CAUTION: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING CAUTION: Be Advised That Equine Activities Take Place On The Premises And That All Equine Activities Can Involve Inherent Risks Despite All Safety Precautions. Participate At Your Own Risk At All Times. Be it hereby known: “Inherent risks of equine activities” shall mean those risks, dangers or conditions which are an integral part of equine activities, including, but not limited to: (a) The propensity of any horse to behave in unpredictable ways that may result in injury, harm or death to persons on or around them, and/or damage to property in their vicinity, and whether the person is walking nearby, mounting, riding or dismounting; No horse is a completely safe horse. Regardless of a horse’s training or past experience, a horse may, without warning or any apparent cause, buck, stumble, fall, rear, bite, kick, run, stop short, make unpredictable movements, spook, jump obstacles, step on a person’s feet, push or shove a person, saddles or bridles may loosen or break, all of which may cause Rider to fall or be jolted, resulting in property damage, personal injury or death. (b) The unpredictability of a horse’s reaction to such things as thunder, lightening, rain, wind, and wild and domestic animals, sights, lights, man-made or Mother Nature’s sounds, sudden movement, unfamiliar objects, insects or other people and horses, and reptiles which may walk, run, fly near, bite and/or sting a horse or person, irregular foot on groomed or wild land which is subject to constant change according to weather, temperature, natural and man-made and the inherent tendency to bite, bolt and run, stampede, trample, step on a person, push against a person, buck or throw the rider, or rear up and fall on a person. (c) There are other inherent risks other than those listed above, obvious and not obvious, and the undersigned Rider acknowledges that this release and exculpatory agreement is not confined to the above list, but shall be liberally construed to include any possible risk or combination of risks possible relating to equine activities. Please read and check the following statements: I understand that some Miller Horse Farm activities take place in isolated or wilderness areas over rough terrain, and/or trails of unknown condition. I also understand that horseback riding is a rugged adventure, recreation sport activity. I am aware that there are numerous obvious and non-obvious inherent risks of serious injury or death, or property damage, to me or my horse, which are always present in Miller Horse Farm activities, on or near horses. I Agree I am aware of the risks involved in the Ride and Wine Tour and fully understand and accept each and every one of the risks associated with my participation in the Tour encompassing, without restriction, exposure to conditions of inclement weather, food sickness or unanticipated allergic reaction, injuries (e.g., without exception, those arising out of lack of coordination, clumsiness or inattention, other participants, motor vehicles, pedestrians and any other possible obstacle) and death. Upon mounting a horse and taking up the reins, Rider is in primary control of the horse, and Miller Horse Farm is not responsible for Rider’s actions or inactions. Rider’s safety depends upon his or her ability to carry out simple instructions, and his or her ability to remain balanced aboard the horse. Rider is responsible for his or her own safety. I Agree In consideration that I will be allowed to participate in any horse related activities that Miller Horse Farm provides, I do hereby agree that in the event I am injured or any of my party, friends, relatives, or horses are injured or suffer personal injury or property damage during my stay, that I will not, in any event, hold responsible nor present any claims or demands to Miller Horse Farm, its owners, Noah Smith, and individually, Glory Smith, and Joy Fowler as the instructors, directors, officers, agents, representatives, employees and volunteers, on account of any injury that I, or any of my party may have suffered. I Agree WARNING: Miller Horse Farm advises all participants to wear protective headgear (riding helmet) and close-toed shoes. I have been fully warned and advised by Miller Horse Farm that I should wear protective headgear (riding helmet), and that the wearing of such headgear while mounting, riding, dismounting, and otherwise being around horses, may prevent or reduce severity of some head injuries and even prevent death from happening as the result of a fall or other occurrence. I have also been warned that I should wear close-toed shoes to prevent any serious injury to my feet while on or around the horses. I Agree PHOTO RELEASE: I give permission for photographs taken of me or my minor while participating in this activity to be used in marketing and/or public relations material. I Agree Participant Hereby Further Acknowledges that he/she has had the opportunity to carefully read, review and clarify any questions he/she might have pertaining this Release Agreement before their signing below. The Participant hereby acknowledges they have read and understand the legal and binding effect of this Release Agreement, and expressly agrees to be bound hereby now and at all times in the future. I Agree I am in good physical health and have the ability to safely engage in equine activities. I Agree The Participant hereby voluntarily and enters into this Contract and Agreement this date: March 11, 2025 THIS BINDING LEGAL AGREEMENT AFFECTS IMPORTANT LEGAL RIGHTS. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THIS DOCUMENT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY IT. Participant’s Initial: