PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. THIS AFFECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS:The undersigned has been advised that horses can be unpredictable and that there is risk of serious injury or death involved in grooming, handling or riding them. The underassigned agrees to assume all such risks when using horses at Magnolia Acres Farm. Also, the undersigned, along with family, estate,heirs or assigns agrees to release/hold harmless CRB Equestrian LLC. dba Magnolia Acres Farm, its agents & employees, from & against any claim, action, damage, expense, loss or liability paid, suffered, orincurred whether or notforeseen, as a result of using Magnolia Acres Farm horses and equipment and/oras a result of Magnolia Acres's own negligence or carelessness. In consideration of the above,the undersigned agrees to abide by all rules & regulationns which may be posted ub tge barn or announced by a Magnolia Acres Farm agent or employee The undersigned, Parent(s)/Guardian(s), (Minor), desire that Magnolia Acres Farm allow their above named child to use or be on the premises of the Farm located 210 Magnolia Rd. Joppa, MD for the purposes of boarding horses and ponies, riding horses or ponies, taking riding lessons, learning horsemanship, participating in horse camps, girl scout events, attending birthday parties and/or taking part in observing any activity on the premises of the Farm, now or at any time in the future. The undersigned further acknowledge that they are aware of the high degree of danger and inherent risks of horseback riding and being around horses. The undersigned therefore affirm they assume risks which their child shall be exposed to on the premises of said Farm. In consideration of the above stated purposes and their child being allowed on the premises of the Farm, the undersigned do, individually and on behalf of the said minor, forever release, discharge and covenant to hold CRB Equestrian LLC., CRB Equestrian LLC Dba Magnolia Acres Farm, Director Teresa James of Magnolia Acres Farm, Carol and Thomas Tobash owners of said farm property, and his, her, their and its successors and assigns, heirs, executors, and administrators, and trustees harmless from any claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, loss of services, acts and causes of action which may arise from any act or occurrence on account of any personal injury, disability, property damage, loss or damage of any kind sustained or that may hereafter be sustained by him or her in consequence of any act that may occur or be occasioned on account of the said child being on the premises of the Farm or that he or she may sustain because of his or her proximity to horses. And in further consideration of the said purposes and their child being allowed on the premises of the Farm, the undersigned do, individually and on behalf of the minor, agree to indemnify and save harmless Magnolia Acres Farm, Teresa James, instructors and the owners of said Farm Thomas and Carol Tobash and his, her, their and its successors and assigns, heirs, executors, administrators and trustees against any claim for damages, compensation or otherwise on part of said minor or his/her heirs, executors or administrators and to reimburse or make good loss, damages or costs that any and all of the above stated parties may have to pay if any litigation arises on account of any claims made by said minor or anyone in his/her behalf. The undersigned have read all of the statements above and fully realize that they are signing a complete waiver and bar to any claim arising from their child and/or property being on the premises of said Farm. Date: March 10, 2025 |