THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR CHILD MAY BE USED OR DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. Please review it carefully.  If you have any questions about this notice or if you need more information, please contact our Privacy Officer.

Privacy Officer/Northwest Pediatric Therapy:  Lynn Center
Mailing Address: 2580 East Joyce Blvd Ste 12, Fayetteville, AR 72703 
Phone: (479) 521-7337 

About This Notice
This notice of Privacy Practices Describes how Northwest Pediatric Therapy may use or disclose your child’s medical information with and without your consent, how we may contact you regarding your child’s medical information, and your rights with respect to your child’s protected health information. We are also required by law under the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to maintain the privacy of your child’s protected health information (PHI). 

What is Protected Health Information?  Protected Health Information (PHI) is information that individually identifies your child and that we create or get from you or from another health care provider, a health plan, your employer, or a health care clearinghouse and that relates to (1) your child’s past, present, or future physical or mental health or conditions, (2) the provisions of health care to your child, or (3) the past, present, or future payment of your child’s health care.

How We May Use and Disclose Your Child’s PHI:  

Treatment: We may use your child’s PHI to give medical treatment or services and to manage and coordinate medical care. For example, we may disclose PHI to therapists and other personal who are involved in your child’s treatment, including people outside our practice, such as referring to specialists and physicians.

Payment: We may use and disclose PHI so that we can bill for the treatment and services received from Northwest Pediatric Therapy, to submit a claim to your insurance carrier and/or state funding sources for payment. 

Health Care Operations: HealthCare Operations include activities performed by our clinic , such as quality assessment, case management/coordination, training programs for supervisory purpose, and activities associated with the licensing and issuance of credentials of our staff.

As Required by Law: We will disclose PHI about your child when required to do so by international, federal, state, or local law. 

To Avert a Serious Threat to Health or Safety: We may use and disclose PHI when necessary to prevent a serious threat to your child’s health or safety or to the health and safety of others, but we will only disclosure the information to someone who may be able to help prevent the threat. 

Business Associates: We may disclose PHI to our business associates who perform functions on our behalf or provide us with services if the PHI is necessary for those functions or services. For example, we may use another company to do our billing or to provide transcription or consulting services for us. All of our business associates are obligated, under contract with us, to protect the privacy of your child’s PHI.

Health Oversight Activities: We may disclose PHI to health oversight agency for activities authorized by law. These oversight activities include, for example, audits, investigations, inspections, licensure, and similar activities that are necessary for the government to monitor the health care system, government programs, and compliance with civil rights laws.  

Lawsuits and Disputes: If you are involved in a lawsuit or dispute, we my disclose PHI in response to a court or administrative order. We also may disclose PHI in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other legal process from someone else involved in the dispute, but only if efforts have been made to tell you about the request or to get an order protecting the information requested. We may also use or disclose your PHI to defend ourselves if you are to sue us.

Law Enforcement: We may release PHI if asked by a law enforcement official for the following reasons: in response to a court order, subpoena, warrant, summons or similar processes; to identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material witness, or missing person; about the victim of a crime if; about a death we believe may be a result of criminal conduct; about criminal conduct on our premises; and in emergency circumstances to report a crime, the location of the crime or victims, or the identity , description, or location of the person who committed the crime. 

National Security: We may release PHI to authorize federal offices for national security activities authorized by law. We may release PHI to a coroner, medical examiner, or funeral director so that they can carry out their duties. 

Contacting You: Northwest Pediatric Therapy may use and disclose PHI to contact you to remind you that your child has an appointment for medical care, or to contact you to tell you about possible treatment options or alternatives or health related benefits and services that may be of interest to you. Appointment reminders may be made by phone, email, or phone texts. 

If you do NOT wish that a message be left on your answering machine, you do NOT wish to receive mail at your residence, you do NOT wish to receive information by email, or you do NOT wish to receive texts via your phone, please contact the Privacy Officer. 

Disclosure to Others: You will be asked to sign an authorization if you ask to have Northwest Pediatric Therapy disclose your protected health information to others when it is for something other than payment, treatment, or other health care operations. 
Individuals Involved in Your Child’s Care or Payment for Your Child’s

Care: We may disclose PHI to a person who is involved in your child’s medical care or helps pay for your child’s care, such as a family member or friend, to the extent it is relevant to that person’s involvement in your child’s care or payment related to your child’s care.

Your Written Authorization is Required for Other Uses and Disclosures:  Uses and disclosures for marketing purposes and disclosures that constitute a scale of PHI can only be made with your written authorization.  Other uses and disclosures of PHI not covered by this notice of the laws that apply to us will be made only with your written authorization. If you do give us an authorization, you may revoke it at any time by submitting a written revocation to our Privacy Officer, and we will no longer disclose PHI under the authorization. Disclosures that we made before you revoked the authorization will not be affected by the revocation. 

YOUR RIGHTS: You have the following rights, subject to certain limitations, regarding your child’s PHI:

Right to Inspect and Copy: You have the right to inspect and/ or request a copy of your child’s protected health information. This Information will be given to you within one week of your request. However, this does not include information complied in anticipation of, or use in a civil, criminal, or administrative action proceeding. 

Request a Restriction: You have the right to request a restriction of your child’s protected health information. You may ask us not to use of disclose any part of your child’s protected health information for the purpose of treatment, payment, or health care operations. You may also request restriction on specific health information to not be disclosed to family members/friends who may be involved in your care. Please discuss any restriction you wish to request with the Privacy Officer.

Alternative Communication Means: You have the right to receive confidential communication from us by alternative means or at an alternative location. You must specify in writing, to the Privacy Officer, the alternative method and /or location where you wish to be contacted. We will accommodate reasonable requests. In determining whether a request is reasonable, we will consider the administrative difficulty it takes to complete the request.

Right to Request Amendments: You have the right to amend your child’s protected health information with the Privacy Officer. You may request an amendment of protected health information about your child for as long as we maintain this information. However, the law limits your ability to change or add to your health information. 

Receive an Accounting of Disclosers: You have the right to receive an accounting of certain disclosures we have made, if any, of your protected health information. This right applies to be made directly to you, family members, or friends involved  in your child’s case. The right to receive this information may be subject to certain expectations.

Right to Receive Notice of a Breach: We are required to notify you by first class mail or by e-mail (if you have indicated a preference to receive information by e-mail), of any breach of your unsecured PHI.

Right to an Electronic Copy of Electronic Medical Records: If your child’s PHI is maintained in one or more designated record sets electronically (for example an electronic medical record or an electronic health record), you have the right to request that an electronic copy of your child’s record be given to you or transmitted to another individual or entity. If you chose to have your PHI transmitted electronically, you will need to provide a written request to this office listing the contact information of the individual or entity who should receive your child’s electronic PHI.

Right to Restrict Certain Disclosures to Your Health Plan: You have the right to restrict certain disclosures of PHI to a health plan if the disclosure is for payment or health care operations and pertains to a health care item or service for which you have paid out of pocket in full. We will honor this request unless we are otherwise required by law to disclose this information. This request must be made, in writing, at the time of service. 

Right to Request Confidential Communications: You have the right to request that we communicate with you only in certain ways to preserve your child’s privacy. For example, you may request that we contact you by mail at a special address or call you only at your work number. You must make any such request in writing and you must specify how or where we are to contact you. We will accommodate all reasonable requests. We will not ask you the reason for your request. 

Copy of this Notice: You have the right to obtain a paper copy or emailed copy of this notice from us, upon request to the Privacy Officer, your child’s therapist, or the office administrator.  

How to Exercise Your Rights Required In Writing:  To exercise your rights described in this Notice, send your request, in writing, to our Privacy Officer, Lynn Center,  at 2580 East Joyce Blvd, Ste 12, Fayetteville, AR  72703.                           

Rev. 2019


Northwest Pediatric Therapy

Located in the Joyce Medical and Professional Center

2580 East Joyce Blvd, Ste 12

Fayetteville, AR 72703

Phone: (479) 521-7337, Fax: (479) 521-7338


Review NWPT's Privacy Policy

This questionnaire is being provided as an annual update to your child's information we have on file.  


If you should have any questions completing this form, please contact your child's therapist or the clinic at (479) 521-7337.

You will need your INSURANCE CARD / INFORMATION when you complete this form.

Please COMPLETELY FINISH THIS FORM BEFORE EXITING as the information you provided will NOT be saved until you finish the form, give your electronic signature consent, and agree to the document.   You do not have to print this form.  Once you complete online, it will be sent electronically back to NWPT.

Thank you for allowing us to provide speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, and/or developmental therapy services to your child!

First Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Parent/Guardian Age Acknowledgment*
First Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
First Parent/Guardian Signature*
Second Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
Third Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
Fourth Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
Fifth Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
Sixth Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
Seventh Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
Eighth Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
Ninth Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
Tenth Parent/Guardian Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Parent/Guardian Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*

Today's Date *

Child's FIRST and LAST name *

Child's Date of Birth *

Child's age (years, months)
Ethnicity *
African American
East Asian or Asian American
Latino or Hispanic American
Middle Eastern or Arab American
Non-Hispanic White or Euro-American
South Asian or Indian American

Primary Language Spoken in the home *

Secondary Language Spoken in the home (if applicable)

Child's Primary Diagnosis (if applicable)

Secondary Diagnosis (if applicable)

Primary Care Physician

Clinic Name

When was your child's last well-check appointment?


Mother's Name *

Father's Name *

Address Line 1: Street address, P.O. Box, etc. *

Address Line 2: P.O. Box, Apartment number, etc.

City *

State *

ZIP/ Postal Code *

Home phone number (list "none" if there is not one)

Mother's Cell Phone Number *
Participate in texting? (for scheduling purposes)*
In addition, should we ever need to contact you by phone, do you give us permission to leave a voicemail?*

Father's cell phone number *
Participate in texting? (for scheduling purposes)*
In addition, should we ever need to contact you by phone, do you give us permission to leave a voicemail?*

Preferred email address: *

Mother's Occupation

Father's Occupation

Emergency contact name

Emergency contact phone number

Relationship of emergency contact to child (ex. grandparent, aunt, friend of family)
Does your child have allergies?*

If YES, please list allergies here:
Does your child currently take any medications?*

If YES, please list all medications here:


Medicaid Number

TEFRA Number

AR Kids A Number

AR Kids B Number


Does your child have a PRIMARY insurance?*

(1) Insurance

(1) Insurance Policy Number

(1) Insurance Group Number

(1) Insurance Phone Number

(1) Insured's Name

(1) Insured's Date of Birth

(1) Insured's Place of Employment


Does your child have a SECONDARY insurance?*

(2) Insurance

(2) Insurance Policy Number

(2) Insurance Group Number

(2) Insurance Phone Number

(2) Insured's Name

(2) Insured's Date of Birth

(2) Insured's Place of Employment
Please attach a copy of the FRONT of ALL your child's insurance card(s) here.
Front of Insurance Card(s)
Valid file types: JPG, GIF, PNG, and PDF


Please check the appropriate box if you child has had any of the following in the last year:
Chicken pox
Scarlet Fever
High Fevers
Heart Problems
Physical Injuries
Lung/Bronchial difficulties
Sleeping Problems
Indoor/Outdoor Allergies
Food/Medication allergies
Other Allergies
Vision Difficulties
Frequent Ear Infections
Tubes in ears
Hearing Loss

If YES to any of the above, please give details:
Are Immunizations Current? *
My child does not get Immunizations
Do you have any concerns regarding your child's hearing?*

If YES, please explain:
Has your child had a hearing test in the last year?*

If YES, what were the results?
Are you concerned about your child's current ability to eat foods?*

If YES, please explain:
Has your child had a video swallow study in the last year?*

If YES, what were the results?
Has your child had a Gastro-Intestinal series in the last year?*

If YES, what were the results?

Please explain if your child had any other surgeries or major medical issues in the last year:

Has your child developed any new behaviors or sensory behaviors that are interfering with his or her daily functioning?

Please list any concerns you may continue to have regarding your child's current development:
Please check if your child is receiving any therapies other than what your child is being re-tested for today:
Speech Therapy
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Developmental Therapy

If YES, to any of the above, please list where and the day(s) and time(s)
May we contact your child's other therapist(s) to coordinate services?*
Not applicable

If YES, please list the therapist(s) name and phone number:
Does your child currently attend preschool/daycare or school?*

If YES, please list where and the day(s)/time(s)
If your child does not attend preschool/daycare, does he/she socialize with children in other programs, play-dates, etc?*

If YES, please explain:


If your child CONTINUES to qualify for therapy, please check the days, and times that would be best for your child to attend therapy. Please check at least one box on each day. 

early morning (8:30-12:30)
mid afternoon (1:30-3:30)
late-afternoon (3:30-5:30)
Not Available
early morning ( 8:30-12:30)
mid-afternoon (1:30-3:30)
late-afternoon (3:30-5:30)
Not Available
early morning (8:30-12:30)
mid-afternoon (1:30-3:30)
late-afternoon (3:30-5:30)
Not Available
early morning (8:30-12:30)
mid-afternoon (1:30-3:30)
late-afternoon (3:30-5:30)
Not Available
early morning (8:30-12:30)
mid-afternoon (1:30-3:30)
late-afternoon (3:30-5:30)
Not Available

What time does your child usually nap during the day?

Special request/comment on scheduling:
BASED ON TODAY'S TEST RESULTS, if your child continues to qualify for therapy, do you want your child to continue to receive therapy?*

If your insurance has changed in the last year, please provide your new insurance card so that a copy can be made for our files. Thank You!


Please complete the following by checking the appropriate box for each authorization


I authorize Northwest Pediatric Therapy to evaluate and treat my child as recommend by my child's primary care physician.*
I agree
I DO NOT agree


In the event that your child cannot attend in-person therapy services due to COVID 19 or due to inclement weather, your child may be eligible to receive teletherapy services, depending on your insurance plan.*
I agree
I DO NOT agree


I authorize Northwest Pediatric Therapy to bill my child's insurance(s) for services rendered. I authorize payment of medical benefits to be made directly to Northwest Pediatric Therapy for services rendered. I agree to either pay in-full or set up a payment plan and begin payment for all charges within 7 days of the receipt of the billed services. I agree to be fully responsible for my insurance deductible, co-pay, coinsurance, and or the full payment if my insurance denies coverage.*
I agree
I DO NOT agree


I authorize Northwest Pediatric Therapy to request and receive my child's medical records for nay purpose deemed necessary as related to my child's treatment. This includes, but is not limited to, referrals for evaluations and treatment, hearing evaluation results, swallow study results, etc.*
I agree
I DO NOT agree


If I, the legal parent/guardian, cannot be reached, I authorize the administration of "live saving" procedures such as x-rays, surgery, transportation, hospitalization, medication, and/or any treatment procedure deemed necessary by a medical professional. If you do not agree to this, then we require that you do not leave the clinic during your child's therapy session.*
I agree
I DO NOT agree


I give Northwest Pediatric Therapy the right and privilege to photograph/video my child for the use of developing and publicly releasing promotional information. I understand that my child's image my be viewed in photos in the clinic, in magazines, flyers, brochures, on television, on NWPT's website, or on NWPT's Facebook page.*
I agree
I DO NOT agree


I give Northwest Pediatric Therapy the right and privilege to photograph/video my child during special events such as: Kid of the Week, Water Week, holidays, child's graduation, etc and post these photos on NWPT's Facebook and/or Instagram page.*
I agree
I DO NOT agree


I understand that Northwest Pediatric Therapy has an Attendance Policy and that after my child receives 4 ATTENDANCE NOTICES regarding No Shows, tardiness, or inconsistent attendance, my child may be discharged from therapy.*
I agree


I understand that Northwest Pediatric Therapy is a teaching facility. I understand that my child may be observed through supervised observations as part of an academic internship, practicum, and/or observation requirement for students. They may participate in activities with my child while his/her therapist is in direct supervision. I understand that each student will be required to abide by Northwest Pediatric Therapy's Privacy Practices.  


I have been offered a copy of Northwest Pediatric Therapy's Privacy Notice and understand my rights contained in the notice. By way of my signature below, I provide Lynn M. Center, Inc. (dba: Northwest Pediatric Therapy) with my authorization and consent to use and disclose my protected health care information for the purpose of treatment, payment, and health care operations as described in the Privacy Notice. 

Typing your name will represent your signature that you acknowledge our privacy policy and your rights. *


Click to customize text

I acknowledge that I have been presented, given, or offered a copy of Northwest Pediatric Therapy's Welcome Handbook and have read or will read each of Northwest Pediatric Therapy's Rules/Guidelines.*
I agree


For the safety of your child, please list anyone who is authorized to pick your child up from therapy. If you need to remove a name from the list at any time in the future, you must contact clinic staff at (479) 521-7337. Please be aware that anyone other than the parent or legal guardian will be asked to show a form of picture identification.
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

Parent or Guardian's Age Acknowledgment*
Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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