TODAY'S DATE: February 9, 2025 Form Completion is Valid Through 8/31/25 The express hopes and prayers of the coordinators and planners of this activity are that students learn from this experience how to honor each other, behave in a mature way, have fun and leave this event full of great memories. By reading the contract below, participant(s) agree(s) to the following terms and understand that a breach of these terms will lead to dismissal from the dance. Dance Contract Participant agrees to demonstrate behavior that is both honorable through dress/apparel, speech and actions both on and off the dance floor. Participant understands that the above statement includes the following: - Dress Modestly
- For girls: fingertip-length dresses, skirts & shorts; dark-colored, fingertip-length spandex leggings required under skirts;no cleavage; no bare midriffs; and no form-fitting clothing of any type.
- For guys: no sagging of jeans / slacks, no sleeveless shirts.
- For guys & girls: no clothing with inappropriate slogans, logos, and/or graphics; no torn clothing of any type.
- T-shirts and/or other coverings will be available if students are inappropriately dressed.
- Speak Courteously
- There will be no vulgar speech.
- There will not be cussing, swearing or using the Lord's Name in vain.
- Dance Appropriately
- Physical groping of any kind is not acceptable.
- Bump and grind and similar dance styles are prohibited.
- The goal is to enjoy dance without worrying about feeling physically violated.
- Respect the Chaperones
- Demonstrate respect to the chaperones / responsible adults of this activity. Chaperones will be addressed as Mr. / Mrs., unless they give permission otherwise.
- In the event that the chaperones need to correct behavior, an immediate apology and a positive change in behavior are expected from the guest(s).
- If guest behavior continues to be outside of the expressed requirements, participant will be dismissed from the activity.
- Practice Safe Hygiene
- Respect the Facility
- Respect the grounds and facility of the organization that is hosting this event.
- Do not deface the grounds and facility in any way; such activity is cause for immediate dismissal from the dance with restitution expected.
- Should participant need to leave the event for any reason, there shall not be re-admittance to the dance.
If you are under 18, please be sure to have your parent/guardian complete the remainder of the agreement. If you are 18+ you will need to fill out your own form if you plan to attend any events by The Dance Project. Waiver and Release of Liability I agree that in exchange for The Dance Project, Inc. giving me/my child/ward the opportunity to participate in the dance activities, I give The Dance Project Inc. this Waiver and Release of Liability with the following conditions: 1. Warning of Risk: I realize that participation in dance activities could involve personal injury, permanent disability, or death. Despite precautions, accidents and injuries known or unknown may occur. By signing this Waiver and Release of Liability, I (the participant or parent/guardian) assume all risks related to the dance activities and the use of any and all spaces used by The Dance Project, Inc. 2. Release of Liability: I agree to release and hold harmless The Dance Project, Inc., including its members, officers, sponsors, representatives, successors and assigns, any agents or representatives, teachers, dancers, staff members, and facility hosts from: a. any cause of action, claims, or demands now and in the future, to the fullest extent permitted by law; b. any personal injury or any personal property damage, which may occur on the premises before, during, or after activities; and c. any and all claims made or liabilities which arise out of our participation in, or relate to traveling to and from The Dance Project, Inc .activities. 3. Rules: Furthermore, I agree that the participant(s) will abide by the Dance Contract, follow instructions given by representatives of The Dance Project, Inc. and rules of the facility, and take full responsibility for his/her behavior in addition to any damage that may be caused by him/her to the facilities utilized by The Dance Project, Inc. 4. Parent/Guardian: I understand that The Dance Project, a registered and insured, nonprofit organization, which means that under state law a parent/guardian may sign this Waiver and Release of Liability on behalf of his/her child/ward. 5. Safety: Should I observe any unsafe conduct or conditions before, during, or after activities at any event hosted by The Dance Project, Inc., I agree to report the unsafe conduct or conditions to The Dance Project, Inc. representative as soon as possible. 6. Certification: I certify that a. I have read and understand this Waiver and Release of Liability; b. I intend to be bound by its terms so that my child/ward may participate in activities hosted by The Dance Project, Inc.; and c. a new Waiver and Release of Liability must be signed every season, even if one is on file from a previous season.
Media Release I give The Dance Project, Inc. permission to publish in print, electronic, or video format the likeness or image of myself and/or my child/ward. I release all claims against The Dance Project, Inc. with respect to copyright ownership and publication, including any claim for compensation related to use of the materials. General Guidelines: It is recommended that a release be obtained when photographing or videotaping a minor (under 18). Parent or guardian signatures are required; signatures of minors are not sufficient. When images are published, The Dance Project, Inc. will take cautionary steps to provide minimum identifying information and will not use specific street or mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, or phone numbers. Signed release forms are not needed when subjects are in public places, such as fairgrounds or parks. Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment I hereby give consent to The Dance Project, obtain all emergency medical or dental care prescribed by a duly licensed physician (M.D.), osteopath (D.O.) or dentist (D.D.S.) for named child/ward. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve the life, limb and/or well-being of the named child/ward.