ALL IS ONE TATTOO WAIVER, RELEASE AND CONSENT TO TATTOO PLEASE READ EACH PROVISION AND SIGN AT THE BOTTOM TO SHOW THAT YOU UNDERSTAND EACH PROVISION. In consideration of receiving a tattoo from (the Artist) at All Is One Tattoo (together with its employees, apprentices and agents, the Tattoo Studio), I agree to the following: I have been fully informed of the inherent risks, associated with getting a tattoo. I fully understand that these risks, known and unknown, can lead to injury, including but not limited to infection, scarring, difficulties in detecting melanoma and allergic reactions to tattoo pigment, latex gloves, and/or soap. Having been informed of the potential risks associated with getting a tattoo, I still wish to proceed with the tattoo application and I freely accept and expressly assume any and all risks that may arise from tattooing. TO WAIVE AND RELEASE to the fullest extent permitted by law each of the Artists and All Is One Tattoo from all liability whatsoever, for any and all claims or causes of action that I, my estate, heirs, executors or assigns may have for personal injury or otherwise, including any direct and/or consequential damages, which result or arise from the application of my tattoo, whether caused by negligence or fault of either the Artist or All Is One Tattoo, or otherwise. The Artist and All Is One Tattoo have given my instructions on the care of my tattoo while its healing, and I understand them and will follow them. I acknowledge that it is possible that the tattoo can become infected, particularly if I do not follow the instructions given to me. If any touch-up work to the tattoo is needed due to my own negligence, I agree that the work will be done at my own expense. I am not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and am voluntarily submitting to be tattooed by the Artist without duress or coercion. I do not have diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia, a heart condition, nor do I take blood thinning medication. I do not have any other medical or skin condition that may interfere with the application or healing of the tattoo. I am not the recipient of an organ or bone marrow transplant or, if I am, I have taken the prescribed preventative regimen of antibiotics that is required by my doctor in advance of any invasive procedure such as tattooing or piercing. I am not pregnant or nursing. I do not have a mental impairment that may affect my judgement in getting a tattoo. Neither the Artist nor All Is One Tattoo is responsible for the meaning or spelling of the symbol or text that I have provided to them or chosen from the flash(design) sheets. Variations in color and design may exist between the tattoo art I have selected and the actual tattoo when it is applied to my body. I also understand that over time, the colors and the clarity of my tattoo will fade due to unprotected exposure to the sun and the naturally occurring dispersion of pigment under the skin. A tattoo is a permanent change to my appearance and can only be removed by laser or surgical means, which can be disfiguring and/or costly and which in all likelihood will not result in the restoration of my skin to its exact appearance before being tattooed. I hereby declare that I am of legal age (and have provided valid proof of age) and am competent to sign this Agreement or, if not, that my parent or legal guardian shall sign on my behalf, and that my parent or legal guardian is in complete understanding and concurrence with this agreement. I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, I UNDERSTAND IT, I AGREE TO BE BOUND TO IT. I Agree Today's Date: March 28, 2025 |