Pacifica Archery Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement
Range Rules and Etiquette
Archery is an inherently dangerous sport and the risk of injury to self or others is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis or death; and while particular rules, equipment and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist.
I choose to confront this risk and accept full responsibility for all of its possible dangers.
I expressly assume the risk of injury and hereby release Pacifica Archery from responsibility for the consequences of any act of negligence. It is my intent to exempt and relieve Pacifica Archery from liability for any personal injury or property damage related to archery, to the archery shop and facilities, and to related equipment and activities. This Release also applies to risks and dangers attributable to Pacifica Archery's (or its employee's) negligence that may not be inherent in the activity.
By signing this Release, I agree that:
Date: February 21, 2025