Liability Waiver Using the Austin Ninjas, LLC (“Austin Ninjas”) facilities involves the risk of injury to you, your children, and guests, whether you or someone else causes it. Specific risks vary from one activity to another and range from minor to major injuries, including catastrophic injuries and death. In consideration of your participation in the activities offered by Austin Ninjas, you understand and voluntarily accept this risk and agree that Austin Ninjas, its officers, members, employees, volunteers, agents, and independent contractors will not be liable for any injury, including, without limitation, personal, bodily, or mental injury, death, economic loss, or any other damage to you, your spouse, minor children, guests, unborn children, or relatives resulting from any negligence of Austin Ninjas, anyone acting on Austin Ninjas’s behalf, or anyone using the facilities, whether related to exercise or not. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Austin Ninjas harmless against any liability, damages, defense costs, including attorney fees, or from any other costs incurred in connection with claims for bodily injury, wrongful death, or property damage caused by your negligence or other wrongful acts or omissions. You further agree to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify Austin Ninjas from all liability, damages, defense costs, including attorney’s fees, or from any other costs incurred in connection with claims for bodily injury, wrongful death or property damage brought by you, your guests, or minors, even if Austin Ninjas was negligent. Further, you understand and acknowledge Austin Ninjas does not manufacture much of the fitness or other equipment at its facilities, but purchases or leases the equipment. You understand Austin Ninjas is providing recreational services and may not be held liable for any defective products. By signing below, you acknowledge and agree that you have read the foregoing and know of the nature of the activities at Austin Ninjas. You are signing this Liability Waiver on behalf yourself, your spouse, and guests, and as parent (or guardian) for your minor and unborn children. A copy of the Liability Waiver is available to you upon request. Photo Release I understand that I, my children and guests may be photographed, videotaped, and otherwise recorded while at Austin Ninjas. I agree on behalf of myself, children, and guests that Austin Ninjas may use my, my children’s and guests’ name and likeness (in any form and without regard to distortions of character, form or color, or any other alteration) in photographs, videotapes, audiotapes, and other media, without any additional consideration to me, my children or guestsmy children or to any third party.I grant Austin Ninjas and its agents permission to utilize name, image or likeness in any live or recorded audio, video or photographic display or other transmission or reproduction, in whole or in part. If you do not want to sign this photo release, please notify Austin Ninjas management. Dated: March 14, 2025 |