Personal Information about staff and customers is necessary for the safe, effective and efficient commercial operation of Jungle Cat World, in particular, for such programs as Safari Zoo Camp. This policy, in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), strives to govern the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in a manner that recognizes the right of privacy of individuals with respect to their personal information.



Jungle Cat World will collect, use or disclose personal information in the course of a commercial activity only for purposes that a reasonable person would consider are appropriate in the circumstances and to the extent necessary to complete that activity. Information will be used only for the purpose for which it was submitted/collected for and will not be shared, sold, or loaned to any one or any business.



Reasons for Jungle Cat World to acquire personal information are:

  • To establish and maintain responsible relationships with its members, participants, parents, visitors, donors and staff;
  • To manage, develop and enhance Jungle Cat World operations, programs and services;
  • To complete administrative duties, such as information requests and  
  • acknowledging donations;
  • To process and collect fees for service;
  • To assess participant needs;
  • To determine program service, employment or volunteer eligibility;
  • To provide a safe and secure environment for customers, participants and staff;
  • To collect data for statistical purposes;
  • To better understand the changing needs of the people we serve;
  • To communicate the range of programs, services, and opportunities that benefit the people we serve;
  • To meet legal, regulatory and contractual requirements.



It is the responsibility of management to protect, in accordance with this policy, personal information.

If Jungle Cat World transfers personal information to a third party for processing, the zoo will ensure that the third party provides a level of protection to that information that is comparable to the level of protection mandated by this policy and provided by Jungle Cat World.

The following security safeguards will be used to protect personal information against loss or theft, as well as against unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification:

  • Physical copies of such information when not being used shall be stored in locked filing cabinets or in offices to which access is restricted;
  • Electronic copies of such information shall be stored only on computers or in computer systems that are password protected; and
  • Access to the information will only be provided to employees who need to have access in order to do their jobs. *

* Sometimes management must relay personal information to staff that is deemed necessary to complete a specific task or job safely and effectively. An example of this is a summer camp counsellor being advised of a medical condition that one of the campers have. Management must use careful consideration any time personal information is passed on by word-of-mouth. Staff are forbidden to share any personal information, that was entrusted to them by Jungle Cat World and/or management, with others.



Jungle Cat World may, without the knowledge or consent of the individual, use personal information only if:

  • In the course of its activities, Jungle Cat World becomes aware of information, that it has reasonable grounds to believe, could be useful in the investigation of a contravention of the laws of Canada, a province or a foreign jurisdiction that has been, is being or is about to be committed, and the information is used for the purpose of investigating that contravention.
  • It is used for the purpose of acting in respect of an emergency that threatens the life, health or security of an individual.



Jungle Cat World shall inform individuals who make enquiries or lodge complaints about matters covered by this policy of the existence of the following procedures:

Individuals who have complaints or questions concerning any of the matters covered by this policy, or who wish to gain access to personal information in the possession of Jungle Cat World, may do so by addressing their complaints, enquiries or requests in writing to: Jungle Cat World, 3667 Concession 6, Orono, ON, L0B 1M0.

This written complaint, enquiry or request must include sufficient information to permit Jungle Cat World to provide an account of the existence, use, and disclosure of personal information. The information so included shall only be used for the purpose of dealing with the complaint, enquiry or request.

The Director shall investigate all complaints. If a complaint is found to be justified, Jungle Cat World shall take appropriate measures, including, if necessary, amending its policies, practices and records and, where appropriate, shall transmit any amended records to third parties having copies of those records.

The Director will respond in writing to the complaint, enquiry or request within 20 working days and in a form that is easily understandable. Depending on the nature of the complaint, enquiry or request, the Director's response shall include the following information:

  • A copy of this policy;
  • A description of the type of personal information held by Jungle Cat World, including a general account of its source, a general account of its use and its disclosure to third parties, including its disclosure to related organizations; and
  • The information that is being held so that the individual shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

If following this response the individual demonstrates in writing that the information being held is inaccurate or incomplete, the Director will correct or complete the information being held and report to the individual in writing that this was done. If changes or additions requested by the individual are not made, the Director will so report to the individual in writing.

If the Director's response, including the response contemplated in the immediately preceding paragraph, is not accepted by the individual, and the individual so informs the Director in writing, the substance of the unresolved issues shall be recorded and, when appropriate, the existence of the unresolved issues shall be transmitted to third parties having access to the information in question.



Jungle Cat World shall make its employees aware of the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of personal information and shall advise them of the existence of this policy and its application to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

A copy of this policy shall be posted on the Jungle Cat World and Safari Zoo Camp web site so that all employees and all interested individuals will have access to the zoo’s policies and procedures concerning personal information.



Personal information shall be retained for a maximum of seven fiscal years following the fiscal year in which the personal information is collected, except for such information that may be stored electronically in a database (eg- CampBrain) or in any other financial or fund raising systems. Information, which is no longer required, shall be destroyed, erased, or made anonymous in a manner that will prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access to the information. Paper copies of such information shall be shredded and electronic records shall be erased in order to comply with this requirement.


3667 Concession Road 6, P.O. Box 370, Orono, Ontario, L0B 1M0, Canada

905-983-8217  •  •

Review Safari Zoo Camp Privacy Policy

I am the parent/legal guardian of the child herein noted (the “Child”).

The Child would like to participate in a program at Jungle Cat World called Zoo Camp (the “Program”).

In exchange for allowing the Child to participate in the Program, I hereby remise, release and forever discharge each of JUNGLE CAT WORLD INC. and SAFARI ZOO CAMP INC. (collectively, “Jungle Cat World”) and its officers, directors, servants, employees and agents, and their respective successors and assigns (collectively, the “Releasees”), of and from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions and causes of action of every kind, howsoever arising, in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to the Child and/or the Child’s property, which may in any way arise by reason of the Child’s participation in the Program and/or presence on Releasees’ premises (collectively, “Claims”).

I FURTHER AGREE AND UNDERTAKE to hold and save harmless and to indemnify all of the Releasees, from and against any and all Claims which may be brought against it by or on behalf of the Child, or by any person whatsoever.

I Agree

Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park / Safari Zoo Camp shall ensure that:

(A) We have any and all applicable and/or necessary licenses and permits;

(B) We will comply with all local, provincial and federal laws and ordinances;

(C) Appropriately trained and experienced staff will be guiding the Program;

(D) Animal health and welfare is assured. Animals will not be trained or forced to perform activities that may endanger them;

(E) The animals are used in a respectful and safe manner that is not misrepresenting or degrading. They will perform only actions or tasks, which are considered to be part of their natural behaviour;

(F) The animals will be free of any infectious diseases transmissible to people;

(G) Whenever direct contact between animals and the public is promoted, either signage or staff will direct and encourage the use of hand washing and/or sanitizing facilities;

(H) The areas in which the animals live or are temporarily kept will be clean and the animals themselves appropriately groomed;

(I) The information being relayed is pertinent and accurate. Jungle Cat World / Safari Zoo Camp will be fully accountable for the message received by the participants;

(J) We have a minimum $5 million liability insurance coverage.

First Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
First Child's Age Acknowledgment*
First Child's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
First Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
First Child's Signature*
Second Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Child's Date of Birth*
Second Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Third Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Child's Date of Birth*
Third Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Fourth Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Child's Date of Birth*
Fourth Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Fifth Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Child's Date of Birth*
Fifth Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Sixth Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Child's Date of Birth*
Sixth Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Seventh Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Child's Date of Birth*
Seventh Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Eighth Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Child's Date of Birth*
Eighth Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Ninth Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Child's Date of Birth*
Ninth Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Tenth Child's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Child's Date of Birth*
Tenth Child's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Child's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Legal Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Please check each box to indicate your agreement:
(A) Participants agree to respect and follow the rules, security measures and direction of the staff;
(B) For safety reasons, some age restrictions do apply with certain animals;
(C) Participants behave appropriately and do not treat the staff, animals or the program in a disrespectful manner;
(D) Staff discretion will ultimately decide the duration of time spent with each animal. Due to such things, as animal behavioural issues, experiences may vary;
(E)Participants arrive prepared and appropriately dressed for the weather and for working with the animals. This includes wearing closed-toe footwear and removing any dangling jewelry and watches. Additionally, it's best to avoid using strongly scented body lotions, perfumes, colognes, or insect repellents;
(F) Participants are responsible for any theft or damage to Jungle Cat World's equipment and/or any serious abuse, injury or death to the animals caused maliciously and/or with intent. In the unlikely event of circumstances deemed by staff to present a real or implied threat of harm to the equipment, persons and/or animals, staff reserves the right to cease further Program activities until the threatening situation has been resolved.
a. The Child's participation in the Program involves risks and hazards incidental thereto all of which are assumed by me;*
b. The Courts of Ontario shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any Claim, legal dispute, or cause of action in any way arising out of the Child's participation in the Program or presence on the Releasees' premises;*
c. I have read and understood this Enrolment Agreement; and*
d. I have executed this Enrolment Agreement voluntarily, after receiving, or having had the opportunity to receive, independent legal advice.*
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Legal Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*


Parent or Legal Guardian's Age Acknowledgment*
Parent or Legal Guardian's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
Parent or Legal Guardian's Information

I CONFIRM (and acknowledge that the Releasees rely on the accuracy of the information set out below) that:

a. The Child is capable of participating safely in the full Program and all activities except the following activities:

b. The following are the Child's health problems or concerns that Jungle Cat World should be aware of:

c) Aside from the health problems or concerns listed above, the Child is in good health and I have fully disclosed all medical, psychological and/or emotional problems or concerns; in case that such problems or concerns change before arrival at the Program, I will disclose such changes in writing to the Releasees;*
d. In case of emergency, should I not be immediately available for consultation, I hereby give permission to the staff of the Releasees to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and/or to order and secure necessary related transportation, injections, anaesthetics or surgery for the Child, and that I agree to be fully and solely responsible for any extra medical expenses so incurred by the Child;*
Parent or Legal Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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