TODAY'S DATE: March 6, 2025 ALAMO RANGE RULES - Children must be at least 12 years old to shoot or to accompany an adult on the range
- Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who has signed a waiver and accompanies the minor within the facility at all times
Range Safety: - Always treat all firearms as if they are loaded
- Always keep un-holstered and/or uncased firearms pointed downrange
- Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until your sights are on target
- When shooting, be mindful of the trajectory of the bullet. Do not shoot the walls, ceiling, or floor.
- Eye and ear protection are mandatory BEFORE entering the range and must ALWAYS be worn while on the range
- NEVER handle firearms behind the firing line. All firearms must be uncased and cased on the shooting bench only.
- Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting
- No food, drink, gum, or tobacco is permitted inside the range for any reason at any time. Wash your hands each time you leave the range.
- If you observe a safety violation, report it to a Range Officer immediately
- Be sure all firearms are safe to operate
- Know and understand the operating mechanisms and safety features of the firearms you intend to use
- Appropriate clothing for shooting is strongly suggested. Open shoes, low-cut or loose-fitting clothing may increase the risk of injury.
I have read and agree to abide by the Alamo Range Rules (Click and hold mouse to initial) Alamo Range Ammunition Policy: - Use only correct and well-maintained ammunition in your firearms
- The Alamo reserves the right to inspect all ammunition brought onto the range.
- Any projectiles with high steel content or ammunition that causes sparks on the backstop is prohibited
- Shotgun: #4 buckshot and larger is allowed on the Presidential Range only. Steel shot is strictly prohibited.
- Shooters agree to confirm that they are always using the correct ammunition
- Shooters renting firearms must use only newly manufactured ammunition purchased at the Alamo
I have read and agree to abide by The Alamo Range ammunition policy (Click and hold mouse to initial) Alamo Range Code of Conduct: **Use of the Alamo Range constitutes consent to abide and be bound by the Alamo code of conduct - All patrons of the Alamo agree to be held financially responsible for any damage or destruction they cause to Alamo property, whether accidental, negligent, willful or otherwise.
- Any unholstered firearms must be in a case or rental bucket when being transported to and from your lane
- Keep firearms unloaded with the magazine removed and the action locked open until ready to fire
- If you bring multiple firearms, use only one at a time. When finished, clear the firearm and case it or lock the action open and place it on the bench with the muzzle pointing downrange before using the next one.
- Shooters should always fire from within the stall only. All others are to remain behind the firing line for safety reasons.
- Use only approved paper targets properly taped to the backer. The Alamo reserves the right to prohibit inappropriate, distasteful, or targets that depict public figures
- On the command "CEASE FIRE!", stop shooting IMMEDIATELY and await further instructions from the Range Officer. "Cease Fire" can be called by anyone on the range at any time in an emergency
- Shooters may only collect their own brass behind the firing line. Collecting other shooters brass or brass that is forward of the firing line is strictly prohibited.
- Holster draw or use of a sling is strictly prohibited unless accompanied by an Alamo instructor
- Removal of a bench or gate is prohibited unless accompanied by an Alamo instructor or Range Officer.
- Shooting from various positions (Kneeling, prone, bench rest, etc.) must be approved by an Alamo Range Officer
- All shooters must ALWAYS obey the instructions of a Range Officer. Failure to do so may result in immediate removal from the range without a refund. Chronic range safety violators will be permanently expelled from the facility.
I have read and agree to abide by The Alamo Range Code Of Conduct (Click and hold mouse to initial) Check all that are true I have not been adjudicated as mentally defective, been committed to a mental institution, or have a history of mental illness or severe depression. I Agree I am not an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana, any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug or any other controlled substance. I Agree I have never been convicted of a felony or domestic abuse. I Agree ALAMO RANGE USE LIABILITY WAIVER I am fully familiar with the safe and proper use of any firearm that I will use at the Alamo. I acknowledge that the use of firearms can result in serious or fatal injury to those using the firearm or those nearby. I further understand that the use of firearms can result in significant damage to property. I expressly assume the risk of using firearms and of being in the proximity of others using firearms. I hereby release and affirmatively covenant not to sue the Alamo, its owners, employees, and affiliates from any and all liability for personal injury or property damage arising out of my use, in any way, of the facility, its equipment and firearms, or my own firearms. I agree to indemnify the Alamo, to hold the Alamo harmless from, and affirmatively covenant not to sue the Alamo, for any and all claims related to injury to me or to third parties as a result of my own actions or omissions or as a result of the actions or omissions of a third party while I am at the Alamo. I acknowledge that I am financially responsible for any damage that I cause to the range, range equipment, or any property owned by a third party. I acknowledge that I am financially responsible for any injury that I cause to any third party at the Alamo. I agree that my express assumption of the risks, waivers and releases of the Alamo, and agreements to indemnify the Alamo, should be construed as broadly as possible in favor of the Alamo. Should any waiver or release or the indemnifications herein be deemed to be unenforceable under Florida law, I consent to the Court constructing the language in the broadest manner permissible under Florida law and that any unenforceable provisions be severed from the remainder. I Agree (Click to Agree)