


I hereby affirm that I am aware that skin and scuba diving have inherent risks which may result in serious injury or death. I understand that diving with compressed air involves certain inherent risks; including but not limited to decompression sickness, embolism or other hyperbaric/ air expansion injury that require treatment in a recompression chamber. I further understand that the open water diving trips which are necessary for training and for certification may be conducted at a site that is remote, either by time or distance or both, from such a recompression chamber. I still choose to proceed with such instructional dives in spite of the possible absence of a recompression chamber in proximity to the dive site. I understand and agree that neither my instructor(s), the facility through which I receive my instruction, PANAMA DIVE CENTER S.A., nor PADI Americas, Inc., nor its affiliate and subsidiary corporations, nor any of their respective employees, officers, agents, contractors or assigns (hereinafter referred to as “Released Parties”) may be held liable or responsible in any way for any injury, death or other damages to me, my family, estate, heirs or assigns that may occur as a result of my participation in this diving program or as a result of the negligence of any party, including the Released Parties, whether passive or active. In consideration of being allowed to participate in this course (and optional Adventure Dive), hereinafter referred to as “program,” I hereby personally assume all risks of this program, whether foreseen or unforeseen, that may befall me while I am a participant in this program including, but not limited to, the academics, confined water and/or open water activities. I further release, exempt and hold harmless said program and Released Parties from any claim or lawsuit by me, my family, estate, heirs or assigns, arising out of my enrollment and participation in this program including both claims arising during the program or after I receive my certification. I also understand that skin diving and scuba diving are physically strenuous activities and that I will be exerting myself during this program, and that if I am injured as a result of heart attack, panic, hyperventilation, drowning or any other cause, that I expressly assume the risk of said injuries and that I will not hold the Released Parties responsible for the same. I further state that I am of lawful age and legally competent to sign this liability release, or that I have acquired the written consent of my parent or guardian. I understand the terms herein are contractual and not a mere recital, and that I have signed this Agreement of my own free act and with the knowledge that I hereby agree to waive my legal rights. I further agree that if any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be severed from this Agreement. The remainder of this Agreement will then be construed as though the unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. I understand and agree that I am not only giving up my right to sue the Released Parties but also any rights my heirs, assigns, or beneficiaries may have to sue the Released Parties resulting from my death. I further represent I have the authority to do so and that my heirs, assigns, or beneficiaries will be estopped from claiming otherwise because of my representations to the Released Parties.



I understand and agree that PADI Members (“Members”), including PANAMA DIVE CENTER S.A. and/or any individual PADI Instructors and dive masters associated with the program in which I am participating, are licensed to use various PADI Trademarks and to conduct PADI training, but are not agents, employees or franchisees of PADI Americas, Inc, or its parent, subsidiary and affiliated corporations (“PADI”). I further understand that Member business activities are independent, and are neither owned nor operated by PADI, and that while PADI establishes the standards for PADI diver training programs, it is not responsible for, nor does it have the right to control, the operation of the Members’ business activities and the day-to-day conduct of PADI programs and supervision of divers by the Members or their associated staff. I further understand and agree on behalf of myself, my heirs and my estate that in the event of an injury or death during this activity, neither I nor my estate shall seek to hold PADI liable for the actions, inactions or negligence of PANAMA DIVE CENTER S.A. and/or the instructors and dive masters associated with the activity.


This is a statement in which you are informed of the established safe diving practices for skin and scuba diving. These practices have been compiled for your review and acknowledgement and are intended to increase your comfort and safety in diving. Your signature on this statement is required as proof that you are aware of these safe diving practices. Read and discuss the statement prior to signing it. If you are a minor, this form must also be signed by a parent or guardian. I understand that as a diver I should:

1. Maintain good mental and physical fitness for diving. Avoid being under the influence of alcohol or dangerous drugs when diving. Keep proficient in diving skills, striving to increase them through continuing education and reviewing them in controlled conditions after a period of diving inactivity, and refer to my course materials to stay current and refresh myself on important information.

2. Be familiar with my dive sites. If not, obtain a formal diving orientation from a knowledgeable, local source. If diving conditions are worse than those in which I am experienced, postpone diving or select an alternate site with better conditions. Engage only in diving activities consistent with my training and experience. Do not engage in cave or technical diving unless specifically trained to do so

3. Use complete, well-maintained, reliable equipment with which I am familiar; and inspect it for correct t and function prior to each dive. Have a buoyancy control device, low-pressure buoyancy control inflation system, submersible pressure gauge and alternate air source and dive planning/monitoring device (dive computer, RDP/dive tables—which- ever you are trained to use) when scuba diving. Deny use of my equipment to uncertified divers.

4. Listen carefully to dive briefing and directions and respect the advice of those supervising my diving activities. Recognize that additional training is recommended for participation in specialty diving activities, in other geographic areas and after periods of inactivity that exceed six months.

5. Adhere to the buddy system throughout every dive. Plan dives – including communications, procedures for reuniting in case of separation and emergency procedures – with my buddy.

6. Be proficient in dive planning (dive computer or dive table use). Make all dives no decompression dives and allow a margin of safety. Have a means to monitor depth and time underwater. Limit maximum depth to my level of training and experience. Ascend at a rate of not more than 18 meters/60 feet per minute. Be a SAFE diver – Slowly Ascend From Every dive. Make a safety stop as an added precaution, usually at 5 meters/15 feet for three minutes or longer.

7. Maintain proper buoyancy. Adjust weighting at the surface for neutral buoyancy with no air in my buoyancy control device. Maintain neutral buoyancy while underwater. Be buoyant for surface swimming and resting. Have weights clear for easy removal, and establish buoyancy when in distress while diving. Carry at least one surface signaling device (such as signal tube, whistle, mirror).

8. Breathe properly for diving. Never breath-hold or skip-breathe when breathing compressed air, and avoid excessive hyperventilation when breath-hold diving. Avoid overexertion while in and underwater and dive within my limitations.

9. Use a boat, float or other surface support station, whenever feasible. Know and obey local dive laws and regulations, including fish and game and dive flag laws. I have read the above statements and have had any questions answered to my satisfaction. I understand the importance and purposes of these established practices. I recognize they are for my own safety and well-being, and that failure to adhere to them can place me in jeopardy when diving.


Conditions for Certification: Full payment is due on the day I check in at the dive shop. I understand that if I am unable to meet the performance requirements of the course, or decide to discontinue the training for whatever reason, I will not be reimbursed. If I would like to add a day to continue/finish my training, this will be subject to availability and the instructors discretion, and will cost an additional $170 per day.

I Agree

Equipment Rental: I hereby affirm that any equipment lent to be for the duration of my course is under my responsibility and I understand that I will be made liable in case of loss or damage. Should I not return the items in the same condition as they were given to me, I agree that the following charges will apply: mask $40, fins $50, wetsuit $230, BCD $250, weight belt $30 + $3 per pound lost, dive computer $450.

I Agree

Today's Date: March 25, 2025

First Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Participant's Date of Birth*
First Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
First Participant's Signature*
Second Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Participant's Date of Birth*
Second Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Third Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Participant's Date of Birth*
Third Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Fourth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fourth Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Fifth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fifth Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Sixth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Participant's Date of Birth*
Sixth Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Seventh Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Participant's Date of Birth*
Seventh Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Eighth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Participant's Date of Birth*
Eighth Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Ninth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Participant's Date of Birth*
Ninth Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Tenth Participant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Participant's Date of Birth*
Tenth Participant's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Participant's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address

I'd like to receive information and news by e-mail.
Your signed waiver will be sent to the email address provided here and is available for download for three days via URL attachment.

Recreational scuba diving and freediving requires good physical and mental health. There are a few medical conditions which can be hazardous while diving, listed below. Those who have, or are predisposed to, any of these conditions, should be evaluated by a physician. This Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire provides a basis to determine if you should seek out that evaluation. If you have any concerns about your diving fitness not represented on this form, consult with your physician before diving. If you are feeling ill, avoid diving. If you think you may have a contagious disease, protect yourself and others by not participating in dive training and/or dive activities. References to "diving" on this form encompass both recreational scuba diving and freediving.

This form is principally designed as an initial medical screen for new divers, but is also appropriate for divers taking continuing education. For your safety, and that of others who may dive with you, answer all questions honestly.


Complete this questionnaire as a prerequisite to a recreational scuba diving or freediving course.

Note to women: If you are pregnant, or attempting to become pregnant, do not dive.

1. I have had problems with my lungs/breathing, heart, blood, or have been diagnosed with COVID-19.*
2. I am over 45 years of age.*
3. I struggle to perform moderate exercise (for example, walk 1.6 kilometer/one mile in 14 minutes or swim 200 meters/yards without resting), OR I have been unable to participate in a normal physical activity due to fitness or health reasons within the past 12 months.*
4. I have had problems with my eyes, ears, or nasal passages/sinuses.*
5. I have had surgery within the last 12 months, OR I have ongoing problems related to past surgery.*
6. I have lost consciousness, had migraine headaches, seizures, stroke, significant head injury, or suffer from persistent neurologic injury or disease.*
7. I am currently undergoing treatment (or have required treatment within the last five years) for psychological problems, personality disorder, panic attacks, or an addiction to drugs or alcohol; or, I have been diagnosed with a learning disability.*
8. I have had back problems, hernia, ulcers, or diabetes.*
9. I have had stomach or intestine problems, including recent diarrhea.*
10. I am taking prescription medications (with the exception of birth control or anti-malarial drugs other than mefloquine/Lariam).*

If you answered NO to all 10 questions above, a medical evaluation is not required. Please read and agree to the participant statement below. 

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, you have to fill in a more extensive medical questionnaire. Please ASK FOR ASSISTANCE from one of our staff members. 

Participant Statement: I have answered all questions honestly, and understand that I accept responsibility for any consequences resulting from any questions I may have answered inaccurately or for my failure to disclose any existing or past health conditions.*
Yes, I agree. I have answered NO to all the questions.
Yes, I agree. I have answered YES to one or more questions and am requesting assistance.
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information
Country of origin*
Are your a Panamanian resident?*

Passport/Cédula Number

When are you starting the course? *
Do you need a mask?*
Do you need fins?*
Do you need a wetsuit?*
Do you need a BCD?*

How much do you weigh? (Please indicate this in kilograms. This is so we can estimate how much led you will need on your dives) *
What would you like to eat on your diving days?*

Join Us in Protecting Our Reef!

  1. Bring Your Own Bottle: Please bring a reusable water bottle for refills. We’ll provide the water! (We also have reusable bottles for sale if you don’t own one yet)
  2. Stay Shaded: Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as a rash guard and a hat, to shield yourself from the sun.
  3. Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Apply reef-safe sunscreen on exposed areas like your face and hands. If you don’t have any, we provide some for you.
  4. Defogging Solution: We offer reef-safe mask defog, so you can skip the baby shampoo!

Every little action helps! Thank you for being part of the solution!

Which hotel/hostel are you staying at? (Please write TBC if you are booking a package or have not made a reservation yet) *
How did you hear about us?*
Project AWARE is a non-profit organization that works on global change for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. You can make a $10 donation to Project AWARE and will receive a PADI certification card for your course that shows your support for ocean protection. Ask if you would like more information on this. Would you like to make a donation?*

Emergency contact's name (this should NOT be a person you are diving with) *

Emergency contact's phone number

Insurance Carrier (this can be your dive, travel or health insurance)

Insurance policy number
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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