I have voluntarily agreed and have chosen to participate in activities at LIVE Training Center. I understand that the activities related may be dangerous and participation may expose me to many inherent risks, including but not limited to accidents, illness, Injury or death. I understand that activities of LIVE Training Center include strength training, running, agility drills, jumping, intense cardiovascular training, flexibility training, in addition to other physical activities. Acknowledgement is hereby made that activities may also require me to spend time inside and outside in heat and other weather conditions. The risks include, but are not limited to, use of training facilities, exercise programs, terrain, temperature, weather, my physical condition, equipment, actions of others, and lack of hydration. I acknowledge and assume all risk of injury associated with my participation in LIVE Training Center programs, events, and training, including, but not limited to falls, contact with action of others, effects of weather, high heat and/or humidity, my physical condition, equipment, and failure to properly hydrate. By participating in LIVE Training Center events, programs or activities, I agree to release and discharge Live Training Center and any of its employees, volunteers, supervisors, from any harm or injuries sustained by me as a result of participation. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless, Live Training Center, and any of its employees, volunteers and supervisors, facilities and owners of Live Training Center against any liability, loss, cost or claim or damage incurred as a result of such injury or loss. I understand fitness programs require that I be in good health and have no known condition that could endanger my well-being through participation. I will notify Live Training Center of any such conditions in writing prior to enrolling in any Live Training Center program, activity or event. I agree to consent to the use of any photos or video taken during the course of training to be used for promotional purposes of Live Training Center. By participating in the program, I give consent and permission for such use of their image and likeness and release all rights to these images. After having read this waiver and acknowledging these facts, and in consideration of my participation in any Live Training Center program, my signature reflects my full agreement with this waiver and all conditions. This agreement cannot be modified orally, nor by any representative of Live Training Center, or anyone else that verbally contradicts any of the terms of this release and the undersigned has entered into this agreement free and voluntarily without force. By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have read and have full understanding of its content, and agree to its provisions. By signing the below, you agree to participate in the LIVE Training event, program or class. This acknowledgement is hereby made for all activities of such event and will include strength training, running, agility drills, jumping and other cardiovascular activities as well as some flexibility exercises for both you and your child/children. I attest that my child is in good health and physically fit enough to participate in this event, class or program. I further acknowledge that there is risk involved in participating with any type of exercise, sports or games which could be caused by terrain, temperature, weather, physical condition, equipment, actions of other people, but not limited to participants, volunteers and lack of hydration. Photos and videos may be taken during the course of the event and may be used for promotional purposes. By participating, I give my consent and permission for such use of images and likeness, and release all rights to these images. I agree to release and discharge LIVE Training Center and any of its employees, volunteers and supervisors, facilities and owners of LIVE Training Center against any liability, loss, cost, claim or damage incurred as a result of such injury or loss. Today's Date: March 12, 2025 |