

Buckeye Shooting Center

Range Use and Training Center Waiver

BUCKEYE SHOOTING CENTER LLC (BSC) is an Ohio Limited Liability Company which operates a live fire indoor shooting range, conducts training classes, leagues, competitions, corporate outings and other events (hereon referred to as “activities”). During such activities, live fire shooting, use of edged weapons and other dangerous items may be used for entertainment, training and instructional purposes. BSC and its shareholders, directors, managers, employees, or any persons representing BSC (hereon referred to the “company”) and any individual including myself, my spouse, my children, my heirs, and parents, insurers, or anyone representing me on my behalf (hereon referred to as “ customer” or “I”) agree to the following terms of usage:

IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED the CUSTOMER understands the risk involved during the activities can be but not limited to being shot or struck by objects. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to physical and emotional injury, burns, vision and hearing impairments, paralysis, inhaling fumes, lead exposure, and death in the course of conducting activities offered by the company and releases the company from any claim the company is, was or may be negligent in connection with the customers while conducting activities provided by the companyCustomer agrees this Agreement abides by Ohio law and intended to be inclusive as allowed by law. If a portion of this Agreement if found to be invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, the balance of this Agreement remains, legal, enforceable, and valid. All customers and guardians of minor customers agree to disclose any pre-existing conditions (health risk) that may be enhanced while conducting activities and further agree to assume the risk associated with conducting such activities. Anytime while conducting activities provided by the company, the customer feels that continuation of activities is exacerbating any and pre-existing conditions, the customer assumes any and all risk to continue the activities. Moreover, the customer is responsible for discontinuing those activities.

I AGREE AND UNDERSTAND that using companys facilities to conduct activities, they relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer property. Customer promises and agrees that as part of compensation paid to the company, for allowing the customer to conduct activities, to indemnify and hold harmless the company from any claim, liability, costs, loss, actions, liens, 3rd party claims of any kind arising out of known and unknown injuries and conditions while conducting activities.

I AGREE AND PROMISE to not file claim, lawsuit, or institute action against the company , nor aid in such actions. This includes any and all claims of death, dismemberment, exposure to lead and other contaminants, disfigurement, property damage, loss or injury to person, of past present and future while conducting activitiesCustomer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. 

I RELEASE and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company.





Date: October 25, 2024

Range Rules (Must Agree to All Rules)

Please read and follow these Rules. Failure to comply with the Range Safety Rules can/will result in actions up to and including having range privileges and memberships revoked.

1. 4 BASIC RULES OF FIREARM SAFETY must be observed:

  • Treat every gun as its loaded.
  • Keep the Muzzle (barrel) pointed in a safe direction at all times forward of the firing line.
  • Be sure (or know) your target and surroundings beyond, above, below, to the left and to the right.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.

I Agree

2. Never walk-in front of someone on the firing line.

I Agree

3. A CEASE FIRE may be called by anyone at any time. If a cease fire is called, immediately stop firing, place the firearm in front of you with the muzzle pointed down range. Arguing with a Range Safety Officer (RSO) for any reason will result in forfeiting range privileges. Any disagreement will be handled after any unsafe condition is rendered safe.

I Agree

4. No body part is to be extended beyond the firing line. No brass beyond the firing line is permitted to be policed. There are exceptions for BSC sanctioned leagues and training.

I Agree

5. Any malfunction of BSC equipment must be reported to the RSO immediately.

I Agree

6. Working on or troubleshooting malfunctions of your firearm is prohibited. If your firearm malfunctions, leave the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and notify an RSO immediately to resolve the issue. This holds true for jams, misfires, squibs, etc.

I Agree

7. Eye and Ear protection must be worn prior to entering the Mantrap and used in the range at all times.

I Agree

8. Only one door to the Mantrap may be opened at a time. If entering the Mantrap, look through the window to ensure someone else is not entering from the opposite direction prior to entry. This is for your safety. This helps with lead abatement and noise.

I Agree

9. Lockers have been provided for your use in the Mantrap. Placing items in the lockers is at your own risk. You may use a lock if you bring one.

I Agree

10. Proper clothing must be worn at all times. No loose-fitting tops or pants. No open toed shoes or sandals.

I Agree

11. If unsafe conditions or behavior is noticed, report it immediately to an RSO.

I Agree

12. Use of the range under the influence of Drugs and/or Alcohol is strictly forbidden. If for any reason RSO’s or any BSC staff believes you are under the influence, you will be escorted off property and your range privileges terminated.

I Agree

13. Handgun shooters must be at least 21 years of age. Long gun shooters must be at least 18 years of age. Shooters under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian as described by the state of Ohio. Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to use the range. Shooters under 18 must be supervised at all times.

I Agree

14. Women that think they may be pregnant should not use the range. Women that are pregnant are not permitted to use the range.

I Agree

15. BSC allows parties of 3 people. However, no more than 2 people are permitted on the lane at any one time.

I Agree

16. All firearms entering BSC must be in a case, bag, box, or holster. Holstered firearms must remain holstered. NEVER draw your firearm.

I Agree

17. In accordance with Ohio Law, CHL holders and those open carrying are permitted to have loaded firearms. However, these firearms are to remain holstered or concealed at all times. You may remove your firearm from its holster once on the firing line and place it on the bench. However, drawing your firearm to shoot (drills) is strictly prohibited unless you have completed advanced training from BSC and signed a specific waiver to do so.

I Agree

18. The only place in BSC your firearm is permitted to be outside a box, case, or holster is on the firing line (between the yellow and red lines).

I Agree

19. To use the range, you must be legally able to possess a firearm; I.E., not under indictment or convicted for a felony, under restraining order, adjudicated by a judge as mental incompetent, etc. If you are uncertain about your status, ask one of our staff members.

I Agree

20. Every shooter must sign a Waiver of Liability before shooting. For minors, the parent or legal guardian (as defined by Ohio Law) must sign a minor waiver for each minor shooting.

I Agree

21. If shooting any NFA item, the RSO must be notified prior to use. BSC reserves the right to not allow certain NFA items.

I Agree

22. Loading and unloading of firearms must be conducted at the firing line. However, magazines can be loaded outside the firing line.

I Agree

23. Only paper targets are permitted. Firing from one lane to another is not allowed. Any shooter seen shooting at anything other than their intended target i.e. Carriers, Wall, Ceiling, will be escorted off property and not permitted to return.

I Agree

24. Steel core, tracers, and armor piercing ammunition are not permitted. Steel cased ammunition is only authorized if purchased from BSC.

I Agree

25. Shotguns are only permitted on the range firing single projectile slugs/sabots. No birdshot, BB, or buckshot are permitted.

I Agree

26. Rented firearms and equipment must be returned with no excessive wear and tear. If returned with excessive wear and tear a damage fee will be assessed.

I Agree

27. If a firearm is rented, ammo must be purchased at BSC.

I Agree

28. Black powder firearms are not permitted.

I Agree

29. No food, drink, or tobacco products are allowed. This includes E-cigs and Vaping.

I Agree

30. Range bags, Cases, etc will not be permitted on the showroom display cases.

I Agree

31. Persons deemed unsafe will be required to leave the facility. BSC reserves the right to remove any and all persons it deems to be unsafe.

I Agree

32. For firearms you are not shooting, but in plain sight (out of the box, case, holster), clear the firearm and leave the action open (cylinder out) while lying on the bench.

I Agree

33. Uncased, unboxed, or unhostered weapons must be maintained within the Yellow Caution Line and the Red firing line at all times.

I Agree

34. Shooters are responsible for cleaning their stall to ensure the next shooter has a clean stall to shoot in.

I Agree

35. All shooters must read and understand these rules prior to range use.

I Agree

Date: October 25, 2024

First Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

First Participant's Date of Birth*
First Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
First Participant's Signature*
Second Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Second Participant's Date of Birth*
Second Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Second Participant's Signature*
Third Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Third Participant's Date of Birth*
Third Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Third Participant's Signature*
Fourth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fourth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fourth Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Fourth Participant's Signature*
Fifth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Fifth Participant's Date of Birth*
Fifth Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Fifth Participant's Signature*
Sixth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Sixth Participant's Date of Birth*
Sixth Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Sixth Participant's Signature*
Seventh Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Seventh Participant's Date of Birth*
Seventh Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Seventh Participant's Signature*
Eighth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Eighth Participant's Date of Birth*
Eighth Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Eighth Participant's Signature*
Ninth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Ninth Participant's Date of Birth*
Ninth Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Ninth Participant's Signature*
Tenth Participant's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*
Tenth Participant's Date of Birth*
Tenth Participant's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Tenth Participant's Signature*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Additional Information

Name(s) and Age(s) of any participating Minor(s):
Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information


1. Risks involved in conducting activities on company property include the potential of being shot or struck by objects. True or False*
2. Customer assumes any and all risk of injury to include but not limited to, in the course of conducting activities:*
a. Physical and emotional injury
b. Burns
c. Vision and hearing impairments
d. Paralysis
e. Inhaling fumes
f. Lead exposure
g. Death
h. All of the above
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. Pre-Existing conditions can be enhanced while conducting activities and the customer assumes the risk if continuing activities.
b. You are required to share your pre-existing condition.
c. The company is responsible for you discontinuing activities/
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer or property. True or False*
5. Customer agrees that if suit is filed against the company, for any reason, this agreement has been breached and the customer will pay all attorney fees and costs associated with defending the suit. True or False*
6. I release and forever discharge and hold harmless the company and its successors for each and every right of claim the customer may have now and in the future in conducting activities. By signing the Agreement/Waiver I agree to never sue or file claim against the company. True or False*
7. Which is a true statement?*
a. The company will hold private my contact information including my email address and phone number
b. I understand that signing this document, i am giving up legal rights to file claim or suit against the company now or into the future.
c. Both a & b

Minor's Information

Are you accompanying a minor?*
1. I’m responsible for the minor under my charge.*
2. What is the minimum age a person needs to be to conduct activities on BSC property?*
3. Which is a true statement?*
a. I must state the minor in my charge is of sound mind and body.
b. The minor under my charge must obey Rules of the Range.
c. I must be the parent or legal guardian of the minor under my charge.
d. All the above
4. By signing the waiver you agree to relinquish the company from any and all claims, liability suits, bodily harm or damage of any kind, or damage to customer, including the minor, or property. True or False*
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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