Bicycle Use Authorization and Release of Liability I, wish to use a San Mateo County Libraries (“Library”) owned bicycle, for my own personal use, for a period of seven days from the start of my reservation. I am at least 18 years old. Library is willing to authorize my use of its bicycle if I confirm and agree to the following terms: 1. I am sufficiently trained on use of, and familiar with, the bicycle, to safely use it. I will wear a bicycle helmet at all times while riding the Library’s bicycle. 2. I will inspect the bicycle prior to riding; if I do not believe it is in normal operating condition, I will not use it and instead will immediately notify Library staff. I understand that Library does not warranty or guarantee the safety of the bicycle. I will exercise reasonable care during use of the bicycle. 3. I will use the bicycle for my own recreational purposes and will not lend it to others. 4. Use of the bicycle will involve risks to me of personal injury, death and damage to property. I assume all such risks. I release Library, its officers and employees, from any liability to me or my estate should my use of the bicycle result in my personal injury or death, or damage/destruction of my property; and I waive and promise not to bring any such claim or suit against Library, its officers or employees. 5. Use of the bicycle may involve risks to third persons, whom I might injure or kill, or whose property I might damage. I will defend, indemnify and hold Library, its officers and employee, harmless, in the event my use of the bicycle leads to a third person’s claim. 6. I will return the bicycle to Library at the noted time, free of damage, normal wear and tear excepted. I FULLY CONFIRM AND AGREE TO ALL OF THE ABOVE TERMS. LIBRARY AUTHORIZATION: Based upon her/his execution of this Use Authorization and Release form including release of liability and agreement to indemnify, the Library hereby authorizes the above signed person to use a Library bicycle for the term noted above. February 10, 2025 |