(English below)


PARALVOR – CENTRO DE PARAQUEDISMO, UNIPESSOAL, LDA, sociedade comercial por quotas, com número único de matrícula e pessoa coletiva n.º 506 845 940, com sede em Aeródromo Municipal de Portimão, Montes de Alvor, freguesia de Alvor, concelho de Portimão, (doravante designada por Entidade). A presente declaração destina-se ao tratamento de dados pessoais dos estudantes e paraquedistas com licença, e estudantes paraquedistas tandem..



A realização de cursos e atividades de skydiving / paraquedismo,
Registo e arquivo de atividades;
Comunicações relativas aos cursos / atividades organizados;
Comunicações de futuras ofertas;
Comunicações em caso de emergência.



Participantes e pessoas envolvidas nas atividades realizadas por esta Entidade (como organizador, coorganizador, colaborador, funcionários da Entidade, instrutores, auxiliares, etc.).



Para responder às necessidades de organização das atividades, esta Entidade pode recolher e tratar os seguintes dados pessoais. A recolha de algumas categorias de dados é obrigatória, outras facultativa na base da decisão voluntária do titular de dados. Para mais esclarecimento de dúvidas, pode contactar o funcionário responsável da atividade.

1. Dados de identificação e de contacto: nome, data de nascimento ou idade, sexo, nacionalidade, endereço, número de telefone e fax, endereço electrónico, tipo, número e cópia de documento de identificação, dados sobre apólice de seguro obrigatória, n.º da licença de paraquedismo e dados da entidade emissora da mesma; bem como os dados dos pais / tutores / curadores de menor, e de contacto de emergência.
2. Dados de atividades: informação relativamente ao equipamento, sons e imagens captados em atividades (por exemplo: fotografia, gravação, vídeo), o desempenho, a avaliação, o prémio e a punição, entre outros;
3. Dados financeiros: os dados de contas bancárias das respetivas pessoas no caso do pagamento financeiro, tais como as taxas de inscrição e os prémios pecuniários, entre outros.
4. Outros dados: outros dados relacionados com as atividades.

*A Entidade irá conservar os dados pessoais apenas pelo período mínimo necessário para as finalidades que motivaram a sua recolha, sem prejuízo de situações que possam justificar a sua manutenção por períodos mais longos sujeitos às medidas técnicas e organizativas adequadas.



São destinatários dos dados:

1. As entidades a quem os dados devem ser comunicados por força de disposição legal.
2. As entidades a quem os dados devem ser comunicados a pedido ou com o consentimento do titular dos dados.
3. As respetivas entidades seguradoras que fornecem seguros necessários.



Os titulares gozam, em conformidade com a lei, dos direitos de acesso, de retificação, ao apagamento dos dados e à limitação do tratamento. Caso pretenda exercer o direito de acesso, retificação, apagamento e oposição, poderá fazê-lo mediante a apresentação, por escrito, de um pedido ao responsável desta Entidade, e pagar uma taxa razoável se aplicável


NOTA: Paralvor Lda. – Centro de Paraquedismo, Unipessoal, Lda. colabora com empresas e organizações estrangeiras e de âmbito internacional de skydiving / paraquedismo, e poderá transferir os dados pessoais para essas organizações, avisando, primeiramente, o titular dos dados e garantindo a transferência por meios adequados e apropriados.


PARALVOR – CENTRO DE PARAQUEDISMO, UNIPESSOAL, LDA, sole-shareholder and limited responsibility company, registered under the no. 506 845 940, with headquarters at Aeródromo Municipal of Portimão, Montes de Alvor, civil parish of Alvor, municipality of Portimão (hereinafter referred to as Entity). The present declaration is intended for students and licensed parachutists, and tandem students parachutists.



To carry out courses and skydiving / parachuting activities;
To register and archive activities;
To communicate information and news related to courses and activities;
To communicate future offers;
Communications in case of emergency.



Participants and employees involved in the activities carried out by the Entity (for example: promoter, planner and co-promoter, collaborators, employees of the Entity, instructors, assistants, etc.). 



To comply with necessities for organization of activities and events, this Entity may collect and process the following personal data. Collection of some of the following criteria is mandatory, others are optional based on the decision of data subject. Shall you require further information or clarification, please contact the designated controller.

1. Contact and Identification Data:name, date of birth or age, gender, nationality, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, type, number and cpy of identification document, data about mandatory insurance policy, number of the parachuting license, and information about the entity that issued it; as well as data of parents / tutors / trustees of minors, and person to contact in case of emergency.

2. Activity data: information about the equipment, sounds and images recorded during activities (for example: photographs, video and audio recording);

3. Financial Data: data about bank accounts of data subject in case of any financial payments of due fees and other costs, etc.

4. Other Data:any other data related to the courses, activities and events.

*The Entity will store the above described data during minimum period necessary for the reasons that motivated it collection, without impairing the possibility to store data for longer periods subject to adequate technical data organization.



Other recipients of personal data might be:

1. Entities that must receive the personal data in accordance with legal dispositions;
2. Entities that must receive the personal data under request or consent from data subject.
3. Respective insurance companies that provide necessary insurance policies.



The data subject, in accordance with Law, has the right to access, to rectify, to be forgotten and to limit processing of personal data. If you wish to exercise one of your rights, you may do so by written request sent or delivered to the controller, and payment of the respective fee, if applicable.


ATTENTION: Paralvor Lda. – Centro de Paraquedismo, Unipessoa, Lda. co-operates with international and foreign skydiving companies and organizations, and might transfer personal data to these organization, however must inform the data subject first and guarantee adequate and appropriate means of data transfer.



PARALVOR – CENTRO DE PARAQUEDISMO, UNIPESSOAL, LDA, sole-shareholder and limited responsibility company, registered under the no. 506 845 940, with headquarters at Aeródromo Municipal of Portimão, Montes de Alvor, civil parish of Alvor, municipality of Portimão (hereinafter referred to as Entity). The present declaration is intended for students and licensed parachutists, and tandem students parachutists.



To carry out courses and skydiving / parachuting activities;
To register and archive activities;
To communicate information and news related to courses and activities;
To communicate future offers;
Communications in case of emergency.



Participants and employees involved in the activities carried out by the Entity (for example: promoter, planner and co-promoter, collaborators, employees of the Entity, instructors, assistants, etc.). 



To comply with necessities for organization of activities and events, this Entity may collect and process the following personal data. Collection of some of the following criteria is mandatory, others are optional based on the decision of data subject. Shall you require further information or clarification, please contact the designated controller.

1. Contact and Identification Data:name, date of birth or age, gender, nationality, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, type, number and cpy of identification document, data about mandatory insurance policy, number of the parachuting license, and information about the entity that issued it; as well as data of parents / tutors / trustees of minors, and person to contact in case of emergency.

2. Activity data: information about the equipment, sounds and images recorded during activities (for example: photographs, video and audio recording);

3. Financial Data: data about bank accounts of data subject in case of any financial payments of due fees and other costs, etc.

4. Other Data:any other data related to the courses, activities and events.

*The Entity will store the above described data during minimum period necessary for the reasons that motivated it collection, without impairing the possibility to store data for longer periods subject to adequate technical data organization.



Other recipients of personal data might be:

1. Entities that must receive the personal data in accordance with legal dispositions;
2. Entities that must receive the personal data under request or consent from data subject.
3. Respective insurance companies that provide necessary insurance policies.



The data subject, in accordance with Law, has the right to access, to rectify, to be forgotten and to limit processing of personal data. If you wish to exercise one of your rights, you may do so by written request sent or delivered to the controller, and payment of the respective fee, if applicable.


ATTENTION: Paralvor Lda. – Centro de Paraquedismo, Unipessoa, Lda. co-operates with international and foreign skydiving companies and organizations, and might transfer personal data to these organization, however must inform the data subject first and guarantee adequate and appropriate means of data transfer.



Paralvor Centro de Paraquedismo Unipessoal Lda.

Review Skydive Algarve Privacy Policy

I declare to be aware of the risks that Skydiving can cause to me or to third parties.

Declaro ter conhecimento dos riscos que o Paraquedismo pode provocar na minha pessoa ou em terceiros.

I Agree

I hereby declare that I am physically fit. I do not, and have not, suffered from any medical conditions which I understand may lead to a dangerous situation with regard to myself or other persons during parachuting.

Declaro que estou fisicamente apto para saltar. Não sofro, nem sofri, de qualquer condição médica que entendo que possa levar a uma situação perigosa para mim ou para outras pessoas durante o salto.

I Agree

I acknowledge that Paralvor - CENTRO DE PARAQUEDISMO, UNIPESSOAL LDA., is not responsible for any physical or material damage that may occur during the instruction in the skydiving courses taught to me by the Parachuting Center, as well as in the later jumps that you make through it.

Declaro tomar conhecimento de que a PARALVOR – CENTRO DE PARAQUEDISMO, UNIPESSOAL LDA., não se responsabiliza por quaisquer danos físicos ou materiais que possam ocorrer durante a instrução nos cursos de paraquedismo que me sejam ministrados pelo referido Centro de Paraquedismo, bem como assim, nos posteriores saltos que através do mesmo venha a efectuar.

I Agree

Skydiving is a weather dependant sport and it is the one aspect that we can neither control nor predict. The centre will remain open all day as conditions may change.

O paraquedismo é um desporto altamente dependente das condições meteorológicas e esse é um aspecto que não podemos controlar nem prever. O Centro manter-se-á aberto todo o dia caso as condições se alterem.

I Agree

Deposits are non-refundable.

Os depósitos não são reembolsáveis.

I Agree
Should your skydive not take place due to weather or any other reason provided by the Dropzone, then you may reschedule for a mutually convenient date. You have 12 months in which you can return and jump at no extra cost.

Caso não seja possível saltar devido às condições meteorológicas ou por qualquer outro motivo designado pela Dropzone, poderá fazer remarcação do salto para uma data mutualmente conveniente. Terá 12 meses para remarcar o seu salto sem qualquer custo adicional.

I Agree
I understand that my tandem instructor is properly licensed and that this includes Third Party Liability insurance which covers their student in the event of negligence. Therefore I accept that in the event of injury requiring medical attention I will cover the costs until responsibility is established.

Entendo que o meu instrutor em tandem tem as devidas licenças que incluiem o seguro de Responsabilidade Civil, que cobre o seu passageiro tandem em caso de negligência. Por isso aceito que, em caso de lesão que requeira atenção médica, cobrirei os custos até que a responsabilidade seja estabelecida.

I Agree
Whilst we do our best to keep customers happy, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to jump in exact groups or order that you might wish. However, you are welcome to express your preference when you register.     

Enquanto fazemos o nosso melhor para manter os nossos clientes felizes, infelizmente não podemos garantir que saltará em grupo ou na ordem que prefere. No entanto, está convidado a expressar a sua preferência quando for feito o check-in.

I Agree
I understand that if I drink alcohol I will not be permitted to skydive.    

Entendo que se tiver consumido álcool não me será permitido saltar.

I Agree


February 5, 2025

Please select who will be jumping...
First Passenger's Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Passenger's Date of Birth*
First Passenger's Information

Weight (kg) *

Height (cm) *
Type of Jump*
Tandem Skydive 7.5k (2300m) - 139€
Tandem Skydive 10k (3000m) - 179€
Tandem Skydive 15k (4600m) - 219€
Tandem Skydive 15k (4600m) with Beach Landing - 365€
Preferred Video and Photos Package (subject to availability) *
Handycam - DZ 95€ / Beach 105€
External - DZ 115€ / Beach 135€
Combo External + Handycam - DZ 165€ / Beach 190€
No Video and Photos

By signing this document you will be agreeing with Skydive Algarve's T&C's.
Ao assinar este documento estará em acordo com os Termos e Condições da Skydive Algarve.

First Passenger's Signature*
Passenger's Address
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent or Guardian's Email Address


Confirm Email*
How did you hear about us?
Google Search
Tripadvisor / Viator
Get Your Guide
Word of Mouth (Who? Please specify below)
Partner (Please specify which below)
By signing this document, you consent to Skydive Algarve using any photos or videos taken during your jump for marketing purposes.

If you would prefer to opt out of this, please email us at info@skydivealgarve.com

Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*
To SKYDIVE ALGARVE, I being the Mother/Father/Legal Guardian of the proposed member who is now aged 16/17 years old hereby confirm that I have given my permission for the proposed member to make parachute descents and that both on my behalf and of the proposed member I agree to the terms set out.

By signing below the parent or court-appointed legal guardian agrees that they are also subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Parent or Guardian's Name

First Name*

Last Name*


Parent or Guardian's Date of Birth*
Parent or Guardian's Information

Weight (kg) *

Height (cm) *
Type of Jump*
Tandem Skydive 7.5k (2300m) - 139€
Tandem Skydive 10k (3000m) - 179€
Tandem Skydive 15k (4600m) - 219€
Tandem Skydive 15k (4600m) with Beach Landing - 365€
Preferred Video and Photos Package (subject to availability) *
Handycam - DZ 95€ / Beach 105€
External - DZ 115€ / Beach 135€
Combo External + Handycam - DZ 165€ / Beach 190€
No Video and Photos

By signing this document you will be agreeing with Skydive Algarve's T&C's.
Ao assinar este documento estará em acordo com os Termos e Condições da Skydive Algarve.

Parent or Guardian's Signature*
Electronic Signature Consent*
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.

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