
Before riding at RampFest Indoor Skate Park, you must complete this form:


All persons must complete this document prior to participation at RampFest. The activities described include adventurous recreational activities and are not without inherent risk. Machine Gun Vulture PTY LTD (T/As RampFest) and the City of Port Phillip thanks you for reading this document carefully.

For all parents / guardians of a legalminor/s who is participating, by signing this form on their behelf, youhereby covenant and warrant your answers provided are true and correct , that you are authorised to allow this minor/s to participate,and hereby agree that you shall both/allbe bound by this document and its conditions.

TO: Machine Gun Vulture PTY LTD (T/As RampFest Indoor Skate Park), including its directors, employees, principals, agents independent contractors, and the City of Port Phillip Event Organisers (collectively referred to as MGV):

I confirm the following is true and correct and that MGV has relied on my answers in allowing me to participate in recreational activities of and incidental to things including skateboarding, inline skating, scooter riding and BMX riding (the activities). In consideration of MGV permitting me to participate in the activities:

Name and Likeness Release: I hereby grant permission to the event organisers, their successors and sponsors to use my name, image and likeness in direct connection with the activities for promotional broadcasting or reporting purposes in any and all manner and media, unless restricted by Privacy Legislation.

Express Voluntary Assumption of Risk: I understand that I, and each participant in the activities, will be engaging in activities involving a real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including but not limited to equipment failure, accidents with other participants, spectators, course or weather conditions or other causes. I voluntarily accept all risks necessarily flowing from my participation, which could result in loss of life or injury.

Liability Release and indemnity: I hereby release MGV and all persons or corporations associated directly or indirectly with the conduct of the activities from all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of my participation and hereby indemnify them against all liability (including liability for their negligence and the negligence of others) for all injury, loss or damage arising out of or connected with my participation in the activities. This release shall extend to and include MGV and the promotion organiser, partners, managers, officers, agents, contractors, any club, organization and volunteers including medical and paramedical personnel appointed for the activities, the owners, licensees, and occupiers of land on which the activities or any part of it are conducted or which is involved directly or indirectly with the activities in any manner whatsoever and promoters, sponsors and activities organisers. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representative and assigns.

Equipment and Facilities Inspection: I agree that before I participate in the activities, I will independently inspect the related facilities and equipment. I will immediately advise MGV of any unsafe condition that I have observed. I will refuse to participate in the activities until all unsafe conditions observed by me have been remedied. I acknowledge that reasonable safety precautions are undertaken by MGV and the ramp builder (such as supervision, helmet safety checks), but such are a service to me and other participants and are not a surety of safety.

Protective Equipment: As an activities participant I hereby agree to supply and wear my own suitable helmet, sandshoes or runners plus a tee shirt and shorts as the minimum protective equipment requirements at all times whilst I am taking part in the activities.

Physical Fitness: I have independently assessed the activities and I am physically fit to participate in the activities in which I have chosen to participate and have not been advised otherwise by a medical practitioner. I do not have any possibly relevant pre-existing medical or physical conditions, which have not been disclosed to MGV and the activities organisers.

Medical Treatment: I consent to receiving any medical, eg first aid, treatment that MGV and its staff consider reasonably necessary during or after the activities.

Hire Equipment: I acknowledge that if I choose to hire equipment from MGV (either Bikes, Scooters, Helmets etc), that I take full responsibility for checking the equipment myself prior to use. I will immediately advise MGV of any unsafe condition that I have observed. I will refuse to us that piece of equipment if I believe it to be unsafe. I acknowledge that reasonable safety precautions are undertaken by MGV, but such are a service to me and other participants and are not a surety of safety.

Personal Property: I hereby acknowledge that I have the sole responsibility for my personal property during the activities. This includes specific sports property (bikes, skateboards, scooters, etc) and other property I have brought to the venue (cameras, bags, phones etc). Any damage to this equipment at the venue, regardless of cause, is solely the responsibility of the Participant.

I acknowledge the terms and conditions of this document are contractual in nature, are intended to have legal effect and are not a mere warning or recital. MGV is not responsible for my decision to participate in the activities and I was not induced by MGV to do so. I acknowledge my registration is not transferable to any other person. I have read this document, understand its contents and complete it of my own free will.

I have read & Understood the Wavier Release & Identity Deed:

I Agree


RampFest Safety Induction

Skate Park Safety is the number one priority at Rampfest. Like any sport, Action Sports (BMX, Skate, Scooters etc) carries a risk of injury, and thats why we ask all participants to read these rules & tips (they are included in the waiver form too), and take the appropriate safety precautions at all times!

Please note, that our park is NOT fully supervised (just like riding at a Council Skate Park). We always have staff at the front counter ready to assist you and there are supervised Coaching Clinics available Saturday Mornings. See our Timetable for more info.

If you believe that you, or your child requires full supervision to use the park safely, please attend one of our Coaching Clinics to become more confident in the skate park.



Everyone has the responsibility to RIDE SAFE in the park - look out for yourselves and your friends so everyone can have fun.

1. Wear your HELMET.

Whenever you are riding (in our Park or anywhere else!) - you should have you helmet on. Helmets should be firm fitting, and sit just above your eyebrows - with the strap secured under your chin. If you have a question about helmets - please ask our staff. We also recommend you wear other appropriate safety gear - knee pads, elbow pads, mouth guard, wrist guards, ankle braces and gloves.

2. Look BEFORE you Ride.

Its like a road, but with more options - just like you dont cross a road without looking, you shouldnt start riding without looking left to right, front to back first.

3. Take Short Turns & Return to the Start.

Short turns make sure everyone gets a go and helps other riders keep track of where you are in the park. Riding predictably by returning to where you started from also helps everyone know when youve finished your run.

4. Only sit back on the DECKS of the ramps.

Sitting on the lip of a ramp or on the coping can get in the way of other users on the park. Always sit back to give other riders plenty of room. Always sit on the decks so you are visible - sitting at the bottom of ramps, or stopping anywhere between ramps is VERY DANGEROUS as others cant see you.

5. This is a Skatepark - Not a Playground.

You need to stay on your bike / scooter / skateboard or other wheeled device at all times. Dont leave your equipment around the park, the ramps are NOT slippery slides, and the park is not a running track.

And Remember:

  • Always ride to your ability and look out of other users.
  • If you have any questions about Safety, please ask our Staff.
  • If you see someone get hurt or needing help, or, if you see any damage to ramps, REPORT IT TO STAFF IMMEDIATELY.


I have read & Understood the RIDE SAFE Induction:

I Agree


Skate Park Park Rules

  1. All Participants must complete and sign a wavier before they enter the park.
  2. All Participants must wear a helmet, appropriate clothing and closed in shoes while riding.
  3. Any Spectators who enter the park for any reason do so at their own risk. Spectators MUST stay out of the way of participants at all times, and they must stand clear of all ramps. When walking on ramps you must take great care as they may be slippery underfoot. When crossing the park, you must watch carefully for participants from all directions.
  4. No food, unsealed drink containers or glass containers of any kind are to be taken into the park.
  5. No Alcohol, or illegal substances are permitted on the premises. Cigarettes can only be used outside in the designated area. Smoking is prohibited inside the park.
  6. No tagging, graffiti, placement of stickers or littering will be tolerated in the Park.
  7. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult or suitable guardian at all times in the park.
  8. Profanity and abusive behaviour towards other participants, staff or spectators will not be tolerated.
  9. All Participants and attendees must follow instructions from RampFest Staff at all times.
  10. Participants are not to attempt any tricks that would endanger other participants, staff or spectators.
  11. Participants are not to attempt any jump that takes them outside the designated course area.
  12. Participants are not to attempt any trick that is beyond their ability.
  13. No riding is allowed outside the park - in the shop or canteen area.
  14. Only paid participants who are using sporting equipment (bikes, scooters etc) are allowed to use the ramps, foam pit and resi.
  15. All bikes and scooters must have Bar-Ends to protect the ramps, themselves and other participants.
  16. Causing deliberate damage to the ramps, or causing damage through any non-riding related activity (throwing bikes / scooters in anger) will not be tolerated and the participant will be liable to repair the damage.
  17. Any damage observed to the Skate Park MUST be reported to RampFest Staff immediately.
  18. Any accident or injury MUST be reported to RampFest staff immediately.
  19. Participants are not to deliberately drop in on or "snake" another participant on the course.
  20. You are responsible for the safety of your own equipment at all times within the park. We are in no way responsible for damage to bikes, scooters, cameras etc.
  21. Do not ride / skate / scoot etc while holding a camera or any other piece of equipment.
  22. Participants MUST stay on their bike / scooter / skateboard / skates at all times. No sliding, running, climbing etc on ramps.
  23. NO bullying will be tolerated in the park - towards anyone.


Foam Pit Rules

  1. Only paid participants, using sporting equipment (bikes, scooters, etc) are permitted to use the foam pit. No free jumping or alternate use will be permitted.
  2. Always wear a helmet and protective equipment to maximise safety.
  3. Mouth guards are highly recommended when jumping into foam pit.
  4. Wait until foam pit is totally empty before you begin your jump.
  5. Exit foam pit as quickly as possible and move off ramp.
  6. No standing in or around foam pit to take pictures or videos.
  7. Only one person at a time to enter the foam pit.
  8. Do not throw your scooter/bike/skateboard as this can cause serious injury to yourself or others.
  9. Take turns to jump into foam pit report any person who pushes in or doesnt follow the rules.
  10. Always ride to your ability and do not attempt tricks beyond your skill level.


I have read & Understood the Skate Park Rules:

I Agree


Respect others, and share the space - everyone has the right to have fun here.

Failure to follow these rules may result in you being asked to leave the park (no refund offered), and repeated breaches may result in bans from Rampfest and any of our affiliated organisations.

First Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Participants Date of Birth*
First Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
First Participants Signature*
Second Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Participants Date of Birth*
Second Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Third Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Participants Date of Birth*
Third Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Fourth Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Participants Date of Birth*
Fourth Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Fifth Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Participants Date of Birth*
Fifth Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Sixth Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Participants Date of Birth*
Sixth Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Seventh Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Participants Date of Birth*
Seventh Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Eighth Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Participants Date of Birth*
Eighth Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Ninth Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Participants Date of Birth*
Ninth Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Tenth Participants Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Participants Date of Birth*
Tenth Participants Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Sign up to receive the latest News and Special Offers!
Have you seen/heard the RampFest Safety Induction
Yes - The Minors who I am signing for, and/or, I have fully read and/or heard, the Rampfest Skate Park Safety Induction & the Skate Park Rules. I/We/They have fully understood them, and agree to abide by them at all times.
General Information
How did you find out about Rampfest?*
Skate Park event or competition
Demo or Show
Referral from another rider / skater
Groupon, Scoopon, or other Deals Website
Flyers or Posters
School based Show, Clinic or Advertising
Birthday Party Invite

If you selected "Other" above, please tell us how you heard about us:
How far did you travel to visit Rampfest today?*
Less than 15mins
15 - 30mins
45mins - 1hr
More than 1hr - but still in Melbourne
More than 1hr - from Regional VIC
From Interstate
From Overseas

If you selected "Interstate" or "Overseas" - please tell us which state or country you've visited from (and thanks for making the effort - we're stoked to have you here!):
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*
Parent(s) or guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information
My Skill Level would be:*
First Timer - No Skate Park Experience
Beginner - Some Skate park experience, but not a regular user.
Intermediate - Regular skate park user, can get around confidently and do some tricks.
Expert - Very experienced skate park user, very confident around the park, can already do advanced tricks & lines.
I mainly ride:*
Roller Skates / Blades

If your answer was "Other" above, please let us know what you ride:

If you are complete this form for a child that is NOT your own (a friend etc), please enter their emergency contact details here:
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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