
Consent for Minor Guest Visitation 

The Department of Residence Life strives to create a positive living-learning environment within the residence halls and apartment communities across campus. Residence Life welcomes and encourages family and friend visits to our campus and understands that visits often include a desire to visit the residential campus and our residents. However, with limited exception, students are adults and student housing is not always an appropriate venue for minor children who are not closely supervised by parents or guardians. It is important to us to ensure the safety of our students as well as any visitors and guests, particularly those under 18. For this reason, we request that the following form be completed by a parent or guardian for 16 or 17 year old minors requesting to visit a University of Alaska Anchorage residential student in the residential community without a parent or guardian present. All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Please also note: student housing is also not permitted to serve as alternative housing for friends or family members of residents. 

Minor Guest Visitation Policy: Guests 16 & 17 Years of Age 

Any individual 16 or 17 years of age may visit and also stay overnight in a residence hall or apartment if their parent or guardian provides written permission to Residence Life a minimum of 2 business days in advance of the guest’s arrival. 

• Written permission from the parent or guardian must include a parent or guardian’s phone number; the full name of the minor, parent/guardian, and host; specified dates of the proposed stay; and the DOB of the minor.

• Online permission form: for ease, parents or guardians may complete this online permission form.

• This provision does not apply to approved camps and programs using our residential buildings for approved activities and authorized adults are in-place as chaperones.

• Please note: this provision applies only to 16 & 17 year old guests of UAA students. The guests of UAA students residing on campus who are over 17 years of age are not subject to this parent/guardian permission policy.

Minor Guest Visitation Policy: Guests 15 Years of Age & Younger 

Any individual younger than 16 years of age is not permitted to check in or stay overnight in the residence halls.

Visitors younger than 16 years of age may only enter the residence halls accompanied by a parent or guardian, who must accompany them during their entire visit and only between the hours of 8:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Please note: This provision does not apply to approved camps and programs using the residence halls for approved activities and authorized adults are in-place as chaperones.




This waiver is a mode of communication to ensure you are aware of the code of conduct and operating guidance and release of liability.

This waiver applies to minor guests of students residing in housing at UAA.

As their parent/legal guardian, I support my child’s decision to participate as the guest of a UAA student in housing and, by signing below, indicate that I have reviewed the following information with my child and that we understand and agree to the information presented.

By my signature, I represent that I have knowingly and voluntarily signed this agreement with the intent that it be a legally binding document designed to protect the University of Alaska and other Released Parties from all Claims which could be brought by myself or anyone else on account of injury to me or my child, regardless of cause or fault.



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