I-Power School of Gymnastics Participation Agreement I-Power School of Gymnastics recognizing it is our obligation to make our participants and their parents aware of the risks and hazards associated with the sports of gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline, ninja and cheerleading. Students may suffer injuries, possible minor, serious, or catastrophic in nature. Gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline, ninja and cheerleading can be dangerous and can lead to injury. White I-Power School of Gymnastics maintain safety rules, it is the participant and parents’ responsibility to warn the child about the dangers of gymnastics and injury. Participants and parents should make their children aware of the possibility of injury and encourage their children to follow all safety rules and the coaches’ instruction. Therefore, in consideration of my and/or participation in I-Power School of Gymnastics classes, events, and activities, I agree to be bound by the following: 1. Eligibility: I agree to comply with the rules and policies of I-Power School of Gymnastics. 2. Readiness to Participate: I and/or my child will only participate in those I-Power School of Gymnastic classes, events, and activities for which I believe I and/or he/she is physically and psychologically prepared. 3. Medical attention: I hereby give my consent to I-Power School to provide through a medical staff of its choice, customary medial/athletic training attention, transportation and emergency services as warranted in the course of my and/or my child’s participation. 4. Waiver and Release: I am fully aware and understand that participation in the programs at I-Power School of Gymnastics involve motion, rotation, and height in a unique environment which carries a risk of injury, including catastrophic injury, paralysis, and death, as well as other damages or losses associated with participation in gymnastics and other physical activities. I further agree that I-Power School of Gymnastics along with the employees, agents, officers, and directors of this organization shall not be liable for any losses or damages occurring as a result of my and/or my child’s participation in the event, except where such loss or damage is a result of willful, wanton, or reckless conduct of one of the organizations or individuals identified above. 5. Medical Insurance: I agree and understand that as a participant at I-Power School of Gymnastics my child must be covered by health/medical insurance obtained by myself. I represent that I and my child are covered by a primary health/medical/accident insurance. I further understand that I-Power School of Gymnastics maintains insurance that is only secondary in nature for the purpose of covering claims not covered by my own primary insurance. I understand that this insurance does not cover co-payments or deductibles and that I-Power School of Gymnastics and/or their insurer will not be liable to reimburse me for any co-payment or deductible. 6. Severability: In the event that any section or portion of this agreement shall be invalidated by legal declaration, it shall have no effect on the validity and legality of any other portion or section of this agreement not invalidated. Acknowledgement I give permission for I-Power School of Gymnastics, Inc. to participate in gymnastics activity at I-Power School of Gymnastics. As a parent or legal guardian, I hereby verify by my signature below that I fully understand and accept each of the above conditions, have reviewed the individual eligibility rules, and I am fully aware that with the participation in gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline, and cheerleading comes the risk of injury to my child/ward. I understand the degree of danger and seriousness of risk of injury and assume responsibility for discussing such dangers with my child. I certify that my child has sufficient insurance to cover any injury sustained during participation in I-Power School of Gymnastics events and therefore agree hold harmless I-Power School of Gymnastics for any such injury. Today's Date: March 14, 2025 |