NSP Northern Michigan Region Alpine Patroller Evaluation RELEASE FORM I understand that I am about to participate in a OEC Module of the Section 1 Alpine Patroller Evaluation (AlpEval) I have volunteered under my own free will to participate in the ALPEVAL which is entirely elective. I have thoroughly investigated and understand what is involved in a ALPEVAL. I understand and acknowledge that the ALPEVAL may include, but is not limited to, extensive classroom and/or field work on first aid scenarios, skiing/snowboarding, toboggan handling along with other events which ski patrollers encounter in their duties of patrolling at a ski area and for training and education purposes may involve me simulating the role of an injured person (the Event Activities). I understand that I will encounter the inherent risks and dangers of patrolling, as well as the additional risk of working by myself and in groups on a variety of terrain and snowpack of varying conditions and difficulties and may involve movement through avalanche terrain, route selection/hazard identification, stability assessments, search and rescue and survival in the field environment. Field sessions may involve locations from which evacuation of participants would be long and difficult, if the participant was injured. I understand and acknowledge that such activity can be dangerous and I knowingly assume the risk of participating in this ALPEVAL. As part of this ALPEVAL, I understand and acknowledge that I may also encounter additional risks not inherent to a normal participant to the sport of skiing or snowboarding. These additional risks include, but are not limited to, risks of injury to any and all parts of my body and even the risk of death. These dangers can be caused or created by many factors, which include, but are not limited to, terrain (both on prepared or groomed ski runs and on areas not prepared, maintained or groomed), weather, natural obstacles, man-made obstacles, variable snow conditions, avalanches, and other conditions inherent to my participation in ALPEVAL . By signing this Release, I represent that I understand that injuries or even death from skiing/snowboarding and this ALPEVA are known and recognized occurrences from participation in the sport and the Event Activities, and that I freely accept and assume all risks of injury or death that might result from my participation in skiing/snowboarding and/or this ALPEVAL. In consideration of the opportunity to participate in this ALPEVAL , I acknowledge the following: that I, for myself, my heirs, representatives, agents, servants, employees, successors, assigns, and anyone claiming by or through me, do hereby remise, release, and forever discharge and agree to hold harmless and defend the National Ski Patrol System, Inc. (NSP) and any of its subunits, officers, advisors, instructors and members, as well as all fellow participants, both individually and jointly, their respective representatives, agents, servants, attorneys, employees, successors, and assigns, from any and all liability, regardless of any negligence on the part of the same, claims, suits, proceedings, debts, sums of money, accounts, covenants, agreements, promises, judgments, contracts, damages, costs, expenses and demands of whatsoever kind and nature, whether in law or in equity, which I may have, have had, or may at any time hereafter have, arising out of or otherwise connected with, in any way, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, participating in the ALPEVAL . While persons instructing and/or organizing the ALPEVAL, or persons assisting them, may offer advice regarding Event Activities based upon their training, background and experience, I represent and agree that I will use my own judgment when performing and/or demonstrating the skills involved in the ALPEVAL. I will also rely solely on my judgment regarding my personal safety and ability with regard to the terrain, circumstances and conditions in which I may demonstrate or perform to accomplish the tasks involved in the ALPEVAL, including, but not limited to skiing/snowboarding and other related Event Activities. I also clearly understand and agree that, at any time during the ALPEVAL, I shall and am expected to refrain from performing and/or demonstrating any activities, if and when I believe that I may be in an unsafe situation or subject to possible injury or death if I proceed. I affirm, by signing this release that I am physically fit and capable of performing the activities involved in the ALPEVAL. I also affirm that I have no known physical or psychological limitations that would prevent my full participation in the ALPEVAL, including, but not limited to any limitations in my ability to ski or snowboard. I agree that this Release shall be governed by the applicable law of the State of Michigan and that if any part of this Release shall be determined to be unenforceable, all other parts shall be given full force and effect. Date: March 13, 2025 |