In consideration of Gloucester. Recreational Park Inc. (GRP) furnishing services and/or equipment that enable me to participate in The Swamp paintball games, I agree as follows: I fully understand and acknowledge that a. risks and dangers exist in my participation of such activities and/or personal use of such equipment may result in my injury or illness (including but not limited to bodily injury, disease, strains, fractures, partial or total paralysis, eye injury, blindness, heart stroke, heart attack, other ailments that could cause serious illness or disability and in severe cases death.)
b. the risks mentioned above that can cause danger to my person may be caused by the negligence of the owner, employees, officers or agents.of GRP, the negligence of participants and others on public grounds, accidents, breathes of contract, and/or predictable or unpredictable forces of nature such as heavy precipitation, storms, unforeseeable forces, acts of god, inconvenient weather, or natural disasters.
c. by my participation in these activities and/or personal use of equipment, I hereby assume and accept full responsibility for the injuries, Illnesses, and/or other inconveniences that are inflicted on myself due to these risks and dangers and will not hold the owner, employees, or officers of GRP reliable for my accidents. I, on behalf of myself, my personal representatives and my heirs, I hereby voluntarily agree to release, waive, discharge, and defend.GRP , its owners, agents, officers, and employees from any and all claims of bodily injury, property damage, fatal Illness, loss of property and/or services, death, or otherwise • circumstances which may arise out of my participation In activities and/or personal use of equipment here at The Swamp Paintball Park. I also understand that any images captured on public grounds of The Swamp Paintball Park may be used for advertisement and/or promotional purposes via social media and personal emails given on waiver may be used to distribute promotional notifications. This legally binding, waiver is good from January 1st, 2017 through December 31st, 2017. I Have Read The Above Waiver And Release Form And By Signing It, I Agree That It Is My Intention To Exempt And Relieve GRP From Legal Liability For Personal Injury, Property . Damage, And/Or Wrongful Death Caused By Negligence Or Any Other Cause. Date: February 17, 2025 |