I, the undersigned, accept the equipment listed on this form and accept full responsibility for its care while it is in my possession. I agree to reimburse Home Grown Mountain Biking tours LLC and its contractors and managers for any theft, loss, or damage to any and all equipment. Please see the replacement part / damage price list below. (We take great pride in providing our customers with great equipment but if your attitude is that "it's a rental", you may find yourself with an extra bill at the end of your rental.) CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN WHEN TRANSPORTING RENTAL BIKES. RENTER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE INCURRED, INCLUDING SCRATCHES TO FRAME, FORK OR ANY OTHER PART OF THE BIKE. ASK FOR MOVING MATS IF NEEDED DURING TRANSPORT. CAREFULLY STORE RENTAL BIKE WHEN NOT IN USE TO AVOID UNNECESSARY DAMAGE. I, the renter named herein, AGREE TO RELEASE FROM ANY LEGAL LIABILITY, INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, HOLD HARMLESS, AND NEVER SUE Home Grown Mountain Biking Tours LLC, the United States of America, special event organizers, sponsors, and all of their successors, heirs, assigns, directors, officers, partners, contractors, investors, shareholders, members, agents, employees, owners, landowners, parent and subsidiary companies, and affiliated companies for any injury or damage to persons or property, including myself, which may result from the use of the above mentioned rental bike. I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING CLAUSE I verify that I am FAMILIAR WITH THE PROPER USE of the bicycle listed on this form, including use of the brakes, gear shifting, suspension, and dropper seat post. I have inspected the equipment being rented, and it is in good condition and working order. I verify that I am CAPABLE OF BASIC BIKE MAINTENANCE skills, including but not limited to; checking for proper tire pressure (min 20 PSI), suspension set up, derailleur and shifting mechanisms, and brake system. I agree that Home Grown Mountain Biking Tours LLC has no duty to supervise my conduct or that of people in my group or to maintain any bicycling surface. MAKE IT RIGHT CLAUSE HG goes through many quality control tests prior to and after every rental. But bikes have many moving parts and those parts can move be knocked out of adjustment very easily. If you are not experienced at these adjustments, please do not adjust on your own. It can make the issue worse. I, the renter signed herein, agree to inform HG of any mechanical issues immediately upon identifying any problems with the rented bicycle. I agree to have HG either come out and fix the issue or provide me with a replacement bike. We will not refund charges if you don't let us try to make it right first. I BREAK IT/SCRATCH IT, I PAY IT CLAUSE As stated above, HG wants to put you on a bike that would be the envy of any mountain biker and that will get you stoked on riding. We want that bike to be in clean working order for the next customer to get stoked on it as well. Your actions could keep that bike out of the rental rotation. We're a small company trying to offer quality equipment that other rental companies won't. Please understand that if you damage a bike, you will get charged. We're not trying to make $ off your misfortune nor are we going to gouge you (we will only charge you WHOLESALE COST) but we are trying to run a small business and we have to protect our investment and the depreciation associated with wrecks, crashes, inadvertently or unknowingly resting bikes improperly on the ground, shuttling or transportation of the bike. Replacement costs are listed below. It is the renter’s responsibility to return rental bike in good working order and renter assumes all responsibility for any damages to the bike incurred while in possession of the renter. Defective parts should be reported to HG upon return of the bike. WE CHARGE FOR SCRATCHES TO HANDLEBARS, FRAME, Dropper post, AND/OR FORK as well as any broken parts. Theft of the rental bicycle and replacement is the sole responsibility of the renter. Renter also agrees to be responsible for misplaced, unlocked, or lost equipment. I authorize Home Grown Mountain Biking Tours LLC to charge my credit card for any damage, loss, or other expenses incurred to the above mentioned rental bike. HAZARDOUS SPORT CLAUSE I understand that mountain biking is a HAZARDOUS ACTIVITY. Further, I recognize that there are risks, inherent and other, including, but not limited to, steep and narrow trails and roads, man-made obstacles, jumps and other features, natural variations in terrain, bumps, stumps, ruts, forest growth, debris, rock, wild animals and other hazards and obstacles, including vehicles and other users and varying weather conditions. I further realize that falls and collisions, which may cause injuries or death, can occur. I agree to ASSUME ALL RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY for myself for such incidents and injuries. USED SUPPLY CLAUSE Renter is responsible for cost of any used supplies. Bikes come outfitted with a multi-tool, CO2, levers, and tube. Other supplies and tools must be provided by the renter. Due to the rugged nature of the trails, you are expected to be self sufficient. (CREDIT CARD INFO REQUIRED FOR ALL RENTERS – EVEN IF PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE, AND CREDIT CARD NUMBER ENTERED THROUGH OUR SQUARE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING SYSTEM. IF THE BIKE IS DAMAGED, HG WILL CHARGE YOUR CARD. THIS IS REQUIRED FOR ALL RENTALS, NO EXCEPTIONS) Name/Renter’s . March 4, 2025 RENTAL BIKE DAMAGE – COST SHEET DAMAGE TYPE EST WHOLESALE COST Cracked Frame $2,000 Scratches on Frame (BIG) $250 + Scratches on Frame (SMALL) $150 Scratched, gouged or broken Fork lowers $200 Scratched, gouged or broken uppers $200 Handlebars $90 Derailleur $90 Brake Lever $50 Brake Rotor $27 Brake Line $20 Scratched, gouged or broken Post $150 Shifter $50 Broken Wheel $200 LOST OR USED SUPPLIES REPLACEMENT COST Tubes $3 Multi-tool $15 CO2 $4 Levers $2