
The M’lis Professional Contour Body Wrap promotes detoxification, helps to smooth cellulite, shapes the body and improves overall health.

Please read the following carefully prior to receiving a M’lis Contour Body Wrap:


  • DO consider completing an internal M’lis Cleanse Program to enhance cellulite reduction and inch loss. (Ask technician for information)
  • Take M’lis CELL-U-RID at least one week prior to first wrap and throughout wrap series.
  • DO drink a minimum of 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day at least one week prior to receiving first body wrap.


  • Have a patch test performed to determine niacin sensitivity. If reaction occurs, have patch test administered using sensitive formula. **REMEMBER, CONTOUR CREAM contains niacin. Clients/Patients taking a niacin supplement, or products containing niacin (tanning creams, energy drinks, etc.) must decrease their niacin levels prior to wrap services to avoid a possible niacin retention reaction.


  • DO NOT drink anything for 2 hour before your wrap to ensure you will not need to use the restroom during the treatment.
  • DO NOT use any moisturizing lotions or creams the day of your wrap.
  • DO NOT shave the day of your wrap.
  • DO NOT shower for 6-8 hours after receiving your M’lis CONTOUR BODY WRAP.
  • DO NOT apply additional heat sources prior to, during or immediately after the wrap - this includes raising the body temperature by exercising. If you are unsure about any add-on service call customer service for more info.
  • DO ensure that your technician performs an enzymatic exfoliation prior to receiving wrap.


  • DO ensure that you perform enzymatic exfoliation at home 3 times per week using M’lis BUFF Body Exfoliator. 
  • DO use the M’lis MAINTAIN Anti-Cellulite Lotion each day after a bath or shower to enhance results. 
  • DO ensure that you practice a healthy lifestyle of exercise and proper diet to maintain the inches lost. Avoid processed foods, caffeine/coffee, carbonated drinks, refined sugar, white flour, and red meat (See M’lis “Truly Clean”).
  • DO drink at least half your daily allotment of water before drinking anything else.


• DO NOT allow yourself to be wrapped if you: have a heart condition (specifically conditions requiring Coumadin or other blood thinners), epilepsy, have had cancer that is not in remission for at least two years, or are pregnant or nursing.


During the wrap, the skin will most likely appear pink or red and will feel warm and tingly. This is normal. This is the skin’s natural response to niacin and is a sign of increased circulation. If a reaction such as a rash or hives occurs during or after a treatment you may be experiencing a build up of niacin from other niacin containing products. If this happens, it is recommended that you complete an internal detoxification program prior to receiving another wrap. If a more intense or unusual reaction occurs, please contact your body wrap professional for more information.

1) I hereby acknowledge that the products and services were explained to me in full and I understand the Do’s and Don’ts of the M’lis Contour Wrap. I understand that I may have a reaction to one or more of the ingredients in the M’lis Contour Cream which may result in a hive type rash.

2) If under a doctor’s care and I use this information, products and/or services without my doctor’s approval, I am assuming full responsibility and hereby fully and forever release The M’lis Company and from any or all liability.

3) I am of lawful age and have read and fully understand the contents of this document and the complete terms and conditions herein. This agreement contains the complete agreement between the parties and no other guarantees or refunds will be given on products or services. 

Dated: July 26, 2024

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