Note: Some legal age restrictions apply. Under twelve (12) years of age can ONLY use the gaming gun designated “SCORPION SMG”. DISCHARGE, RELEASE & INDEMNITY
IN CONSIDERATION OF BATTLEZONE LASERTAG PERMITTING THE PARTICIPANT TO PARTICIPATE IN BATTLEZONE LASERTAG: 1.1 RULES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Participant agrees to abide by the following rules of Battlezone Lasertag at all times when present at the Battlezone Lasertag venue. (a) No projectiles are to be thrown, kicked or otherwise made airborne by participants.
(b) No participant shall engage in: - Skylarking or Reckless behaviour or Foolish behaviour; or
- Any other behaviour likely to cause injury to Themselves or Other participants; or Employees or agents of Battlezone Lasertag; or • Any other behaviour which Battlezone Lasertag deems in its absolute discretion to be unacceptable.
(c) Battlezone Lasertag may require any participant engaging in unacceptable behaviour to leave the Battlezone Lasertag Venue.
(d) Each participant must remain within the designated boundaries of the Battlezone Lasertag Venue at all times.
(e) Each participant will be required to wear Enclosed shoes and a Hat. Battlezone Lasertag also provides use of hats and all other safety devices that
(f) Battlezone Lasertag may require the participant to wear.
(g) Any participant who is unable or refuses to comply with rule (e) will not be permitted to participate in Battlezone Lasertag.
(h) All participants must follow the directives of Battlezone Lasertag at all times.
(i) Any participant injured, or observing another participant to be injured, shall immediately notify Battlezone Lasertag staff. 1.2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Participant hereby acknowledges that indoor and/or outdoor activities involve risks and dangers of serious bodily injury including permanent disability, paralysis and death due to but not limited to the inherent risk and dangers of indoor and/or outdoor activities, hazardous natural conditions, wildlife and the acts and conduct of persons including any negligence and that the Participant is aware of these risks and dangers. 1.3 RELEASE & DISCHARGE The Participant releases, discharges, waives and forever holds harmless Battlezone Lasertag from All Claims for Any Loss sustained by the Participant whether cause by Battlezone Lasertag’s negligent act or wilful act or omission, breach of contract, breach of statutory duty or otherwise in connection with Battlezone Lasertag to the fullest extent permitted by law. The Participant agrees to Battlezone Lasertag taking photographs, film and other images while participants are at the venue and to develop, print, reproduce and use them royalty free for any purpose (including commercial advertising). 1.4 INDEMNITY The Participant indemnities Battlezone Lasertag against All Claims for Any Loss sustained by the Participant whether caused by Battlezone Lasertag negligent act or wilful act or omission, breach of contract, breach of statutory duty or otherwise in connection with the Participant’s participation in Battlezone Lasertag. 1.5 WARRANTY AS TO AGE By personally executing this Agreement, the Participant warrants that he or she is at least of eighteen (18) years of age. Where this Agreement is executed by a parent, guardian or other person for and on behalf of the Participant, the person so executing warrants that he or she has authority to do so and that such parent, guardian or other person agrees to indemnify Battlezone Lasertag in terms of the indemnity contained in clause 1.4 hereof. 1.6 WARRANTY AS TO FITNESS The Participant warrants that to his or her knowledge that the Participant is of adequate health and fitness to participate in Battlezone Lasertag and he or she is not aware of any physical condition that may endanger the Participant or any other participants participating in Battlezone Lasertag. The Participant consents to any emergency medical attention to be provided by Battlezone Lasertag if deemed warranted by Battlezone Lasertag. 1.7 BAR TO ACTION The Participant agrees that this Agreement may be pleaded as a bar to any action, suit or proceedings taken at any time by the Participant against Battlezone Lasertag arising out of or as a consequence of Battlezone Lasertag or any incidental activities. 1.8 CONFIDENTIALITY The Participant must keep the terms of this Agreement strictly con dential and no disclosure of the terms of this Agreement is to be made by the Participant other than for the purpose of obtaining legal advice. 1.9 BINDING ON SUCCESSORS This Agreement binds the heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, dependants (if any) and successors of the Participant and enures for the benefit of Battlezone Lasertag and its successors and assigns. 2.0 PRIVACY Battlezone Lasertag collects information from you for the primary purpose of providing quality outdoor Battlezone Lasertag entertainment. We require you to provide us with details so that we may properly attend to your needs. This means we will use the info you provide in the following ways: administrative purposes, billing purposes (if required), disclosure for research and quality assurance activities to improve entertainment services, and if needed, emergency situation whereby staff /hospitals require access to a participant’s records for appropriate purposes. 2.1 DEFINITIONS In this Agreement unless inconsistent with the context or subject matter: “All Claims” means all claims, actions, suits, demands, damages, interest and costs arising out of or as a consequence of the Participant’s participation in Battlezone Lasertag, including any incidental activity; “Any Loss” means any loss, damage or injury to person (including the Participant) or property including but not limited to: (a) Any damage or injury occasioned to a participant, howsoever, by:- i) Any logs, trees and branches of any part thereof;
ii) Any rocks, falling boulders or stones;
iii) Any rivers, creeks, streams or any other body of water existing at a Battlezone Lasertag Venue;
iv) Any snakes, spiders or any other wildlife whatsoever;
v) Any stairs, ramps, doors, glass, concrete oors, fencing, or part of any building or vehicle
vi) Other participants;
vii) Any equipment supplied to the Participant by Battlezone Lasertag in connection with Battlezone Lasertag;
Or otherwise arising out of the Participant’s involvement in Battlezone Lasertag (b) Any damage or injury occasioned to a Participant as a result of a Participant:- - Slipping on rocks, boulders, logs, trees, land or any other substance; and/or
- Falling over; and/or Colliding with another participant whether caused by:
(A) Negligence; or
(B) Accident; or
(C) Another participant; or
(D) Flora or fauna; or
(E) However otherwise caused.
“Battlezone Lasertag: means the outdoor game run by C.J.R Sweeney Pty. Ltd. Trading as Battlezone Lasertag and will be known as same. “Battlezone Lasertag Venue” means the location at which Battlezone Lasertag is being convened;
“Participant” means that person described under the heading “Participant Details” on the rst page of this Agreement.
“Battlezone Lasertag” means the business run by C.J.R Sweeney Pty. Ltd. ABN 23 003 692 653 of 1/84 Salamander Way, Salamander Bay 2317 trading as Battlezone Lasertag and its agencies, suppliers, distributors, servants, employees, agents, representatives, directors and officers. 2.2 SIGNATURES Executed as an Agreement: BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE CAREFULLY READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE CONTENTS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND THAT YOU ARE AWARE THAT IT CONTAINS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND WAIVER OF RIGHTS. Today's Date: March 23, 2025 |