OSHAWA, ONTARIO AND Participant Clients will be informed in detail about the removal process using laser by technician. Technician is obligated to perform treatment in strict compliance with all hygiene and health protection measures. Laser treatment on a model is free of charge. Taking part in treatment is voluntary, and there will be no penalty if Client doesn’t want to participate. Client may discontinue participation at any time without penalty. HEALTH CONDITION Use of a laser for removal treatment is a very safe and predictable form of treatment. Laser energy is not ionizing radiation (i.e. x-rays). Lasers are electromagnetic radiation sources with coherent, mono-frequen- cy spectra in the range of infrared (p m) to UV (nm}. Safety glasses are worn to protect the eyes from any unforeseen effects. These glasses are specific to the type of laser being used.
This information is confidential and saved only in written form, available only to the Technician and it shall be handled in such manner. It will not be shared with third party. By signing this document, you accept to receive information from the Technician by e-mail. Before signing this consent form, technician of the procedure inquired the Client of possible problems or diseases that are inadvisable for the performance of the procedure. The Client does not have active process on the skin (inflammatory reactions, infections, neoplastic), fresh new tattoo (below 2-3 month), skin neoplasm, resent hemiotherapeutic aplications, liver disfunction, antibiothic therapy {local- ly or ingested}, haemophilia, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, HIV and/or any other infectious diseases, recently tanned skin (within the last month), history of keloid scarring, diabetes, unles under control, cancer or heart disease, is not pregnant, and understands that the procedure will not be performed if any aforesaid problem exists. The Client does not consume any medication for blood thinning (anticoag- ulants}, fluoroquinolone antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin), tetracyclines, medicaments Vitamin A derivatives (Retinol, Isotretinoin etc.), chemical that strongly interact with liver funkction (Paracetamol in high dose (above 4grams}, NSAIL, antibiotics, Hjertemagnylis, orpharin, regularly administered anti-in- flammatory medicines), patience on antikoagulantnoj terapiji. Gold salt ingestion for rheumatoid arthri- tis can result in blue-grey skin discoloration in laser treatment areas. WARRANTY Technician accepts liability in compliance with the legal measures and regulations in the case of negligence or carelessness or intentionally or negligently caused injuries or threat to life, body and health. Contracting parties are liable for violations of the obligations specified under the Agreement. EXPLANATION The client is informed in detail by Technician about risks of laser treatment. The following risks are specifically explained to the client: During the treatment, despite expertise and all the precautionary measures, the injury is possible. Despite the application of the most advanced and the top quality products, allergic reaction is possible but rare. The client is informed about this and he/she assumes liability. During and after the treatment temporary swelling, redness and/or itching may occur. Experience tells us that these symptoms are temporary. The client is informed of hygiene measures that must be taken to avoid inflammatory reaction. If the trated feels tender or warm- apply cold compresses of ice, or a pack of peas from freezer wrapped in a clean cloth. Do not apply ice directly onto the skin as this can burn, any creams/lotions to the area other than that recommended by your technician.
Up to 48 hours after treatment avoid to the treated area: restrictive closing or excessive friction of the trated area; contract sports or any other activity that puts you at risk of causing trauma; applying creams, moisturisers, make up, perfume or body lotions, hot baths, saunas and Jacuzzis; going swimming; shaving; rub or scratch; do not lie in the sun, use a sun-bed. In the next seven days is recommended to use sun protect. Technician cannot be liable in case of improper post-treatment care. COMPETENCE If there are any questions about the treatment or if there is a treatment-related injury or adverse event, the Client can contact (Name, phone number and e-mail of contact person) I certify that I have read and fully understand the above authorization and informed consent and the information referred to above and that all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. No guarantee of success has been given to me that the proposed treatment will be successful to my complete satisfaction. I understand and appreciate that the intention of the Technician is to eliminate a potential pathologic condition. By signing below I acknowledge that you have read this document, understand the information presented and have had all of your questions answered satisfactorily. Today's Date: March 31, 2025 |