


This PALISADES TAHOE TEAM AGREEMENT (“AGREEMENT”) contains, among other things, the Travel Policies and Release, TEAM Code of Conduct, Financial Policies, TEAM Parent Code of Conduct, Chairlift Code of Conduct, Permission to Treat Minors, Supervision of Minors Ages 5 and Under, and the PALISADES TAHOE Shuttle Bus Policy. Each participant (also referred to as “athlete”) and coach with TEAM PALISADES TAHOE and her/his parents, recognizes, understands, supports, and by signing this AGREEMENT agrees to all of the terms, conditions, policies and procedures as set forth herein (and as revised during the season as necessary) on behalf of themselves and their children participating in TEAM PALISADES TAHOE programming. 


It is TEAM PALISADES TAHOE’S priority to reduce injury and accident rates by enforcing sound safety measures and educating coaches, athletes, and parents on various practices designed to improve the safety and wellbeing of all participants. Skiing/Snowboarding is an inherently dangerous sport, but we hope that our focus on safety – with both parents and staff demanding safe practices of our athletes and setting the best example – will reduce incidents and injuries while skiing/snowboarding, riding the lifts, training and competing, when traveling and in and around the other facilities of our resorts and the resorts and locations we visit.

Safety violations by PALISADES TAHOE TEAM participants and parents may result in appropriate consequences ranging from reprimands, suspensions and up to and including expulsion from the program.

Mountain Safety Policies: All PALISADES TAHOE TEAM participants, parents, and coaches need to familiarize themselves with and are responsible for knowing and following PALISADES TAHOE’S MOUNTAIN SAFETY POLICES, available at: https://www.palisadestahoe.com/footer/mountain-safety-policies.


PALISADES TAHOE considers concussions or suspected concussions a type of potentially traumatic brain injury and treats them seriously. It is recommended that athletes 14 years of age and older should participate in a baseline test. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE will follow the legal requirements of the State of California and U.S. Ski and Snowboard regarding athletes’ return to training. In the event of a suspected concussion or injury, TEAM PALISADES TAHOE may require a doctor’s release for return to training or competition.

It is of critical importance that TEAM PALISADES TAHOE be fully authorized in its sole discretion to provide and obtain pre hospital medical treatment to TEAM participants who are injured, within the scope of their training, and to arrange for transfer of injured TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participants to hospital or other care whether while at the PALISADES TAHOE resort or traveling. A form providing for such authorization is attached hereto as Attachment A and must also be fully filled out and signed by a parent(s) unless the athlete is over 18 years of age in order for the athlete to be allowed to participate in TEAM PALISADES TAHOE programming. Please note: A separate form is required to be completed for each minor athlete participating in the program.


In order to provide the safest possible experience, we will rely on the joint efforts of TEAM PALISADES TAHOE coaches and parents, as well as individual athlete’s knowledge and responsibility. Every TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participant must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride, and unload the chairlift safely. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE will always adhere to PALISADES TAHOE chairlift safety policies. PALISADES TAHOE chairlift safety policies may change periodically and can be found here: https://www.palisadestahoe.com/footer/mountain-safety-policies#tab=chairlift-safety---kids-on-lifts.

Ride with Me – TEAM PALISADES TAHOE athletes under 51” will be outfitted with a Kinderlift vest and required to ride with an appropriate companion, when practicable. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE may determine certain athletes under 51” who aren’t required to use a Kinderlift vest. If the parents agree, they will be required to acknowledge an “opt-out” AGREEMENT.

Best Practices – Communicating Kids on Lifts – U51” Program:

Behave, be aware, and be respectful of others when you are in line, loading the chair, riding the chair, and unloading the chair.

When you are loading the chair, move promptly from the WAIT HERE board must be straight-ahead in-line with the direction of the chair. When skis/board are at an angle the edge of the ski/board can catch the snow and pull the athlete off the seat.

Seat Positioning – Load small children next to the armrest or next to an appropriate companion.

Sit Back – Child’s back must be on the back of the chair. No arching of the back. Children must not lean on the bar. Remind children to scoot back until their back is against the seatback. Lower Bar – Signs may be posted a few towers from the lower terminal, encouraging passengers to lower the bar.


“Hold on tight” – The child should either hold the armrest if seated on the outside or hold the back of the seat if seated in a middle position. “Look Forward” – The child must always face forward.

“Don’t Fool Around” – Children on the lift must behave. Zero tolerance for horseplay on the chairlifts “Do Not Lean on Bar” – The child must keep their back on the back of the seat.

“Keep Bar Down” – The restraint bar should be down and should remain down after leaving the loading area.


“Raise Bar” – It is imperative that the safety bar is not raised until the chair is even with the green “Raise Bar” sign or last tower directly before the unloading area. After the safety bar has been raised, and directly before the “Unloading Ramp”, ask the children to move forward on the chair and prepare to unload.


Collision safety education and preventative measures are critical to the well-being of everyone on the mountain. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE will always adhere to PALISADES TAHOE collision safety policies, including the Share the Mountain and the NSAA's #RideAnotherDay Collision Mitigation Campaign. Additional information may be found at: https://www.palisadestahoe.com/footer/mountain-safety-policies#tab=collisions TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participants in a supervised PALISADES TAHOE program who violate the Chairlift Safety Code of Conduct, collision safety violations, or other safety measures, may face appropriate consequences ranging from reprimands, suspensions and up to and including expulsion from the program.


Parents of participants under five (5) years of age must remain within Palisades Tahoe while each of their children is participating in a Palisades Tahoe program or within Palisades Tahoe Alpine while each participant is in a Palisades Tahoe Alpine program. All parents (or designated representative) of minors (under 18 years of age) in a PALISADES TAHOE program, must be contactable and available to respond to an emergency within a reasonable amount of time.


It is the goal of TEAM PALISADES TAHOE to foster the personal growth and favorable development of all who participate in our programs.

TEAM PALISADES TAHOE athletes and coaches must conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. They always represent TEAM PALISADES TAHOE especially at training and competitions. Athletes and coaches are responsible for knowledge of and adherence to competition rules and procedures, and knowledge of and adherence to the rules and procedures of PALISADES TAHOE, TEAM PALISADES TAHOE, and any other authoritative organization at all trainings and competitions. Unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disqualification from an event and possibly prevent participation in future events, or other PALISADES TAHOE TEAM consequences. The TEAM PALISADES TAHOE Code of Conduct applies at all times to all TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participants and coaches, as well as guest athletes attending a TEAM PALISADES TAHOE camp, travel or event. Sportsmanlike conduct is defined as, but not limited to: respect for competition officials, other athletes, resort employees, spectators, and the skiing and snowboarding public; respect for facilities, privileges, and operating procedures; being courteous and acting responsibly; refraining from the use of profane or abusive language; and refraining from inappropriate or over indulgent use of alcohol, use of tobacco, use of illegal/legal drugs, and/or use of any other banned substances, regardless of local laws. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE considers the legal age for consumption of alcohol as 21 years of age or older, regardless of local law. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE strictly prohibits the use of tobacco, marijuana or illegal or unprescribed drugs in any form, regardless of local laws.


TEAM PALISADES TAHOE athletes and coaches must maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct, which includes self-control, responsible behavior, consideration for the physical and emotional well-being of others, courtesy, and good manners. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participants must, at all times, conduct themselves as ambassadors of TEAM PALISADES TAHOE, PALISADES TAHOE RESORT and other TEAMS or organizations they may represent.

Athletes must observe and follow all coaches’ directions and rules at all times.

All training, competition, lodging, and transportation areas must be kept clean. This includes TEAM PALISADES TAHOE competition centers and TEAM PALISADES TAHOE vehicles.

No personal use of mobile phones during training or racing unless prior express permission is granted by a coach. Athletes and coaches will attend all applicable awards ceremonies when possible.

Athletes and coaches must not violate the customs, travel, or currency regulations of any applicable jurisdiction. While traveling, girls and boys are not allowed in each other’s rooms, unless a coach or adult chaperone is present. Curfew and lights-out times are determined by the coach and must be respected and adhered to by athletes.

Athletes and coaches traveling with the TEAM PALISADES TAHOE must participate in all TEAM PALISADES TAHOE activities, unless a coach has given express consent for non-participation. Unsupervised activities are not allowed without the explicit advance consent of a coach.

Harassment or bullying of any kind or form (e.g., physical, sexual, verbal, non-verbal, online, individual, group, etc.) will result in immediate disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the TEAM PALISADES TAHOE.


TEAM PALISADES TAHOE seeks to provide an environment that promotes healthy athletic and personal development. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participants shall be both conscious of and free from the adverse influence and effects of alcohol, illegal drugs, and illegally or improperly used legal substances (including tobacco and drugs not prescribed for the person using them). This policy regarding the use and possession of drugs and alcohol is intended to protect the community from the effects of substance use and abuse and to promote trust, responsibility, and communication within the community. All TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participants, regardless of age, are prohibited from being under the influence of, possessing, selling, distributing, using, or soliciting alcohol, illegal or unprescribed drugs, tobacco products, legal substances used inappropriately, or related paraphernalia.


Only TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participants are allowed in the locker room. Only one athlete may use the bathroom at a time.

TEAM PALISADES TAHOE offices are off limits to all athletes and are for business use only, unless granted permission by TEAM PALISADES TAHOE staff. Equipment and clothing are the responsibility of the respective athlete(s). Belongings must be locked when the athlete is not present in locker room. Any lost or stolen items (on or off premises) are solely the responsibility of the owner of such items.

Lockers will be assigned prior to the start of the season on a first-come, first-served basis. All equipment must be removed at end of the ski season (approximately May 1). TEAM PALISADES TAHOE is not responsible for anything left in the locker room, and any items left in lockers after the ski season will be disposed of.

TEAM PALISADES TAHOE lockers will be used with a combination lock only, no key locks. No defacing the outside or inside of any locker.

No stickers allowed in the locker room. Use of the locker room is a privilege, not a right: The locker room is not a playground. Please behave accordingly.

ONLY the coaching staff may operate the electronic equipment (video equipment, tablets, etc.). While in the hallway, skis are to be carried by hand, NOT on the shoulders.

The hallway is not a storage place for clothing/equipment. It is not a dressing area or a place to eat lunch and/or snacks. The hallway is not a place to play.

TEAM PALISADES TAHOE property within the locker room and /hallway is not to be removed from the area or used for a purpose for which it was not designed, unless specifically instructed by a TEAM PALISADES TAHOE staff member. Athletes shall not borrow without permission, hide, or vandalize any teammate’s property or equipment that is stored in the TEAM PALISADES TAHOE locker room or otherwise.


Participants 12 years of age or younger are considered unaccompanied minors and are prohibited from riding any PALISADES TAHOE shuttlebus alone.

Any participant 12 years of age or younger MUST be accompanied on the bus by a parent, legal guardian, or other responsible rider at least 13 years of age, who has been approved by the participant’s parents or TEAM PALISADES TAHOE staff as being responsible for the child’s care and conduct during transportation.

PALISADES TAHOE is not responsible for and will not coordinate “hand-offs” to persons including coaches, instructors, parents, or guardians at receiving or departing bus stops; this process MUST be handled by parents or guardians.

Parents and guardians are solely responsible for determining if their participant between the ages of 13 and 17 are capable of unaccompanied bus travel and/or the care, custody, and accompaniment of a participant 12 years of age or younger and communicating that to TEAM PALISADES TAHOE staff.


TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participants that travel via TEAM PALISADES TAHOE owned, operated, reserved, chartered, or otherwise provided bus, shuttle, van, car, or other mode of transportation, will do so in a safe and courteous manner, including, without limitation, always wearing a seatbelt when the vehicle is in motion, complying with all driver or crew instructions, not distracting the driver or crew, not creating an excess of noise, not engaging in horseplay, not vandalizing or defacing the vehicle, and, otherwise behaving as a good passenger at all times.


TEAM PALISADES TAHOE may impose discipline when there is a violation of the Code of Conduct and/or whenever it determines it is necessary or appropriate. Discipline imposed will depend on the circumstances of each case and, therefore, will not necessarily be assigned in any particular sequence. In all cases, should disciplinary action take place, the parent of the athlete will be informed.

If discipline is appropriate, the following (or other not listed as deemed appropriate) corrective actions may occur:

Verbal warning – Verbal warning may be used to address minor infractions or first offenses. The TEAM PALISADES TAHOE may use this option to increase awareness, reinforce established expectations and rules, and/or provide corrective coaching.

Written warning – Based on the seriousness of the offense, written warnings may be used to address the seriousness of the infraction or repeat offenses and to serve notice that further infractions may result in further disciplinary action up to and including removal from TEAM PALISADES TAHOE.

Suspension – Participants may be suspended from training and/or competition. Participants may be placed on suspension while an investigation is being conducted to determine the appropriate disciplinary action.

Removal from TEAM PALISADES TAHOE– Removal from TEAM PALISADES TAHOE may occur when verbal and/or written warnings, or suspension has failed to improve behavior or performance. A participant may also be released without prior warning if the nature of the infraction warrants such action. Infractions which may be cause for immediate removal from TEAM PALISADES TAHOE include, without limitation, theft, violence, harassment/bullying, drug use, and violation of safety guidelines.

Loss or suspension of lift privileges.

Consequences may also include written or verbal presentation to staff and/or athletes about what they have learned.


Parents and guardians agree to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for their children and other TEAM PALISADES TAHOE athletes by following this Parents’ Code of Conduct: I will inform a coach or administration member of any physical, mental, or emotional injury, illness, disability, or condition that may affect the safety or participation of my child or others.

I will adhere to all PALISADES TAHOE and TEAM PALISADES TAHOE safety policies and guidelines, and I will help educate my children and ensure they adhere to them as well. I will learn the rules of competition and the policies of its governing organization.

My guests and I will be positive role models for my child and encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators at all competitions, trainings, and events.

I will place the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of my child ahead of a personal desire to win.

I will not encourage any behavior or practices that would endanger the health or well-being of any athlete.

I will teach my child to compete and train by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility, harassment, or violence.

I will demand that my child treat other competitors, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect, regardless of race, national origin, religion, sex or sexual orientation/gender identity or expression, political affiliation or ability/disability, and/or any other protected class or any affiliation therewith.

I will never ridicule or yell at my child or another athlete for making a mistake or losing a competition. I will do my very best to make ski/snowboard participation a fun experience for my child.

I will help my child enjoy the experience by doing whatever I can, such as providing transportation, being a respectful fan, and assisting with other team duties as requested by the coaching staff. I will respect the officials and their authority during events and support coaches working with my child in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.

I will demand a drug-free, alcohol-free, and tobacco-free athletic environment for my child and will support any consequences from failing to meet this standard.

I recognize that the relationship between an athlete and a coach can be altered dramatically by the presence of a parent. Therefore, I will “observe from afar” and refrain from coaching my child, unless I am explicitly asked by a coach to assist.

I will not publicly question the honesty, integrity, nor judgment of the coaching staff or other adult volunteers. If I have a complaint, I will raise it privately with coach or appropriate personnel. I will adhere to all times and posted schedules set forth by the coaches for training and competitions.

As a parent, guardian, or spectator, I will responsibly handle disagreements. I agree not to engage in disruptive activity such as verbal or physical confrontation. I will not create conflict by making or passing on to others any defamatory or malicious comments, rumors or threats, nor will I entice any other person to do so and will report any that I become aware of to a member of TEAM PALISADES TAHOE or TEAM PALISADES TAHOE staff.


Symptomatic athletes may not participate in TEAM PALISADES TAHOE activities. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE participants who become symptomatic of an illness must be fever free and symptom free for 24 hours prior to returning to participation. 


Refund Policy (for injury, illness, or if coaching staff determines participant does not meet program requirements):

Recognizing the financial commitment families have made to skiing/snowboarding and TEAM PALISADES TAHOE and PALISADES TAHOE has developed the following policy. Requests for refunds must be emailed to

TEAM PALISADES TAHOE’s Administrator within two weeks of date of injury or illness. Requests will be considered as follows:

From Start of Season through December 31: 75% refund.

January 1 - January 31: 50% refund.

February 1 and after: No refund of TEAM PALISADES TAHOE fees.

There may be scheduled TEAM PALISADES TAHOE days or portions of days that are cancelled due to weather and/or conditions. There will be no refunds for these cancellations. Any disciplinary action taken for an infraction will not entitle any refund of money paid to TEAM PALISADES TAHOE.


General Statement

“TEAM Travel” refers to events in which TEAM PALISADES TAHOE provides for the organization of a trip which may include training, competition, transportation, lodging, meals and/or supervision of the athletes.

TEAM Travel is a privilege. Each athlete recognizes that he/she represents TEAM PALISADES TAHOE while engaged in TEAM Travel or otherwise traveling with TEAM PALISADES TAHOE. As a consequence, each athlete commits to conduct themselves with a courteous attitude and behavior at all times. If any athlete believes any other individual treats him/her in an unfair or inappropriate manner, such athlete is to immediately remove himself/herself from the situation without confrontation and, immediately, bring the situation to the attention of the attending TEAM PALISADES TAHOE staff, coaches and/or chaperones. Each athlete is expected and required to pick up after herself/himself, maintain his/her equipment in an orderly fashion, and be timely, prompt, and prepared for any TEAM PALISADES TAHOE activity. Each parent adopts, supports, and agrees with these expectations of athletes engaged in TEAM Travel or otherwise traveling with TEAM PALISADES TAHOE.

The traveling privilege is revocable at the discretion of TEAM PALISADES TAHOE Program Director or senior attending TEAM PALISADES TAHOE coach. The expenses and arrangements (including the normal costs of the remainder of the trip) of any departing athlete from a TEAM Travel event whose privilege has been revoked shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the departing athlete’s parents. Reinstatement of the privilege will be at the sole discretion of the TEAM PALISADES TAHOE Program Director.


Certain trips may be designated as “TEAM Travel”

Athletes will be supervised by TEAM PALISADES TAHOE employees while on TEAM Travel projects, except when explicit permission is granted by TEAM PALISADES TAHOE staff to participate in unsupervised activities. This includes travel time to and from the event and during the event.

It is acknowledged that supervision does not extend to all activities, including but not limited to lunch breaks and other daily activities outside of the reasonable scope of TEAM PALISADES TAHOE staff’s normal job responsibilities.

Other trips will be designated as “Individual Travel”

Athletes will be supervised by TEAM PALISADES TAHOE employees only during training and competition periods. These periods include on-snow activities, off-snow video review, and dryland activities. It is acknowledged that participants/parents must provide for their own lodging and travel to and from these events.

It is acknowledged that parent(s) must provide supervision during all non-training periods.


Non-Training Time is defined as any time the athlete is not participating in a scheduled event or activity while traveling. Athletes must obtain permission for any Free Time activity from the senior attending coach. While on Free Time, athletes must strictly adhere to the terms of this AGREEMENT.

TEAM Travel Administration and Athlete Payment

For TEAM Travel events with a published fixed fee, such as a projects, competitions, and/or camps, upon request, parents must remit full payment or deposits prior to the event. For TEAM Travel events without a published fixed fee, the following rules and policies apply:

The travel costs for our coaching staff will be billed to all participating athletes, covering their equal share of the coaches’ expenses (food, lodging, and other expense) plus those expenses specific to their travel.

TEAM PALISADES TAHOE will attempt to provide a reasonable cost estimate before the event. Parents of attending athletes recognize this is only an estimate and the final cost may vary considerably. A deposit and/or credit card on file will be required prior to departure.

Parents agree to pay in full any invoice within 14 days of receipt. Failure to timely pay any invoices for previous TEAM Travel events may result in revocation of the athlete’s privilege to participate in future TEAM Travel events or

TEAM PALISADES TAHOE functions at the discretion of TEAM PALISADES TAHOE Program Director.

TEAM PALISADES TAHOE fixed expenses will be allocated evenly among all participating athletes regardless of the number of days of their participation. TEAM PALISADES TAHOE’S fixed expenses typically include but are not limited to: transporting equipment to the event, lane space expenses, lift tickets, vehicle rentals or per mile vehicle fee if personal vehicles are used, and athlete lodging reserved by TEAM PALISADES TAHOE.

The total expense of athlete lodging reserved by TEAM PALISADES TAHOE will be divided equally among the participating athletes, regardless of the number of athletes to a room. The only time an individual athlete’s lodging expense can be reduced is if an athlete’s non-attendance reduces athletes’ lodging expenses.

Athletes who commit to a TEAM Travel event without a published fixed fee and who fail to attend the event without pre-event cancellation or only partially attend the event (regardless of reason) will be invoiced for their share of

TEAM PALISADES TAHOE’s fixed expenses, subject only to reduction by the savings in lodging resulting from non-attendance.

Athletes who commit to a TEAM Travel event without a published fixed fee who travel separately at their own expense to the event will participate equally in TEAM PALISADES TAHOE’s fixed expenses, with a reduction for the athlete’s own travel expenses. If the athlete stays separately at his/her own expense and not with TEAM PALISADES TAHOE, the athlete will not be invoiced for TEAM PALISADES TAHOE’s athlete lodging expense. The athlete must communicate in writing (which may be via email) at least 14 days prior to TEAM Travel if they will not be staying with TEAM PALISADES TAHOE and have made individual arrangements.

Additional policies and rules may apply and will be distributed by the individual program.


Refunds will be granted for withdrawal from projects or competition trips, or for partial attendance due to injury, illness, or family emergency on the following schedule: 100% of incremental/recoverable costs- Thirty-one (31) or more days prior to the first day of the event;

50%of incremental/recoverable costs - Thirty (30) to fifteen (15) days prior to the first day of the event;

Recoverable costs (if any) - Zero (0) to fourteen (14) (6) days prior to the first day of the event; or

Recoverable costs only after the beginning of the event, subject to leader discretion.

GENERAL CANCELLATION: Refunds will not be granted for general cancellation if notice is given less than Thirty-one (31) days from the first day of travel.

Athlete or athletes’ parent must provide written notice (which may be via email) of cancellation to TEAM PALISADES TAHOE leader and TEAM Travel Administrator at least 14 days before an event to receive a refund. Cancellation via phone or voicemail will not be eligible for refund.

Athlete or athlete’s parent must provide a valid credit on TEAM PALISADES TAHOE’S Credit Card Authorization form and submit it to the business office before athlete attends his/her first event.TRAVEL WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY

The undersigned acknowledge and understand that travel and all of the many associated activities occurring while travelling, whether in or around Palisades Tahoe and whether by bus, shuttle, van, car, or other mode of transportation and TEAM Travel (as defined above) (collectively “Travel”), just like skiing/snowboarding, has many inherent risks and other dangers and hazards, including but not limited to the negligence of drivers, vehicle failures, overnight stays with PALISADES TAHOE employees and volunteers acting as chaperones, among many other too numerous to specify or fully anticipate, and in consideration for my child(ren) being allowed to participate in TEAM PALISADES TAHOE program, I/WE AGREE TO RELEASE FROM ANY LEGAL LIABILITY AND AGREE NEVER TO SUE PALISADES TAHOE SKI HOLDINGS, LLC, PALISADES TAHOE RESORT, LLC, Alterra Mountain Company U.S., Inc., TEAM PALISADES TAHOE, the USDA Forest Service, and each of their respective affiliates, sponsors, insurers, successors, assigns, directors, officers, partners, shareholders, members, managers, agents, employees, volunteers and any other ski areas or participating facilities where TEAM PALISADES TAHOE events take place (collectively, the “Released Parties”) for any damage, injury, or death to my child(ren)or to any other person or property, for injury, damage or death resulting from my child(ren)’s participation in Travel with TEAM PALISADES TAHOE, regardless of the cause, including any alleged NEGLIGENCE of any of the Released Parties. I further AGREE TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS the Released Parties from any claims, lawsuits, damages, attorneys’ fees, costs, or judgments arising out of my child(ren)’s participation in TEAM PALISADES TAHOE programs and Travel. I/WE UNDERSTAND THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY THAT IS VALID FOREVER and will apply whenever my child(ren)participates in TEAM PALISADES TAHOE programs and Travel and I/we enter into it knowingly, freely, and voluntarily and agree that it is binding upon me/us, my/our child(ren), my/our child(ren)’s heirs, assigns, and legal representatives and that absent this release my/our child(ren) would not be allowed to participate in TEAM PALISADES TAHOE program and Travel.


The undersigned athlete and his/her parent and/or legal guardian, in signing below, hereby acknowledge, and voluntarily agree to the following:

We have fully read and understand this entire AGREEMENT and will abide by and follow all of its terms.

Our participation in the activities and services of TEAM PALISADES TAHOE, its coaches, staff, and parent volunteers are purely voluntary on their part.

Any disciplinary action taken for an infraction of the Codes of Conduct will not entitle me to any refund of money paid to TEAM PALISADES TAHOE.

The various Codes of Conduct, individually and/or collectively, do not create any legal rights or causes of action of any nature on the part of an athlete or an athlete’s parents or representatives against TEAM PALISADES TAHOE; TEAMS PALISADES TAHOE Directors, Coaches, and Staff; the Managing Director of Snowsports, or any parent volunteer acting on behalf TEAM PALISADES TAHOE, and we (the undersigned athlete and his/her parent and/or legal guardian) expressly waive and voluntarily relinquish any legal rights or causes of action alleged to arise out of the enforcement of the TEAM PALISADES TAHOE Codes of Conduct and disciplinary actions.

We understand and agree that this AGREEMENT is severable and that if any clause is found to be invalid, the balance of the contract will remain in effect, valid, and enforceable. This AGREEMENT is subject to and interpreted under the laws of the State of California. I Agree that any action related to this AGREEMENT must be brought, exclusively, in Placer County.

We know that these policies may be updated at any time and that we will be notified of any changes.

Signature of Team Member (if over 18 years) and a Parent/Guardian acknowledging agreement to every term in this Agreement is required prior to participating in any Team event.

I/we and the SVAM Team members below agree to comply with this Squaw Valley & Alpine Meadows Ski Team Agreement in both word and spirit.

April 24, 2024

First Athlete Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
First Athlete Date of Birth*
First Athlete Information

Allergies: Drug or Other

Team Base*
Team Name*

Click to customize text

First Athlete Signature*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address

A signed copy of this waiver will be sent to the email address you provide.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information

Allergies: Drug or Other

Team Base*
Team Name*

Click to customize text

Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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