WARNING : All activities or sports associated with an indoor bouldering facility and with training equipment and training programs (herein reffered to as « activity ») present elements of considerable risk. Although we have taken serious measures to provide you with appropriate instructions for you to practice an activity with which you might not be completely familiar, we wish to remind you that this activity is not risk free. Indeed, some risks cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of the activity. Elements that contribute to making this activity unique could cause loss or damage of your material, accidental injury, sickness or in extreme cases, permanent trauma or death. We do not wish to scare you or reduce your enthusiasm towards the activity but we believe it important that you know beforehad what is involved and make you aware of inherent risks. RISK AKNOWLEDGEMENT I UNDERSTAND THAT THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS DESCRIBE SOME AND NOT ALL THE RISKS OF INDOOR CLIMBING, AND OF PHYSICAL TRAINING: 1. Sliding, tripping falling or colapsing painfully while using the installations, material, climbing walls, reception mattresses, floors, training area, change rooms or stairs; 2. Incorrect usage of the material, installations, or equipment failure; 3. Suprise falls due to an incorrect position, incorrect spotting or an ususpected loss of controll; 4. My health, my physical strength, my coordination, my blance and my ability to follow or to give directions while climbing or performing physical training might not be enought to safely practice indoor climbing; 5. Fatigue, shivers and drowsiness that can reduce reaction time and increase potential risk; 6. Scratches caused by equipment or the structures; 7. Presence, actions or falls of other participants; I understand that this is not an extensive description and that other unknown risks could cause injury, sickness or death. I agree to play an active role in risk management by having a preventive attitude towards myself and towards others around me. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL CONDITION I hereby state that I am in good physical condition and that I have no personal health problem preventing me from participating in the activities offered at Centre d'escalade Bloc Shop. I agree to disclose any physical or mental contidition that could have an impact on my safety or the safety of others. RISK AGREEMENT I accept all risk of physical injury, accidents or sickness, including sprains, tears, fractures, eye problems, cuts, scratches, contusions, dehydration, lack of oxygen, vertigo, head, neck or spinal trauma, lung problems, nervous breakdown, paralysis and-or death. I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHOOSING MY SPOTTING PARTNER. RULES AND REGULATION AGREEMENT I hereby agree to having understood, and accept to respect and follow the Centre d'Escalade Bloc Shop rules and regulation. A copy is posted in the facility. I have read it and understand it. Centre d'Escalade Bloc Shop and its representatives reserve the right to refuse or withdraw access to its facility to anyone displaying a dangerous conduct regarding indoor climbing safety or any participant who refuses to abide by the Centre d'Escalade Bloc Shop rules and regulations. HELMET I understand that wearing a helment can reduce the risk of head trauma, that I am personally responsible for my decision of wearing a helment or not. It is my responsibility to wear a helmet. CHILDREN CLIMBERS AND VISITORS I hereby state that the child for which I am signing is truly my own biological son, daughter, or that I am truly his or her legal guardian. I agree to follow the rules and regulation that I have read and understood when I am in presences of children at Bloc Shop as a climber and as a host. PHOTOGRAPHY AND MARKETING I hereby authorize Bloc Shop to use pictures and video material for publicity without receiving compensation. FALLING AND SAFETY ORIENTATION I understand that for everyone's safety, I mustparticipate in a safety orientationbefore my climbing activity. I understand that I must respect my own body and abilities when chosing a climbing height. GENERAL AGREEMENT I hereby state that I have read and understood the risk acknowledgement form presentend. OF MY OWN FREE WILL, I ACCEPT ALL THE RISKS AND DANGERS PREVIOUSLY MENTIONNED. And I accept to respect the rules and regulations of "Centre d'Escalade Bloc Shop". Date: March 6, 2025 |