Please check "I agree" in each box Well-fitting goggles are an essential part of the students' swimming experience. Our staff can custom fit you with high quality, well-fitting goggles that carry an in-water fit guarantee. In-water fit guarantee: goggles can be swapped out until the appropriate size and fit has been selected and the difference in price has been settled.I Agree Please note we charge a flat rate of $120.00 per month, regardless if there are 3, 4 or 5 lessons in the month that the swimmer is signed into. ( Due to public holidays.) I Agree Swim caps are required for all individuals with hair longer than ear length, unless their hair is securely braided or tied and kept away from their face while swimming.I Agree Any child that is not toilet trained is required to wear a swim diaper and plastic pants underneath their swim suit.I Agree Refund policy: If after the first lesson you feel this level is inappropriate for you or your child, you can apply the balance towards another level. There are no refunds. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.I Agree Make-up Policy: In order to maintain the integrity of our classes both as to content and to size, we do not offer make-up classes. Please do your best to attend. Cancellation/No Show Policy will result in a forfeit of class lesson.I Agree We are closed for Public Holidays. These include but are not limited to New Years, Memorial Day weekend, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Labor Day weekend, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas..I Agree Supervision of your child is required at all times. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to enter the pool before class, and are not permitted to stay in the pool after the instructor has dismissed class. We recommend drying off your child in the pool area before leaving the area.I Agree Siblings are not permitted to swim in the pool during, before or after any swim lesson. Only swimmers enrolled in our program are allowed to be in the pool during their appropriate swim time.I Agree All business transactions must be done through the BWD Rochelle Park location front desk. No checks or cash will be collected around the pool.I Agree A minimum of a two months sign-up is required, thereafter billing will occur on a month-to-month basis, on the first business day of the month. If you wish to discontinue lessons; please submit a cancellation notice or any other written notice 30 days prior to the start of the next month.I Agree We would appreciate 24 hours notice for a cancellation to inform the instructor of your child's absence. I Agree All new customers are obligated to purchase a one-time family membership fee of $45.00I Agree The deck of the pool will get slippery at times; flip-flops are recommended.I Agree In the event of bad weather, we will do our best to contact you. If you have any doubt, please call BWD at 201-843-3340, or visit or Facebook BWD Swim school for cancellations.I Agree Returned check fee: $25I Agree I have read and understand the above information. I, the enrolled participant and/or the parent/guardian of the participant (if the participant is under 18 years of age), agree and understand that swimming is a HAZARDOUS activity. I recognize that there are risks inherent in the sport of swimming, including but not limited to, paralyzing injuries and death. I hereby authorize any representative of Blue Water Divers Swim School to have the above, named(minor) student treated in any medical emergency during their participation in any Blue Water Divers Swim School Program. Further, the participant and/or parent/guardian agree to pay all costs associated with medical care and transportation for the participant. In addition, we agree not to hold Blue Water Divers Swim School, its team members, instructors and employees responsible for any accident or other such occurrence. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THE ABOVE LIABILITY RELEASE AND SIGN IT WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ITS CONTENTS AND SIGNIFICANCE. March 13, 2025 |