Scuba Partners LLC Travel Agreement GENERAL TRIP POLICY A minimum number of travelers are required in order to qualify as a group for a planned trip. Should the minimum number of travelers not be met for the planned trip as stated in the planned trip information, Scuba Partners LLC reserves the right to cancel the trip. All trips are based on DOUBLE occupancy, unless otherwise noted. Consequently, if traveling alone, a supplement payment may be required. Modifications in the planned trip that are out of Scuba Partners LLC control may be necessary. Scuba Partners LLC will do everything possible to ensure that these changes do not occur. Possible changes to the planned trip may include, but are not limited to: - Trip cancellation
- Changes of itineraries by accommodation provider/dive operator
- Natural disasters including weather related
I certify and accept the above trip policies. February 10, 2025 LIABILITY RELEASE & ASSUMPTION OF RISK I hereby affirm that I am voluntarily engaging in the recreational activities planned for my trip with Scuba Partners LLC. These activities included, but are not limited to scuba diving, snorkeling, skin diving, boating, and land excursions. If I engage in scuba diving, I affirm that I am a certified diver or a student diver under the constant supervision of a certified and current scuba instructor, and that I thoroughly understand that skin and scuba diving have inherent risks which may result in serious injury or death. I certify that I am fully aware of and assume all risks involved in scuba diving, snorkeling, skin diving, boating and any other activity in which I choose to participate. I agree and understand that neither Scuba Partners LLC, nor its affiliate or subsidiary corporations, Stuart Scuba LLC, Orlando Scuba Partners LLC and Air Hogs Scuba, nor any of their respective owners, officers, employees, agents contractors or assigns (hereafter “Released Parties”) may be held liable or responsible in any way for any occurrence on this trip which may result in personal injury, property damage, wrongful death or other damage to me or my family, heirs, or assigns that may occur as a result my participation in this trip or as a result of the negligence of any party, including Released Parties, whether passive or active. I have reviewed the dive profile for my selected planned trip and I agree that I have or will have the appropriate certifications as specified for the proposed dive profile. I Agree I further state that I am of lawful legal age and legally competent to sign this Liability Release Agreement, or that I have obtained consent of a parent or legal guardian as witnessed by their signature below. I understand the terms herein are contractual and not mere recital, and that I have signed this Agreement of my own free act and with knowledge that I hereby agree to waive my legal rights. I further agree that if any provision of this agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be severed from this agreement. The remainder of this Agreement will then be construed as though the unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. I understand and agree that I am not only giving up my right to sue the Released Parties but also any rights my heirs, estate, assigns, or beneficiaries may have to sue the Released Parties resulting from my death or injury. I further represent I have the authority to do so and that my heirs, estate, assigns, and beneficiaries will be estopped from claiming otherwise because of my representations to the Released Parties. I BY THIS INSTRUMENT, AGREE TO EXEMPT AND RELEASE ALL THE ABOVE LISTED ENTITIES AND/OR INDIVIDUALS, WHETHER SPECIFICALLY NAMED OR NOT, FROM ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR WRONGFUL DEATH, HOWEVER CAUSED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PRODUCT LIABILITY OR THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASED PARTIES, WHETHER PASSIVE OR ACTIVE. I HAVE FULLY INFORMED MYSELF AND MY HEIRS OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS LIABILITY RELASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT BY READING THE AGREEMENT FULLY BEFORE SIGNING BELOW ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND MY HEIRS. February 10, 2025 INSURANCE, PAYMENT AND CANCELLATION POLICY DIVE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Dive Accident Insurance may be required by planned trip Resort or Operator for each diver and Scuba Partners LLC is not liable for any Dive related medical or associated costs incurred during trip. A dive vacation should be enjoyable and without worry. Scuba Partners Travel strongly recommends that you have Dive Accident Insurance from a major provider such as DAN or Dive Assure. Although Scuba Partners LLC cannot mandate or enforce you taking Dive Accident Insurance the local Dive Resort or Operator for your trip may mandate and refuse access to Scuba Cylinders and/or Boat Operations before you can provide proof of Dive Insurance. We have provided a box in the Dive and Travel Insurance Information for your Dive Insurance Provider. TRAVEL INSURANCE including coverage for COVID Medical Expenses The Resort, Operator or Country of the planned trip may require Travel Insurance including coverage for COVID Medical, Quarantine and other related expenses for each traveler. Scuba Partners LLC is not liable for any Travel related, medical or associated costs incurred during trip. Scuba Partners LLC recommends you purchase Travel Insurance including COVID medical coverage for your protection. You are a valued customer and we want to do everything possible to make your trip enjoyable and worry free. The unforeseen and unexpected can occur before you leave home or while you are away on your trip. Outside the US most US Medical Insurance policies do not cover medical expenses. Check coverage provided in your selected Dive Accident Insurance (above) for Non Dive related Medical expenses. Scuba Partners LLC is not liable for any accident, damage, delay, inconvenience, loss, death, injury, mental or physical distress in the event that a person or company fails to render any service included in the travel package. Any additional expense that may be incurred such as mechanical failures, unexpected illness, natural disasters, weather or wars that may cause a delay, interruption or the non-rendering of any service included in the travel package is not the liability of Scuba Partners LLC. I have read, understand and accept the above statements and all of my questions and/or concerns have been answered to my satisfaction. February 10, 2025 PAYMENT AND CANCELLATION POLICY Deposits are non-refundable. I Agree I have read and understand the cancellation policy for my selected planned trip. I Agree I have read and understand the payment schedule for my planned trip including penalties for late payment. I Agree
I understand that I am liable for any additional charges due to changes I make in my planned trip reservation. I Agree I certify and accept all the above payment and cancellation policies. February 10, 2025