March 24, 2025 Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and allowing your minor child/ward to participate in swimming lessons, you will be expressly assuming all of the risk and legal liability in relation to same, and will waive certain legal rights, including the right to sue Hippo in the Bathtub Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Hippo”), and/or its directors, officers, employees, agents, and other representatives and those for whom Hippo is in law responsible (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Representatives”) for any claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of actions arising out of or in consequence of the death of, or any loss, injury, or damage to, my minor child/ward or property incurred while attending at or participating in swimming lessons provided by Hippo and its Representatives. In consideration for allowing my minor child/ward to participate in swimming lessons provided by Hippo and/or its Representatives (and in any other events or activities related thereto), I hereby warrant and agree: I am the parent/guardian having full legal responsibility for decisions regarding my minor child/ward, and that I am executing this document on behalf of my minor child/ward, and all of our heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, next of kin, and personal representatives; I recognize and acknowledge that there may be serious risks of physical injury and/or death for those who participate in this program/activity; I have consulted a physician, and there are no medical conditions which could put my minor child/ward at an increased risk of injury during this program/activity; I authorize Hippo and its Representatives to consent to emergency medical treatment in accordance with the best interests of my minor child/ward, should I not be present at the relevant time to grant consent myself; That the execution of this document constitutes an unqualified assumption of all of the risks and legal liability associated with participation in this activity by my minor child/ward. I freely and voluntarily assume all risks and all responsibility for any loss or damage which may arise out of or in connection with my minor child/ward’s participation in the swimming lessons, whether caused in whole or part by my negligence, the negligence of my minor child/ward, or the negligence of Hippo and/or its Representatives; To waive any and all claims against Hippo and/or its Representatives and to release and forever discharge Hippo and/or its Representatives from any claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of actions, liabilities, expenses arising out of or in consequence of the death of, or any loss, injury or damage to, my minor child/ward or property incurred while attending at or participating in swimming lessons provided by Hippo and/or its Representatives, including without limitation any such death, loss, injury, or damage however arising, including, to the extent permitted by law, negligence, breach of contract, statutory breach or breach of a duty of care, including any duty owed under the Occupiers Liability Act (Ontario) on part of Hippo and/or its Representatives, and further including the failure by one or more of Hippo and/or its Representatives to safeguard or protect my minor child/ward from the risks, dangers, and hazards of the swimming lessons; and, To indemnify, and to save and hold harmless Hippo and/or its Representatives from all actions, losses, claims, costs, damages, liabilities or expenses (including legal fees) which may be suffered or incurred by Hippo and/or the Representatives, arising out of or as a result of or relating in any manner to any death or injury and/or loss or damage to property in connection with the attendance or participation by my minor child/ward in the swimming lessons whether or not such death, injury, loss or damage occurred as a result of the negligence of Hippo and/or its Representatives. I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE IMPORTANT INFORMATION, WARNING OF RISK, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, INDEMNIFICATION AND WAIVER AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS. I SIGN THIS DOCUMENT VOLUNTARILY AND WITHOUT ANY DURESS OR INDUCEMENT. |