Please initial each item and sign below to acknowledge acceptance of this agreement.
Customer agrees to the following fee schedule per shuttle trip during the year 2025:
Shuttle Route Price
Holter Dam to Dearborn $ 35.00
Holter Dam to Prewitt $ 45.00
Holter Dam to Cascade $ 60.00
Dearborn Float $ 125.00
Limitation of Liability: It is agreed by the customer and HOF Services, LLC DBA The Trout Shop, that any and all damage resulting from the vehicle shuttle services requested in 2024 will be paid for by the owner of the vehicle being shuttled or by the motor vehicle insurance policy of the owner. If the vehicle is damaged due to the shuttle driver’s negligence, HOF Services, LLC DBA The Trout Shop, will reimburse the customer or vehicle owner up to $500 toward the insurance deductible. If not insured, reimbursement is limited to the lessor of the cost of repairs only or loss of market value only. HOF Services, LLC DBA The Trout Shop accepts no other liability for damages resulting from the shuttle.
I have read and understand the above. I agree to the terms and conditions as stated. I am at least 18 years of age. By signing this document, you may be waiving your legal right to a jury trial to hold the Lessor legally responsible for any juries or damages resulting from risks inherent in the sport or recreational opportunity or for any injuries or damages you may suffer due to the lessor’s ordinary negligence that are the result of the Lessor’s failure to exercise reasonable care.
March 29, 2025