Chattahoochee Strength & Fitness strongly recommends that you clear your participation in any exercise program with your physician. The methods and protocols of this program involve high intensity workouts and it is important you understand the following: I agree to participate in physical training sessions as instructed by certified trainers affiliated with Chattahoochee Strength & Fitness. I am fully aware these fitness sessions are of a nature and kind that are extremely strenuous and will push me to the limits of my physical abilities. I recognize and understand these training sessions are not without varying degrees of risk, which may include, but are not limited to the following: Injury to the musculoskeletal and/or cardio respiratory systems, which can result in serious injury or death, injury or death due to negligence on the part of myself, my training partner, or other people around me, injury or death due to improper use or failure of equipment, or injury or death due to a medical condition, whether known or unknown by me. I willingly assume full responsibility for any and all risks that I am exposing myself to as a result of my participation in this training program and accept full responsibility for any injury or death that may result from my participation. I hereby certify that I know of no medical problems that would increase my risk of illness and injury as a result of participation in a fitness program designed by Chattahoochee Strength & Fitness. I understand there exists the possibility of adverse physical changes during an exercise program. I fully understand that these changes could include abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorder of heart rhythm, stroke, and in very rare instances, heart attack or even death. I understand that certain prescribed medications may exacerbate these physiological changes and create an even greater risk of physical damage or death. With my full understanding of the above information, I agree to assume any and all risks associated with my participation in this Strength & Fitness Program. Rhabdomyolysis (hereinafter referred to as “Rhabdo”) can occur when an individual’s physical activity is so intense that muscular cells begin to breakdown and the contents and/or remaining materials enter the bloodstream. The skeletal muscle breakdown impairs kidney function as those organs are unable to handle increased enzymes that are released into the bloodstream. This induces severe physiological changes in the body. The symptoms of Rhabdo include muscle pain, stiffness and extreme weakness, darkening of the urine (similar to the color of tea or cola), decreased urine output, altered mental status, swelling of the body part involved, either with or without pain. Generally the pain that is referred to as a Rhabdo symptom is pain out of proportion to the amount of soreness that one would generally expect, often producing pain much quicker than one would expect after a workout. I acknowledge and fully understand that statistically the chances of me developing Rhabdo are extremely slight, but I likewise appreciate the necessity that I be aware of the symptoms of this condition. I understand that any concerns on my part that I am experiencing any of the symptoms of Rhabdo require immediate presentation to a hospital for emergency treatment. I acknowledge that no third party, either from the facility or otherwise, will be capable of monitoring my urine output or color, and it is my responsibility to be continually cognizant of this symptom and all other symptoms and to monitor them in my own body at all times. I agree that I will remove myself from participation and seek medical treatment of my own accord should I have any concerns regarding possible symptoms of Rhabdo. With the opportunity to fully inform myself about Rhabdo and the risks thereof, I knowingly and freely assume and accept all such risks both known and unknown. I assume full responsibility and all risks from my participation in any physical activity at the facility. I for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and/or next of kin, forever WAIVE, RELEASE, DISCHARGE and COVENANT NOT TO SUE Chattahoochee Strength & Fitness and/or their officers, directors, representatives, partners, officials, principals, agents. Photo Release – I agree to grant Chattahoochee Strength & Fitness, its representatives and employees the right to take photographs of me and my property whilst training at CrossFit Chattahoochee. I authorize Chattahoochee Strength & Fitness to use and publish these photos or videos in print and/or electronically. I agree that Chattahoochee Strength & Fitness may use such photographs of me with or without my first name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content. I agree to the terms of this waiver. I have fully read each section and have had a chance to ask appropriate questions. |