PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND BEFORE STARTING A PROGRAM WITH COACH ALDO!! Aldos Strength & Conditioning Gym, LLC/Aldo De La Garza do not maintain health insurance for injuries to the participant that may arise out of involvement in this activity. I Agree By virtue of participation, myself or my child may risk bodily injury, including paralysis, dismemberment, death, and other loss including damage to property. I Agree I knowingly and freely assume all such risk for myself or my child. I Agree I agree to follow and/or agree to instruct my child to follow all posted safety rules as well as any others given in the course of this training. I Agree Aldos Strength & Conditioning Gym, LLC reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by Aldos Strength & Conditioning Gym, LLC, without the express written permission of those included in the photograph/video. I Agree I hereby authorize and give my consent for medical care to be given in an emergency situation to myself or my child while participating in the training program. I Agree I release and hold harmless and promise not to sue Aldos Strength & Conditioning Gym, LLC/ Aldo De La Garza, its owners, managers, trainers, agents, volunteers and assigns with respect to any and all such injury, paralysis, dismemberment, death or loss unless claim is caused by the direct and sole negligence or willful misconduct of Aldos Strength & Conditioning Gym, LLC. I Agree I acknowledge that Aldos Strength & Conditioning Gym, LLC has recommended, in writing, that anyone involved in this training receive a full medical physical evaluation from a medical doctor before participation in the training and activities associated with Aldos Strength & Conditioning Gym, LLC. I Agree This agreement is binding on my heirs, personal representatives, next of kin, spouse and assigns. I Agree |