

397 boul. de la Cité-des-Jeunes, Gatineau (Québec) J8Z 2P8 Tél: 819-595-9001


Waiver of liability, release of all claims, risk assumptions and idemnification agreement.

By signing this document you waive legal proceedings and lawsuits

By signing this document, you assume certain risks. Please read carefully.

1. As a participant in the sports of cross-country skiing, snowshoeing or walking and/or in Relais du parc de la Gatineau programs, activities and events (hereinafter referred to as Activities), the participant and / or parent / guardian of the participant (hereinafter referred to as the Parties), acknowledges and accepts the following terms:

Description of risks

2. The Parties voluntarily participate in the Activities. Due to their participation in the Activities, the Parties acknowledge that they are aware of the risks and hazards associated with the Activities and that they may be exposed to these risks and hazards. Risks and hazards include, but are not limited to, injuries caused by:

a. indoor or outdoor training, including weight training, running, hiking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, yoga and cycling;

b. exercise and stretching of various muscle groups or exhausting cardiovascular workouts;

c. vigorous physical exertion, fast movements, fast turns and stops;

d. falling to the ground as a result of slipping, tripping or travel over slippery or uneven terrain;

e. coming into contact with (being hit or struck by) skis, ski poles, equipment, trees, other persons or other fixed objects;

f. getting lost or separated from the group;

g. not being able to use equipment properly or mechanical failure of equipment;

h. extreme weather conditions that can lead to frostbite, hypothermia, sunburn, or the consequences of snowstorms or lightning;

i. encounters with animals or plants, including allergic reactions;

j. travel to the activity site, by car, foot, bus, bicycle or other transportation means; and

k. other risks normally associated with participation in the Activities.

3. Equipment Guidelines, when applicable

The Parties agree to use the equipment rented as is, and assume full financial responsibility for the maintenance of the equipment while it is in their possession. It will be their responsibility to replace at its new value any equipment rented under this form that is not returned where it was rented. The Parties agree to return the rented equipment at the determined time and date, or to pay the incurred overtime fees.

The Parties agree to leave as a guarantee a valid credit card number and its CVC, which would be utilized in case of damage or loss based on the following conditions.

An inspection of the rented equipment will be made at the beginning and at the end of the rental by the staff of the Relais plein air. In the eventuality that damages have been caused on the equipment by the parties or a third party, by carelessness, accident, negligence or otherwise, an evaluation of the costs for repair or replacement will be made by the Relais plein air and its suppliers to determine the value that will be billed to the Parties on their credit card.

If the parties are unable to return the equipment, by their fault or not, especially following a theft, the Parties agree to be billed the replacement value of the equipment on their credit card.

The maximum of the repair or replacement value is established as follow:

a. fatbike : 2000$

b. cross country skis (pair) : 200$

c. cross country ski boots (pair) : 120$

d. ski poles (pair) : 80$

e. bicycle helmet : 100$

f. snowshoes (pair) : 140$

4. In addition, the Parties are aware that:

a. injuries sustained can be severe, paralyzing or fatal;

b. the Parties may feel anxious or embarrassed by challenging themselves at Relais plein air Activities;

c. the risk of injury is reduced if the Parties comply with all the rules established for participation; and that

d. the risk of injury increases with fatigue.


5. Considering that Le Relais plein air accepts the Parties’ application for membership or allows them to participate in Activities or rent equipment, the Parties agree that the Relais plein air du parc de la Gatineau, as well as its directors, officers, committee members, members, employees, volunteers, participants, as well as the manufacturers and distributors of leased equipment and their agents and representatives (collectively referred to as Suppliers) are not responsible for any bodily injury, property damage, expense, loss of income or loss of any kind suffered by the Parties due to the risks and hazards associated with Activities or equipment rental during the course or as a result of any Relais plein air Activities.


6. The Parties confirm that:

a. the Parties’ physical condition is sufficient to allow them to participate in the Activities of the Relais plein air du parc de la Gatineau;

b. they have received sufficient information on the Activities and associated risks and hazards to be informed of the effect of this agreement;

c. the Parties agree to abide by the rules and regulations imposed by the Relais plein air, in association with the Activities, and to follow the instructions of the officials during the Activities; and that

d. they have read this agreement, understand it and have signed it voluntarily and confirm that this agreement binds the Parties, their heirs, their executors, their administrators and their representatives.

7. In addition, the Parties:

a. authorize the Relais plein air to collect and use personal information about the Parties relating to the Activities, including the publication of photographs in newsletters and promotional material, as well as the publication of photographs, videos, articles, directories, statistics, images and results on the Relais plein air website or any social media;

b. grant permission to the Relais plein air du parc de la Gatineau to photograph and / or record the image and / or voice of the Parties and to use this material to promote the Relais plein air du parc de la Gatineau in any manner and agree that the audiovisual material and copyrights will remain the sole property of the Relais plein air, and waive all compensation claims for the use of audiovisual equipment used for these purposes; and

c. understand that they can withdraw their consent at any time by contacting the Relais plein air Administration at admin@relaispleinair.ca.

8. Jurisdiction

This agreement is subject to the laws in force in Quebec. The Parties agree to elect domicile in the judicial district of Gatineau, Quebec, and choose this as the forum for any claim, whatever it may be, arising from this contract.

* We do not sell or distribute your personal information to any third party.

First Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*

First Participant Age Acknowledgment*
First Participant Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
First Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
First Participant Signature*
Second Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Second Participant Date of Birth*
Second Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Third Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Third Participant Date of Birth*
Third Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Fourth Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fourth Participant Date of Birth*
Fourth Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Fifth Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Fifth Participant Date of Birth*
Fifth Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Sixth Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Sixth Participant Date of Birth*
Sixth Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Seventh Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Seventh Participant Date of Birth*
Seventh Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Eighth Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Eighth Participant Date of Birth*
Eighth Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Ninth Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Ninth Participant Date of Birth*
Ninth Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Tenth Participant Name

First Name*

Last Name*
Tenth Participant Date of Birth*
Tenth Participant Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Address Line 1:*
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o
Address Line 2:
Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
Parent ou Guardien Email Address

Check to receive information, news, and discounts by e-mail.
A signed copy of this waiver will be sent to the email address you provide.
Emergency Contact

First Name*

Last Name*

Emergency Contact's Phone Number*
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Le (s) parent (s) ou le (s) tuteur (s) légal (s) nommé (s) par le tribunal doit signer pour tout mineur participant (âgé de moins de 18 ans) et accepter d'être soumis à ce qui précède.

En apposant sa signature ci-dessous, le tuteur légal désigné par le parent ou le tribunal reconnaît qu’il est également soumis à toutes les conditions du présent document, énoncées ci-dessus.
Parent ou Guardien Name

First Name*

Last Name*

Parent ou Guardien Age Acknowledgment*
Parent ou Guardien Date of Birth*
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older
Parent ou Guardien Information
Ski level (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)
Ski style (required if you participate in a cross-country ski class)

Participant size (required for cross-country rental)

Size in US or EU of boots (required for cross-country ski rental)

Participant weight (required for snowshoe rental)
Parent ou Guardien Signature*
Consentement électronique*
En cochant cette case, vous consentez à l’utilisation de votre signature électronique au lieu d’une signature originale sur papier. Vous avez le droit de demander que vous signiez une copie papier à la place. En cochant cette case, vous renoncez à ce droit. Après accord, vous pouvez, sur demande écrite de notre part, obtenir une copie papier d’un enregistrement électronique. Aucun frais ne sera facturé pour cette copie et aucun matériel ou logiciel spécial n'est requis pour la visualiser. Votre accord pour utiliser une signature électronique avec nous pour tout document continuera jusqu'à ce que vous nous avisiez par écrit que vous ne souhaitez plus utiliser une signature électronique. Il n'y a aucune pénalité pour retirer votre consentement. Vous devez toujours vous assurer que nous avons une adresse électronique actuelle pour pouvoir vous contacter à propos de tout changement, si nécessaire.

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