Date: March 31, 2025 Must be completed at least once each calendar year If I am a shooting guest, I certify that I have never been convicted of a felony in a court of law; and I am legally able to purchase or possess firearms. My signature serves as a Liability Release and a Photo Release for Tri-City Gun Club. I fully understand that violation of Tri-City Gun Club Safety Rules may be grounds for me to be asked to leave the Tri City Gun Club property. TRI-CITY GUN CLUB GUEST INDEMNIFICATION, HOLD HARMLESS, DEFENSE, WAIVER, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT In consideration of being permitted entry to and/or use of “Premises” of the Tri-City Gun Club (“Club”) for whatever purpose, including, but not limited to, use of firearms and/or other weapons (including, but not limited to crossbows and longbows) by them and/or another, and with full knowledge that firearms and/or other weapons are used and discharged on Club Premises, the undersigned Member/Guest, parent and/or legal guardian (individually and together “Undersigned”) agree to the following: Undersigned agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Club and/or their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives, and agents from any and all fault, liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, demands, and/or lawsuits arising out of, related to, or in any way connected with, any and all actual or alleged acts or omissions of Undersigned in the course of use of Club’s range, buildings, facilities, and land (together comprising “Premises”) including, but not limited to, Undersigned’s use of firearms and/or other weapons. Undersigned further waive for themselves and for their heirs, next of kin, assignees, personal representatives, administrators, and executors rights and claims for damages, loss, costs, demands, and any other actions or claims whatsoever, which they may have or which may arise against Club (including, but not limited to, damage to Undersigned’s property and/or any and all illnesses, injuries, including mental or emotional distress or anguish, and other damages, including death, suffered by Undersigned) which may in any way whatsoever arise out of, be related to, or be connected with use of firearms and/or other weapons on Club Premises by Undersigned and/or another. Club shall not be liable for, and Undersigned, on behalf of themselves and on behalf of their heirs, next of kin, assignees, personal representatives, administrators, and executors, expressly release Club and Club’s members, employees, and/or agents from any and all such claims and liabilities including, but not limited to, claims of actual or alleged negligence on the part of Club, its members, employees, and/or agents. Undersigned acknowledge and agree that use of firearms and/or other weapons is an inherently dangerous activity. Undersigned expressly assume the risk of being on Club Premises where firearms and/or other weapons are used; and Undersigned further expressly assume the risk of discharging firearms and/or use of any weapons by whomever and the firing of live ammunition and/or use of any weapons by them and/or another. Further to above assumption of risk, undersigned has read and acknowledges Oklahoma Statutes 76-50.6 Gun Ranges and Gun Clubs – Liability. ( Undersigned gives full permission to use video and photos as needed. Undersigned expressly agree that this agreement by them, individually and together, is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law and that if any provision of this agreement is held invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be impaired. No remedy conferred by any of the specific provisions of this agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. The election of any one or more remedy hereunder by Club shall not constitute any waiver of Club’s right to pursue other available remedies. This agreement binds Undersigned and their heirs, next of kin, assignees, personal representatives, administrators, and executors. Undersigned acknowledge and agree that Undersigned have read this entire agreement and they understand its terms and are executing this agreement voluntarily. Undersigned also acknowledge and agree that they have read, understand, and will at all times abide by all range rules and procedures and any other rules and procedures stated by Club.
Dear Guest, Welcome to Tri-City Gun Club. We’re glad you came to visit. We appreciate all those who have an interest in, and support for the Shooting Sports. As our guest, here are a few things we want to ensure that you are made aware of. Your Host Member is required to; - Review the range rules, range layout as well as transport and use of firearms before you move your firearms and shooting equipment from your car to the Firing Line.
- Have you sign the guest liability waiver form.
- If you are under 14 years old, your host member must be in direct control of your shooting activity.
- Remain with you at all times. If, for some reason your host must leave the firing line, you are no longer allowed to shoot and must remain behind the yellow line sitting on the benches until they return. Guests under the age of 18 are not to be left unsupervised on the range.
Your safety and enjoyment are of utmost importance to us. Therefore, you must acknowledge the following items. - ALWAYS keep your firearm \ muzzle pointed in a SAFE direction and never at another person. At TCGC this means firearms MUST be pointed downrange toward the berm at all times. DO NOT turn your firearm sideways on a shooting bench \ parallel to the firing line when checking, loading, inspecting, etc. and, DO NOT turn away from the firing line with your firearm in your hand!! (Unless it is unloaded, cased and you are returning it to your vehicle.)
I Agree - Keep your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
I Agree - Only load your firearm when you are ready to shoot.
I Agree - Adjust your targets or shooting position to ensure your bullets directly impact the lower 2/3rds of the berm.
I Agree - Eye and ear protection are required any time you are under a shooting range cover.
I Agree - You may bring your firearms and equipment from your car up to the firing line \ shooting bench, handle and load your firearms and be at the shooting bench ONLY when the firing line is declared ‘HOT’ and your member sponsor says it is OK to do so.
I Agree - In preparation for the firing line to be declared ‘COLD’, you must clear your fire arms (remove all ammunition \ magazines, pull your slide or bolt to the rear and insert an open chamber indicator into the chamber), get your staple gun and targets then move behind the yellow line. When the range is declared “COLD” and the Red Lights are turned on, you must stay behind the yellow line unless you are going forward of the Firing Line \ down range to post or pull targets or pickup brass. DO NOT approach the shooting bench, load or handle your firearms or your shooting related equipment when the range is Cold and the Red light is turned on.
I Agree - If you should hear the command ‘Cease Fire’, immediately stop shooting, put your firearm on safe and wait for your host to tell what to do next.
I Agree - Alcohol and drugs are prohibited on TCGC property. Shooting while impaired is prohibited.
I Agree - In addition to general requirements listed above, Undersigned has read rules posted on specific range they will be using.
I Agree
Once again, thank you for visiting. We hope you have a safe and wonderful experience here at Tri-City Gun Club.