
Club Agreement and Acknowledgement

Date: July 27, 2024

CAMELOT SOCIAL CLUB and AFFINITY welcome you to our club and social.  (Hereafter, CAMELOT SOCIAL CLUB and Affinity are referred to as the “Club”.)  Every person/couple attending our events for the first time must legibly provide the information required below and sign the club agreement.  It is your responsibility to notify us immediately if your address or phone number changes.  If the information you provide changes and we are not notified you will be dropped from our mailing list, you will not be able to make future reservations for our events and you will not be able to attend future club functions.  Identification is required and all information will remain confidential.

Please register…

  • Real Names and Identification are required.
  • If you are joining, as a couple that does not live together, please complete both the HIS and HER Address fields.
  • All form Items are required. Your membership application will not be processed unless they are filled in correctly.

The following agreement must be read and signed by both members of the couple.  Your agreement to all sections is required.  Unless you are known to us or have provided identification in the past, identification is now required.  Please read this agreement carefully.  This agreement helps us protect the privacy of the club and it’s members, insure a pleasant and comfortable environment for all who attend, insure that all laws and regulations are followed, and permit the staff of the club to enjoy events by giving knowledge and responsibility to each individual attending.  Please initial each section of this agreement, a box is provided for each member of the couple.  By signing on the front, you also indicate your acceptance of this agreement.

I understand and agree: 

A)To register with the club upon arrival when visiting any club function, wear the name tags and/or wrist bands provided by the club as required, and follow direction given by the staff and security personnel representing the club or event facility.
B) That we will obey all State and Federal Laws and specifically that possession of drugs, drug use and/or drunkenness will not be tolerated, and will result in our immediate removal from the facility.
C) That for hotel events, alcohol MAY be brought into the hotel ballroom or lounge. 
D) To treat all club members and facility employees with respect, and understand that loud, rude, obnoxious, pushy or insensitive behavior is not acceptable.  We agree to allow club or facility security to deal with any problems that may arise.
E) That all property of the facility will be treated with care. We understand and agree we are responsible for any damages we may cause.
F) That there is to be no social interaction between club members and the facility staff, and agree not to discuss the club with facility employees nor behave in any fashion which may offend facility employees.  We understand that only facility management is aware of the nature of our group, not the facility staff.
G) That camera’s or other recording devices are NOT permitted in the hospitality areas of the facility, including the ballroom, and that no recordings or photos may be made in any part of the facility without the specific approval of all parties involved.
H) That saving seats in the ballroom is permitted only by occupying the table, that tables in the ballroom may not be moved in any way, and that smoking is not permitted in the except within designated area.
I) To keep our hotel room door closed with the lock engaged at all times when at hotel events, and that the fire exits on each floor may not be propped open for any reason.
J) That we are/I am voluntarily attending this social and/or applying for membership for purely personal reasons, and have NO professional reasons for attending or making application to join the club.
K) Not to hold the club, it’s operators or it’s agents legally or financially liable for anything under any circumstances.  We understand and agree that this includes, but is not limited to property damage or bodily harm that may occur while attending a club function.
L) That this agreement and all it’s provisions shall remain in force until the year 2100, and will govern our behavior at all future club functions we/I attend.
M) NO JEALOUS BEHAVIOR WILL BE TOLERATED! If you are jealous or cause any scene you will be asked to leave!
N) ALL WRIST BANDS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES!! If you remove you will be asked to leave!

All Sleeping Rooms Are Non-Smoking

You WILL BE CHARGED a $250 Cleaning Fee if you Smoke in your room
Smoking Is ONLY Permitted in the Courtyard Area and at the Smoking Area outside the front lobby doors.

Leave Your Room Picked Up  

Any room left exceptionally hazardous, unhealthy or unclean in nature will result in a $200 Cleaning Fee being charged.
Examples includes bath tubs that are not drained, feces and used contraceptive items that are not properly disposed of, large amounts of trash thrown all over the room, or anything else that no one should have to clean up after.

It’s Simple ~ Clean Up After Yourselves

There are Zero Exceptions to the above Policy.  Violation of this policy may also result in being Suspended or Banned from the Club.


We understand and agree to follow all club rules regarding the protection of the club’s and it’s members’ privacy, and agree that this is purely a private function.  We agree to maintain and protect the privacy of club members, club operators and the club in general at all times.  We agree not to do or say anything which may encourage public interest in the club and agree that any action, communication or activity engaged in that results in any amount of public disclosure of the club, it’s members, it’s operators, club functions or where club functions are held is a violation of club rules.  We agree to pay the sum of $10,000,000 US to the club if we willfully provide information about the club, it’s members, It’s operators or the location of club functions to 1) any agent or representative of any media organization which results in public disclosure of the club, it’s members, it’s operator or the event facility; or 2) to any individual, group or organization which results in actions causing direct or indirect public disclosure of the club, it’s members, it’s operators or the event facility;  3) are acting as agents or representative of the media or other individuals, groups or organizations seeking information with the intent of causing public disclosure of the club, it’s members, it’s operators or the event facility within 30 days of the public disclosure.  We further agree to pay all court costs associated with legal action required in collecting such sums.  We agree that “public disclosure” in this agreement is defined as any type of media coverage and/or actions taken by any individual, group or organization attracting public attention which results in a published and/or produced story, news item or feature in any type of media referencing the club, it’s members, it’s operators and/or event facility in any way.  We further agree that this is a binding legal contract between the club and us/me, and specifically acknowledge my/our acceptance of all provisions of this agreement. 


We understand and agree to follow all club rules regarding acceptable dress and behavior at all times while in the public areas of the even facility when attending club functions.  Public areas include the hallways, meeting rooms, the lobby, restaurant, lounge, pool, club hospitality rooms, and ballroom facilities.  We understand that nudity and improper behavior is defined by State Law and ALE regulations, and affects the facility’s liquor license.  We understand and agree to follow these guidelines when in the public area of the facility: 1) male and female pubic areas must be kept covered, 2) touching or fondling of male or female genitals or female breasts is not permitted, 3) toys or other devices which can be construed to represent human sexual organs may not be used or shown in the public areas of the event facility, including the ballroom, 4) sexual activity including simulated sexual intercourse is not permitted.  We agree and understand that female breasts may not be directly exposed in any public area of the event facility.  While the law does not specifically make going topless a crime; dancing with a woman with bared breasts or any touching of bared breasts, incidental, accidental or intentional can be a violation of ALE guidelines; therefore, the club will not allow topless women under normal circumstances.  We understand the club will permit see through and other revealing attire so long as the pubic area is not revealed.  A copy of ALE regulations is available for inspection upon request.  We understand and agree that proper attire is required in the event facility lobby and hallways.  We understand that revealing attire, which is acceptable in the ballroom, will require a coverup when we are in the event facility lobby and hallways.  We understand and agree that normal public behavior is required in the lobby area of the event facility at all times. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this a quality club!

First Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
First Applicant's Age Acknowledgment*
First Applicant's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 21 years of age or older
First Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

First Applicant's Signature*
Second Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Applicant's Date of Birth*
Second Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Third Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Applicant's Date of Birth*
Third Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Fourth Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Applicant's Date of Birth*
Fourth Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Fifth Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Applicant's Date of Birth*
Fifth Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Sixth Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Applicant's Date of Birth*
Sixth Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Seventh Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Applicant's Date of Birth*
Seventh Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Eighth Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Applicant's Date of Birth*
Eighth Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Ninth Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Applicant's Date of Birth*
Ninth Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Tenth Applicant's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Applicant's Date of Birth*
Tenth Applicant's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
Parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Parent or Guardian's Age Acknowledgment*
Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 21 years of age or older
Parent or Guardian's Information
I am/We are joining as a:*

If Couple, other person's First and Last Name:

If Couple, other person's Email Address:

His Address:




(if different)
Her Address:




Home Phone: *

Alternate Phone: (Use if do not live together)
Are you a current Swinglifestyle (SLS) Member?*


CLUB AGREEMENT: I/We, the undersigned, agree that all rules of the club/hotel will be followed at all times, and that I am/we are at least 21 years of age.  These rules are printed on the reverse side of this agreement, and we acknowledge each rule by initialing it.  We understand violation of these rules will result in our expulsion from this function and no refund of any monies paid.  I/We understand this agreement will remain in force for all future club events I/we may attend.  I/We further understand the club reserves the right to ban me/us from future functions at it's discretion.  Anyone breaking the law will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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