PLEASE READ CAREFULY BEFORE SIGNING Serious injury may result from your participation in this activity.
Mariposa Farms does not guarantee your safety or that of your horses. WARNING Under Georgia Law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury or death of a participant in equine activities resulting from inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to Chapter 12 of Title 4 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. Considering Mariposa Farm LLC, Bethany Butler, their officers and family members, agents, employees, residents and contractors (hereinafter referred to as Mariposa), I agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and release Mariposa from and against all liability whatsoever, and agree not to bring suit against Mariposa on account of, or in connection with, any claims, cause of loss, action, injury, damage, cost or expense, or loss to myself, my horse, my family, guests or other, by an act or omission of Mariposa; also from and against all risks of using the facilities at Mariposa, riding horses on or off the property of Mariposa Farm LLC, and boarding horses with Mariposa Farm LLC. I acknowledge and understand that I ride at my own risk and accept full responsibility for the safety of myself, my family and my guests at Mariposa Farm LLC. I have inspected Mariposa Farm LLC’s facilities and am satisfied that all premises conditions are reasonably safe for my intended purpose and use. I am aware of Mariposa Farm LLC’s boundaries and this agreement only pertains to activities on property owned by Mariposa Farm LLC. Activities off Mariposa Farm LLC property are at the risk of rider and are not endorsed by Mariposa Farm LLC. I agree that for myself, and on behalf of any guest I bring, Mariposa Farm LLC has advised that protective headgear which meets or exceeds quality standards of the SEI Certified ASTM Standard F1163 equestrian helmet, should be worn while riding and being near horses. I do understand that wearing of such headgear at these times may reduce the severity of some of the wearer’s head injuries and possibly prevent the wearer’s death from happening as a result of a fall or other occurrence. All riders under the age of 18 must, per rules of Mariposa Farm LLC, wear such helmet whenever mounted. Mariposa Farm LLC has my permission to use their judgment with regard to my treatment, or my horse’s treatment in event of an emergency. Should emergency medical treatment be required for me or my horse, I agree to pay all incurred expenses. Today's Date: February 10, 2025 |