms of color, clarity, size or condition than what I expect. I waive any general damages as a result of any claim that I might have and agree that my damages, if any, against the Studio for any reason, including, but not limited to medical complications, misspelling or graphic errors shall be limited to the cost of the tattoo and there shall be no other remedy. This agreement shall be governed only by the laws of Nebraska. I made this decision freely and voluntarily and have not relied on any oral, written, or visual representations or statements of the Studio. I agree that the practitioner is an independent contractor and the Studio is not responsible for his/her actions.
I Agree
March 24, 2025