TAS Concussion Policy Any Team Alpental Snoqualmie (TAS) athlete suspected of having sustained a concussion/ traumatic brain injury must be immediately removed from participation in any TAS sporting events (e.g. sanctioned training, practice, camps, competitions or tryouts), by a coach, parent, or official overseeing such sporting event. The athlete will be prohibited from further participation until evaluated and cleared in writing to resume participation in TAS sporting events by a medical doctor, or a qualified health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussive head injuries. The medical doctor or healthcare professional must certify in the clearance letter that he/she has successfully completed a continuing education course in the evaluation and management of concussive head injuries within three years of the day on which the written statement is made. Upon removal of an athlete from participation for a suspected concussion/traumatic brain injury, the coach, parents or official making the removal must inform athlete’s parents. Athletes who have subsequently been medically cleared to resume participation must provide such medical clearance (as described above) to the TAS Program Director (Chris Loewy) in order to be permitted to participate in TAS sporting events. Risk of Continued Participation A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain recovers from the first - usually within a short period of time (hours, days, or weeks) - can slow recovery or increase the likelihood of having long-term problems. In rare cases, repeat concussions can result in edema (brain swelling), permanent brain damage, and even death. TAS recommends that all members review the Center for Disease Control’s resources on concussion awareness. Action Plan - Remove the athlete from activity – training or competition, when suspected of having sustained a concussion or TBI.
- Inform the athletes' parents/guardian.
- Allow the athlete to return to sport when cleared by a medical doctor or qualified medical provider trained in concussion management.
TAS Administrative Role - TAS has created an online registration process to inform and capture necessary electronic signatures. https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/5de96b9c6a9fb/web/
- TAS will receive notifications from coaches/officials/parents of suspected concussions.
- TAS will place athletes with suspected concussions on medical hold from all physical activities.
- TAS will remove the medical hold only after athlete is cleared by a qualified medical provider and proper documentation has been supplied.
TAS Concussion Policy Summary - Adopted a concussion policy.
- Informed Parents/Guardians of the policy.
- Obtained Parent/Guardian’s signature on the policy.
- Required removal of the athlete suspected of having sustained a concussion.
- Prohibited suspected athlete from participating in all TAS activities until cleared by a medical doctor or qualified medical provider trained in concussion management.