I hereby release John Marshall, Family Karate Centres and all person associated with these scheduled black belt endurance workouts in any capacity, from any liability due to injuries etc. , That I may incur as a result of my attendance and or participation in the above mention activity. I clearly understand that some aspects of this sport involve bodily contact. I have been made aware, understand and agree to abide by the guidelines associated with Family Karate rules and regulations and assume all responsibility and any associated liability or infringement of such guidelines. Additionally, I am fully aware of my personal medical condition and hereby certify that I am mentally and physically fit to participate in said activity. Student hereby represents that he/she is physically fit, and does not suffer from any disease, illness, or disability including muscular, bone, neck or spinal ailments other than those listed above, to take prescribed course of instruction and that he/she has had an opportunity to observe and/or participate in the above described art of self-defense prior to signing this agreement Student understands further that strict observation of the rules and regulations relative to training include the use of protective equipment required by FAMILY KARATE LTD. This equipment is to minimize the possibility of accident or injury, however, FAMILY KARATE LTD. does not warrant the protective equipment. FAMILY KARATE LTD. reserves the right to refuse return of used uniforms and equipment. Student understands that during the course of instruction, employees of FAMILY KARATE LTD. and/or other students or authorized persons will be engaged in a course of conduct requiring physical contact, he/she gives full consent to such contact as it is required by the training. ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE AND SIGN THIS PERMISSION SLIP TO ATTEND ANY FAMILY KARATE CLASS or EVENT (herein referred to as EVENT) AT THE DOJO/SCHOOL and forms an Addendum to any existing contract. I HEREBY RELEASE FAMILY KARATE CENTRES, JOHN MARSHALL, AND ANY PERSONS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS EVENT IN ANY CAPACITY FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY DUE TO INJURY THAT MAY RESULT IN PARTICIPATION OF THIS EVENT. I CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THE PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF THIS SPORT AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE RULES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS EVENT AND ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF SUCH RULES. I UNDERSTAND THE ENVIRONMENT WILL ONLY ALLOW A LIMITED NUMBER OF STUDENTS FOR THE CLASS AND I WILL ATTEND AT THE TIME INDICATED. THE CLASS WILL RUN FOR 45 MINUTES - I WILL ARRIVE DRESSED AND READY FOR MY SPOT. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING EXPOSED TO COVID-19 AND ABSOLVE ALL FROM ANY LEGAL ACTION SHOULD I CONTRACT COVID-19. I WARRANT THAT I AM OF SOUND HEALTH AND DO NOT SUFFER FROM ANY AILMENTS THAT I HAVE NOT MADE MENTION OF WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT. SHERWOOD FOREST location in LONDON, ONTARIO. Your Free Trial classes will be held at: 1225 Wonderland Rd N, London, ON N6G 2V9 PHONE: 519-471-5425 Today's Date: February 22, 2025