I hereby acknowledge and understand that there are inherent or other risks associated with the park, all rides, attractions, recreational areas, and parking areas located within the grounds, as well as other risks which a reasonably prudent person should be aware of upon entry of the park. I also acknowledge park regulations, warnings, directions, or instructions posted around the park. I acknowledge the risk of bodily harm, physical injury, or even death that could occur, and be caused by, or arise from participating in park activities included but not limited to use of all rides, attractions, recreational areas, and parking areas located within the parks grounds. I acknowledge use of any park ride, attraction, or recreational area may be dangerous to those who: (a) are pregnant;
(b) have heart conditions;
(c) have high blood-pressure
(d) have back or neck problems;
(e) have any other health problem which makes them susceptible to injury or sickness;
(f) have health problems which may be worsened by participation in park activities. I voluntarily assume all risks – known or unknown - including possible bodily harm, physical injury, or death, associated with use of any of this park’s facilities. By assuming all risks, I acknowledge I am responsible for my own health and well-being, as well as the health and well-being of any persons under my care and supervision. I hereby release and waive my right to sue the park, all of its agencies, and any officials or employees of the park, regarding any and all liability and claims, including but not limited to, claims of negligence, any claim related to an act or failure to act of any person associated with the park, and any claims regarding failure to warn. I sign this waiver voluntarily and of my own free will. I recognize and intend this to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. All admission, tickets, membership, or entrance onto the park is subject to these Terms & Conditions. This waiver is in effect from date of the signature. Date: March 27, 2025 |