1. I understand that the Purpose of Signing This Document Is to Exempt and Release TEAM DASH INC. DBA CONCH REPUBLIC DIVERS (Hereafter Called Dive Store) And all vessels in fleet, Its Employees, Agents And Dive Boats Whether Owned, Operated, Leased Or Chartered And To Hold These Entities Harmless From Any And All Liability Arising As A Consequence of Any Act or Omission On Their Part Including, But Not Limited To, Active or Passive Negligence. I Agree 2. I understand Conch Republic Divers will NOT have a Divemaster in the water with me unless requested prior to the trip date as a private guide with a fee. I also understand I will need to have a SMB (Surface Marker Buoy) on me at all times while in the water, if I don't own one, I will let the Captain and/or mate know so one can be provided to me. I Agree 3. I am, by my SIGNATURE below, affirming that I am a certified scuba diver or student diver. I have been taught and understand that scuba diving is a hazardous activity with inherent risks and dangers associated therewith including, but not limited to risks associated with equipment failures, perils of the sea and acts of fellow divers which could result in my serious injury or death. BY WAY OF MY SIGNATURE I EXPRESSLY ASSUME THESE RISKS. I assert' that I am physically fit to participate in the sport of scuba diving and snorkeling and I agree by way of my signature that I will not hold any of the above named individuals, persons, or entities responsible if I am injured as a result of any medical conditions while scuba diving and/or snorkeling. I do not have in my possession any illegal drugs, nor am I taking, nor have I recently taken any drugs or medications, which could cause an adverse reaction as a result of combining such drugs and/or medication with scuba diving. I Agree 4. I give full consent to anyone on or operating the boat to attempt my rescue, should the need arise. I understand that such efforts will include removal of my gear by any means, which will include but is not limited to measures that would damage, cut, destroy, and/or lose my gear. I hereby authorize the rescuer to value my life and limb above the preservation of any piece of gear or equipment, regardless of it's value. I Agree
5. Prior to leaving the dock I will inspect all of my equipment to be used and will notify the dive store of any equipment which I find to not be functioning properly. I will not hold the dive store or any of its employees, agents or dive boats, nor the vessel responsible for my failure to inspect my equipment prior to diving. I Agree
6. I will be present and attentive to the safety briefings given by the Dive master and the Boat Captain. I understand that 1 have an Affirmative Duty to plan and carry out my own dive and to be responsible for my own safety. By way of my signature I expressly agree that I will plan all my dives as no decompression dives, with at least a 3-minute safety stop at 15-feet prior to ascending to the surface. I fully agree that I will start my ascent at the end of each dive with enough air to guarantee being on the vessel with AT LEAST 500 lbs. of air in my tank. Tanks with less than 500 psi will be assessed a VIP fee. I Agree 7. I will immediately abort my dive if: a. I feel uncomfortable with my diving abilities and/or;
b. Diving conditions are worse than those for which I have been trained, or for which I am comfortable. I Agree 8. I am fully aware and have been trained on the dangers, risks and hazards of holding my breath while diving on compressed air. I fully agree not to hold the above named individuals, entities, or vessels responsible for any such act by me. In the eventuality that I become distressed at the surface, I will IMMEDIATELY drop my weight belt and INFLATE MY BUOYANCY COMPENSATOR. I understand that if I want or need assistance from the vessel, the Dive Master, or Captain I will give the proper "diver in trouble" signal. I understand that this activity may be conducted in a remote site by time and distance from a medical and a re-compression chamber. Nevertheless I expressly wish to proceed with this trip. I Agree
9. By Way Of My Signature On This Document It Is My Express Intention By Way Of This Instrument To Give Up My Right To Sue All Individuals, Or Entities Or Vessels Referred To Herein, Whether Specifically Named Or Not And It Is Also My Intention To Exempt And Relieve The Vessel, Its Employees, Agents And Dive Boats Whether Owned, Operated, Leased Or Chartered, From All Liability As A Consequence Of Any Act Or Omission Including, But Not Limited To, Active Or Passive Negligence. By Way Of My Signature And/ Or Initials On This Document I Fully Agree To Indemnify And Hold These Entities Named Within This Document Harmless From Any And All Liability For Personal Injury Or Any Sort, Property Damage Or Wrongful Death By Myself, Heirs And Assigned, And I Assume Expressly All Risks In Connection With The Activities Or Snorkeling And Scuba Diving. I Agree 10. By Way Of My Signature Given Voluntarily I Evidence That I Have Read And Fully Understand This Document In Its Entirety, if I Have Any Questions With Respect To The Contents Of This Document I Certify That I Have Fully Informed Myself Before Signing My Name Below. 1 Fully Agree To The Terms And Conditions Herein And Realize They Are Given In Exchange For The Dive Store And The Vessel Allowing Me To Participate In This Activity. I understand that the terms herein are contractual and not a mere recital, and that I have signed this document of my own free act. 24 hour Cancellation Policy: Your spot has been reserved for you on our boat. If you do not call 24 hours prior to canceling, your credit card will be charged full price for your dive. I Agree It is also my intention that this release is continuing in nature and will apply to any injuries or death arising out of or related to any Diving/Snorkeling activities I participate in with the released parties for a period of 1 year after the herein referenced date of my signature. I Agree February 14, 2025 10. I hereby grant the Team DASH, Inc DBA Conch Republic Divers (furthermore referred to as Conch Republic Divers) permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration. I understand and agree that all photos will become the property of and will not be returned. I hereby irrevocably authorize the Conch Republic Divers to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose. In addition, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photo. I hereby hold harmless, release, and forever discharge the Conch Republic Divers from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE PHOTO RELEASE. I AFFIRM THAT I AM AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE, OR, IF I AM UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE, I HAVE OBTAINED THE REQUIRED CONSENT OF MY PARENTS/GUARDIANS AS EVIDENCED BY THEIR SIGNATURES BELOW. I ACCEPT: I Agree