NOTICE: THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN MYSELF AND ROGUE ROCK GYM, LLC (hereinafter "RRG"). In consideration of being permitted to use RRG's facility and/or participate in any program offered by RRG, I agree to the following terms, covenants, and conditions, and make the following representations: I HEARBY ACKNOWLEDGE THE INHERENT EXTREME RISKS IN ROCK CLIMBING, including climbing on artificial surfaces. I realize that those risks include, but are not limited to falls from contact with walls and equipment, bad decision-making, inattention of belayers or actions of other climbers, misuse or failure of equipment including but not excluded to TrueBlue Auto-Belay devices, holds which may have become loose or damaged, and other accidents. I acknowledge that the above list is not inclusive of all possible risks associated with the use of the facilities, and/or the sport of rock climbing. I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME AND ACKNOWLEDGE SUCH RISKS WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPRECIATION OF THE DANGER AND RISK INVOLVED. I voluntarily agree to assume all risk of injury or death that may occur while I am in the facility, participating in any event or program, or climbing anywhere at any time, whether or not under supervision of RRG. I hereby forever give up, waive, and release RRG, its successors, assigns, officers, employees, members, wall designers, builders, and all other related persons and entities from any and all claims, whether known or unknown, which I have or may have in the future, which is in any way connected to my use of RRG's facility and/or any participation in any program or training offered by RRG, including any claims arising from the negligence of releasees. I represent that I am in good health and have no physical limitations which would affect my safe use of the facilities. I agree to pay attention to the state of any ropes, anchors and other equipment I may use, and to advise staff members if I do any damage or notice damage. I acknowledge that I have read the posted rules, and I agree to abide by these rules and any future rules, and if staff makes a specific request of or instruction to me, I agree to comply. I understand that indoor climbing is not the same as outdoor climbing, which requires additional skills, and I agree to seek qualified instruction before attempting to climb outdoors. I further agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless RRG, its successors, assigns, officers, employees, members, wall designers, and builders, and any and all related persons and entities from any and all claims, whether known or unknown, which is in any way connected to the use of RRG's facility and/or any participation with any program or training offered by RRG, including any claims arising from the negligence of releasees. I agree that should any language of this document be deemed to be unenforceable, the remaining language continues to be legally enforceable. I HAVE HAD SUFFICIENT OPPORTUNITY TO READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD IT, AND I AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. Date: February 10, 2025 |