INDEMNIFICATION AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY I acknowledge that I have requested entrance to the Discount Gun Mart Shooting Range (“Range”). I acknowledge and understand that the activities described herein include any and all activities of any kind, known or unknown, contemplated or not contemplated, while transiting to, transiting from and while on the Range and engaged in, observing or participating in activities on the Range (“Range Activities”). In consideration of the services provided by Discount Gun Mart, the entities doing business as Discount Gun Mart, their agents, owners, officers, volunteers, participants, employees, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf (hereinafter collectively referred to as "DGM"), on the Range and in adjacent areas including, but not limited to, the Discount Gun Mart store, Range and classrooms, I hereby agree, on behalf of myself, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, personal representative and estate as follows: 1. I certify I have viewed the safety video in its entirety and will abide by the instructions contained in it. 2. I acknowledge and understand that firearm shooting activities are inherently dangerous and hazardous. 3. I am voluntarily electing to participate in or observe firearm shooting, and other firearm shooting related activities at the DGM Range. I acknowledge that the activities involved in the use of any or all of DGM's services or facilities entail significant risks, both known and unknown, which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties. The risks include but are not limited to being shot by myself or others, me shooting others, risk of contact or inhalation of lead or other toxic substances, partial or total loss of hearing or eyesight. I understand that these and other risks cannot be eliminated without significantly impacting the ability to engage in firearm shooting activities. These activities can expose you to chemicals including lead and lead compounds, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to I Agree 4. I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all of the risks existing in these firearm shooting activities, disclosed or undisclosed, known and unknown, active or passive, whether caused or alleged to be caused by the negligent acts or omissions of DGM. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary, and I elect to participate in spite of the risks, either disclosed or undisclosed, known or unknown. I Agree 5. I agree to, and assume, all responsibility and liability for the actions of my guests at the Range including, but not limited to, acts that are unintentional, negligent, grossly negligent, reckless, wanton, intentional or criminal arising out of, or related to, use of the Range. This assumption of responsibility and liability extends to any and all persons excluding those members of DGM, that are at the Range as a result of my express or implied invitation, permission, or consent. I Agree 6. I acknowledge and understand that DGM has no duty to provide first aid or take other actions in the event of property damage or physical or emotional injury while entering on, or leaving, the Range. DGM employees are not required to be trained or certified in first aid and are not trained, or required to be trained, as first responders. I Agree 7. I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless DGM from any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, suits, losses, judgments, settlements, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses, which may arise from, or in any manner relate, directly or indirectly, to my entry on the Range, use of the Range transit to or departure from the Range, or my use of DGM equipment or other facilities, regardless of any fault, active or passive negligence, acts or omissions, arising out of, or related to, DGM use or misuse of equipment, maintenance or condition, fitness or design of any facilities or equipment. 8. I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer while on the Range or transiting to or from the Range or, alternatively, I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I have no medical or physical conditions which could interfere with my safety in this activity, or I am willing to assume - and bear the costs of -- all known or unknown risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition. I Agree 9. I have read and I agree to abide by the Range Rules and any directions or instructions of the employees or Range Safety Officers and any other rules posted elsewhere in the facility. 10. I will not use or operate any firearm in any manner that may be construed as a danger to myself or other person at the facility. I Agree 11. This Agreement shall be Interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of California, and that the venue for any action or proceeding shall be the State of California, without regard for the conflict of law rules of the State of California. In any action requiring DGM to enforce or interpret the terms of this agreement, DGM will be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees, cost, and to any other relief to which DGM may be entitled. If any provision or portion of this agreement is held to be Invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, the remaining provisions or portion shall continue and remain in full legal force and effect. This Agreement, and any signed written amendments or modifications to It, shall remain in full force and effect from the date of execution and ever after and Shall be applicable to each and every occasion that I or my Guests transit to or from the Range enter on to the Range, use Range facilities or equipment or engage in or observe shooting and other activities at the Range. [FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS OR OBSERVERS] Acknowledge and agree that, except as otherwise provided herein, this release is intended to extinguish all claims of every type, including those known and unknown and those suspected and unsuspected, without regard to whether they are now known or suspected, even if those claims may materially affect your decision to enter into this release. This is a full and final release and you expressly waive any right under California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides: “A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH A RELEASOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS/HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM/HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS/HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE RELEASE.” I have carefully read this "Risk, Release & Indemnity Agreement and fully understand its contents. No other inducement, assurance or guarantee has been made to me in consideration of my signing this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a writing signed by me and by an authorized agent of DGM. By signing this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my participation in this activity, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against DGM on the basis of any claim from which I have released them herein. I HAVE HAD SUFFICIENT OPPORTUNITY TO READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND IT, AND I AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. January 30, 2025 RANGE RULES GENERAL SAFETY RULES ALWAYS point the muzzle in a safe direction. In an indoor range, that means downrange. Never at the ceiling, floor or stall walls.
ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot – that means on target, sights aligned.
ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use – unload when not using or on bench. Keep action open and unloaded until ready to fire. I Agree BEFORE YOU SHOOT GUN CASES: All firearms are to be brought into the range unloaded and in a case – if you don’t have a case, we will be happy to loan you one while you are in the facility. Exceptions: Sworn Law Enforcement Officers & CCW holders with proper credentials. These exceptions are for loaded, holstered firearms only.
GEAR INSPECTION: All firearms and ammo MUST be presented for inspection by a Range Safety Officer (RSO). Exceptions: Sworn Law Enforcement Officers & CCW holders with proper credentials. These exceptions are for loaded, holstered & worn firearms only. Other firearms from these individuals must be inspected.
SAFETY GEAR: Ear and eye protection is required BEFORE entering range & must be used at all times in the range. Shirts and shoes are required. To prevent hot cartridge case burns, sandals and flip-flops are only allowed when worn with socks. Long sleeve shirts strongly recommended. Shirts must have snug fit collars. Loose-neck shirts are prohibited. AMMO BACKGROUND CHECK: After July 1, 2019, any ammo purchased from us must be entirly consumed on the range or you will be required to process a successful DOJ ammo eligibility background check to remove any leftover ammo from range I Agree WHILE SHOOTING - RANGE DAMAGE: If you shoot our equipment (even accidentally), you will be charged to replace / repair it. Any person damaging ANY range equipment, will be ejected and charged for damage. MINIMUM charge PER IMPACT for hitting range equipment is $20 and up to full replacement cost for damages.
I Agree - GUN CASES: All firearms are to be kept on firing line unless cased. Do not leave firing position or cross the yellow line with uncased firearms - NO EXCEPTIONS. Take the case to the firearm at the shooting bench.
I Agree - LOADING: Load firearms only at shooting station. Keep all firearms unloaded and action open until ready to fire. Detachable magazines may be loaded behind line.
- SAFETY & YOU: You can help with range safety – if you see an unsafe condition, report it to a RSO immediately.
- RAPID FIRE & ACCURACY: All firing must be controlled and on your target, or you will be removed. No cross-firing to targets other than your own. NO SHOTGUN or RIFLE rapid fire.
- BENCH SHOOTING: Shooting off the bench for ALL firearms must be at the maximum target distance for that lane to prevent equipment damage.
- NO SMOKING, VAPING, FOOD OR DRINK is permitted inside the range. Any person who in the opinion of the Range Officer has consumed alcohol or other drugs prior to shooting will not be allowed to enter the range. After shooting, wash your hands before consuming anything.
- APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR: We desire to maintain a family environment, no profanity, horseplay or inappropriate behavior will be tolerated.
- BRASS: All Brass in front of the firing line must remain on the range. No one is allowed in front of the firing line. DO NOT remove any brass from the range that you did not personally bring.
- RANGE COMMANDS: Obey all Range Officer commands immediately and without question or hesitation.
- CEASE FIRE: If a Range Officer commands a cease fire, IMMEDIATELY UNLOAD (DO NOT FIRE) and set the firearm on the bench with action open. Step back from firing line, do not touch or handle any firearm. Obey all Range Officer commands.
- TARGETS: Only commercially produced targets are allowed – no paper plates, ammo boxes etc. Absolutely no shooting at targets while moving or turning without explicit authorization.
- HOLSTER USE: Drawing from a holster is only allowed for approved individuals. See RSO or range personnel for holster policy before drawing and shooting from a holster.
- AMMO: Only authorized ammo may be fired. No steel core, armor piercing, explosive, exotic or tracer ammo allowed. All firearms and ammo must be inspected by Range Officer.
I Agree
FIREARM LANE USAGE SAN DIEGO RANGE (Morena Blvd.) a. LANES 1 and 8 only (end lanes): Only pistol caliber handguns, pistol caliber rifles, rimfire rifles, may be shot. No shotguns or high-powered rifles are allowed on these lanes. b. LANES 2-7: Only pistol caliber handguns, pistol caliber rifles, rimfire rifles, and shotguns may be shot. No high-powered rifles are allowed on these lanes. c. LANES 9 and 18 only (end lanes): Rifles, and handguns are allowed on these lanes. No shotguns are allowed on these lanes. d. LANES 10-17: Rifles, shotguns, and handguns are allowed on these lanes. SANTEE RANGE (Magnolia Ave) a. LANES 1, 3, 4 and 10 only (end lanes): Rifles, and handguns are allowed on these lanes. No shotguns are allowed on these lanes. b. LANES 2, and 5 - 9: Rifles, shotguns and handguns are allowed on these lanes. I Agree SHOTGUNS & RIFLES: - NO RAPID FIRE
- SLOW FIRE REQUIRED: All rifle & shotgun shooting must be slow, aimed fire, shot FROM THE SHOULDER, (rifles may be shot while standing or shot off bench).
- BENCH SHOOTING: Shooting off the bench for ALL firearms must be at the maximum target distance for that lane to prevent equipment damage.
- SHOTGUNS: No shotguns allowed unless specifically authorized. No “Cruiser” or pistol grip only type shotgun grips. Only lead birdshot larger than #6 birdshot may be used. Slugs and steel shot are not allowed. Steel shot creates a ricochet danger to all range occupants.
- RIFLES: High-Powered Rifles may only be used on San Diego Range lanes 9-18 and Santee Range lanes 1-10 NO EXCEPTIONS! High-Powered rifles means any centerfire rifle including but not limited to .223, 5.56mm, 7.62x39. No magnum rifle cartridges allowed. See website for allowed cartridges:
- NO ARMOR PIERCING AMMO: Only softcore ammo. No steel, tungsten or other hardened core bullets may be used. All ammo must have non-magnetic bullets. See website for allowed cartridges:
- STEEL CARTRIDGE CASES: Steel cases may only be used for 7.62x39, 7.62x54R. Not for American calibers such as .223 or .308 etc. For a full explanation, please see our website:
I Agree DGM policy on CA “Assault Weapons” and other restricted firearms on DGM ranges. DGM’s customers include civilians, law enforcement professionals and military service members. We realize that a large part of our clientele have firearms that in CA are required to be registered as assault weapons. We welcome you to shoot your legal firearms on our ranges, even firearms that need to be registered as AWs without presenting your registration. However, if you have an obviously restricted firearm such as a short-barreled rifle or shotgun, machinegun, or silenced firearm, be prepared to show L.E. credentials or licenses for those items to either DGM staff or any L.E. Officers who may be present on the range if asked. All range users need to complete the rental section even if you are not renting one today. FIREARM RENTALS If I rent a firearm, I agree to the following terms: - I agree to inform the DGM Range personnel at the time of rental if I have never fired a firearm before today.
I Agree - I have no questions regarding the DGM Range Rules.
I Agree - I will not leave the range sign-in counter until such time as I fully have been instructed in the proper loading, unloading and safety function of any rental firearm.
I Agree - I understand that I may only shoot ammunition in this rental firearm that has been purchased from DGM specifically for this firearm.
I Agree - I understand that if the firearm malfunctions, I must set the firearm down and call the Range Safety Officer.
I Agree - I understand that this firearm may fire any cartridge remaining in the chamber even if the magazine is removed.
I Agree - I agree to not let any other person handle or fire this firearm rental without range personnel approval in advance.
I Agree