1002 Fatherland St #201
Nashville, TN 37206 WAIVER CONSENT FORMS Microblading Pre Care Instructions Thank you for choosing LOVE BROWS for your Microblading experience. Please make sure you read the following instructions to assure the best results for your procedure. It is very important to refrain from all alcohol, aspirin, or aspirin products, such as blood thinners. Please refrain from Ibuprofen and Aleve for 24 hours prior to your appointment. The only product for aches and pain that will not make you bleed is Tylenol. Also refrain from Vitamin E and fish oil capsules for 7 days prior to your application. ALL of these make you bleed excessively. Excessive bleeding during the procedure will negatively affect the longevity of your semi-permanent makeup application. In some cases, the application will need to be prematurely stopped. Please avoid energy drinks & coffee for up to 24 hours prior to your appointment. Not having caffeine in your system will help you to relax much more easily, as well as help to relax the facial muscles in the areas we will be working on. Please also read Contraindications, Preparation, Aftercare and Healing Process under F.A.Q on Love Brows website for more in depth details. Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you. You're one step away from having beautiful brows!!! Consent to Application of Semi-Permanent Makeup Procedure I am over the age of 18, I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. I am not pregnant or nursing and desire to receive the indicated permanent cosmetic procedure. The general nature of cosmetic tattooing as well as the specific procedure to be performed has been explained to me. PROCEDURE: MIRCOBLADING NO. OF VISITS REQUIRED: 2 COST OF PROCEDURE: $450 - $600 I have been informed of the nature, risks, and possible complications or consequences of semi-permanent pigmentation. I understand the semi-permanent skin pigmentation procedure carries with it known and unknown complications and consequences associated with this type of procedure, including but not limited to the following: infections, scarring, inconsistent color, and spreading, fanning or fading of pigments. I understand the actual color of the pigment may be modified slightly, due to the tone and color of my skin. I fully understand this a form of tattooing and therefore not an exact science, but an art. I request the semi-permanent skin pigmentation procedure(s), and accept the permanence of the procedure as well as the possible complications and consequences of Mircoblading. I understand that if I have any skin treatments, laser hair removal, plastic surgery or other skin altering procedures, it may result in adverse changes to my permanent cosmetics. I acknowledge some of these potential adverse changes may not be correctable. I have received both pre and post care procedural instructions and I will strictly adhere to such instructions. I understand that my failure to do so many jeopardize my chances for a successful procedure. If I am on any medication for depression or any other mood altering prescription, I will advise my technician. If I have ever had cold sores, I will consult with and strictly adhere to my doctor’s instructions before contemplating any semi-permanent cosmetic procedure around the lips. I understand that taking before and after photographs of the said procedure are a condition of the procedure. I certify that I have read and initialed the above paragraphs and have had explained to me this consent and procedure permit. I accept full responsibility for the decision to have this cosmetic tattoo work done. Microblading Cancellation Policy Please read our cancellation policy as a courtesy to LOVE BROWS professionals, and in order to efficiently accommodate other clients. The initial deposit of $150 is non-refundable. If you need to reschedule your appointment, you can do so online where you booked your appointment within 48 hours before your scheduled time. If the system doesn't allow you to reschedule, that means the 48 hours before your scheduled time has kicked in. Please do not try to message or email us regarding about rescheduling or changes due to the fact that you can freely do it yourself on our booking system. It's your responsibility to keep your appointment time and freely reschedule if needed. Another $150 is required to book another appointment unless you adhere to our cancellation policy and able to reschedule within the time frame. That $150 will transfer to that appointment. If you book an appointment and canceled the service all together, the $150 is also forfeited. If a medical emergency arises, you must provide the proper medical documentation. By signing this agreement, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to all terms above. Thank you and we look forward to assisting you. Post Procedural Care for Eyebrows DAY 1: - Please wash hands with antibacterial soap before you attempt to clean your eyebrows. Then use cotton ball to gently wipe your eyebrows every 1-2 hours. Do this 2-4 times today to avoid any build-up of blood/lymph on the area.
- Pat dry with a tissue than apply a very thin layer of the Skin Candy. This is just to add a small amount of moisture-brows should not appear greasy, glossy or shiny, if they do, you used too much.
- Do not use aggressive movement/manipulation of the skin-be gentle.
DAY 2-7: - Keep eyebrows lightly glossed with the Skin Candy for three to four times a day for the next 7 days. Do not over use ointment. It should last you for 7 days, only apply very thin layer. Do not suffocate your eyebrows.
- Do not use any Retin-A, Glycolic Acids, Peroxide, Neosporin while healing
- Do not scrub or pick your eyebrows.
- Do not expose area to sun or tanning beds! Must use hat if in the sun.
- Avoid any facials ,swimming, whirlpools or sauna for 7 days.
- Do not exercise the first 3-5 days. No heavy sweating !
- No make-up on the eyebrows!
- Do not tint eyebrows for the next 20 days.
FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN LOSS OF PIGMENTS. Please also read Contraindications, Preparation, Aftercare and Healing Process under F.A.Q on Love Brows website for more in depth details. WHAT TO EXPECT AFTER MICROBLADING OR EYEBROW SHADING PROCEDURES: Slight swelling, thickness, and/or redness for one or two days following the procedure. It is normal to lose approximately 1/3 of the color during the healing process. After the initial procedure, the color may be a shade too dark; in six days it will appear to light after 10 days the color will show more. It will appear softer when completely healed because the color will come from dermal layer of the skin to the epidermal layer of the skin. Please be patient. Healing takes up to 30 days. In your next appointment more hairs can be added and make them perfect. The brows are approximately 20 to 25% darker and bolder in the width than they will be when healed. Your skin is red under the pigment which causes the color of the pigment to appear darker. There is some swelling, although difficult to actually see due to the thickness of the skin in the eyebrow area. This will subside. Exfoliation, which begins in a few days, will cause the excess pigment surrounding the eyebrow procedure to flake away and a narrower appearance of your eyebrows. Don’t be concerned that your eyebrows initially appear darker and heavier in size then you desire. This is all part of the process. Please also read Contraindications, Preparation, Aftercare and Healing Process under F.A.Q on Love Brows website for more in depth details. By signing this agreement, you comply with these terms.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the post procedural care. Today's Date: February 14, 2025 |