

Yurt Rental

Please read this contract carefully. It is a legally binding agreement.

In consideration of being permitted to rent a yurt from Wilderness River Outfitters & Trail Expeditions, Inc. (“WRO.”), I, the Participant, (or if the Participant is under the age of 18, I, on the Participant’s behalf) understand, acknowledge, and contractually agree as set forth below (the Agreement):   

1.  Acknowledgement of Dangers and Risks:  I understand, acknowledge, and agree that renting a yurt in a backcountry setting from WRO can be HAZARDOUS AND INVOLVE THE RISK OF PHYSICAL INJURY AND/OR DEATH.  I understand, acknowledge, and agree that renting a yurt from WRO involves certain inherent dangers and risks that cannot be eliminated or controlled by WRO, the presence of which are integral to the nature of yurt rental in a backcountry setting.  The following list of dangers and risks that could cause physical or emotional injury or death is not exhaustive – I understand that there are many other dangers or risks associated with yurt rental in a backcountry setting not listed below:  1) Risks associated with yurt rental, including: collapsing yurt; falling into a pit toilet; injury due to use of hatchet or ax; propane explosion; carbon monoxide exposure; falling, slipping, tripping from yurt platform; equipment malfunction, including fire or explosion; uncontrolled camp or kitchen fire; kitchen or cooking-related dangers; choking; food-borne bacteria or virus; water-borne bacteria or virus; allergen exposure;  burns or burning associated with woodstoves; 2) Risks associated with self-guided backcountry winter travel, including: exposure to dangerous wildlife; exposure to extreme and inclement weather; moving objects associated with extreme weather and wind; temperature fluctuations; extreme or partial darkness; wind; hail; storms and lightening; wildfire; frostbite and hypothermia; altitude sickness; getting lost; lack of readily accessible medical resources or care; poorly executed or failed rescue attempts; failure or lack of communication equipment or cell phone service; slick or uneven walking surfaces; avalanches; snow immersion including falling into a tree well; variations in terrain; existing, changing, or otherwise dangerous snow conditions; exposure to falls off of cliffs or ledges; dangerous skiing or snowboarding conditions or surfaces; dangerously cold temperatures; low visibility or whiteout conditions; difficulty with route finding; exposed or hidden, boulders, rocks, holes, stumps, trees or bushes, and tree roots; collisions with trees  and other objects; slipping; tripping; loss of balance; failure to understand and comply with directions; falling objects including rocks or trees; dangerous encounters with snowmobiles or other motor vehicles; lack of shelter; dangerous contact with rescue vehicles or aircraft; exacerbation of existing health conditions; decision errors or negligence of  the Participant; fatigue; and all manner of outdoor injuries occurring as a result of the above listed inherent risks, including but not limited to: death, head injury, spinal injury, asphyxiation, suffocation, bone breaks, internal injury, sickness or disease, exposure to food-borne, water-borne, vector-borne, or airborne bacteria, virus, or pathogens (including but not limited to contraction of COVID-19); hypothermia, sunburn, dehydration, hyponatremia, altitude sickness, vertigo, frostbite, windburn, snow blindness and other eye damage. I understand that WRO has done its best to list the known risks of participating in the Activity, but agree that I have the right, obligation, and opportunity to research and verify the risks of renting a yurt in a backcountry setting and engaging in self-guided winter travel..  

2.  Assumption of Risk:  I acknowledge and agree that I am choosing to rent a yurt in a backcountry setting from WRO despite the dangers and risks of doing so, and freely choose to accept the risks of renting a yurt in the backcountry.  I recognize that property loss, physical or emotional injury, and death are all possible while renting a yurt in the backcountry.  I expressly acknowledge and assume all risks, dangers, and consequences of renting a yurt, including but not limited to those risks, dangers, and consequences set forth in paragraph 1 above, that may result in physical or emotional injury, property damage, or death.  I acknowledge and agree that when traveling through the Lost Trail Ski Area, I am responsible for my own safety and maintaining awareness of all motorized travel related to ski area operations.

3.  Participant’s Representations and Responsibilities:  I represent that I am physically and mentally capable of accessing and utilizing a yurt in a backcountry setting. I understand the importance of all safety instructions given to me, whether in writing or verbally. Further, I represent that I know how to responsibly and safely use a woodstove, a four-burner propane cooking stove, a propane grill, lanterns, candles and any other potential fire causing or hazardous equipment at the yurt.  I represent that I have had the opportunity to both independently research and discuss with WRO the risks of renting a yurt in a backcountry setting and my assumption of those risks. I acknowledge and agree that WRO provides no guiding, instruction, outfitting or other professional services or advice with regard to any recreational activity I may choose to undertake while renting a yurt in the backcountry, and that the yurt rental and equipment is the sole service provided by WRO. I am not relying on any prior oral, written, or visual representations made by WRO, including in any website or promotional materials, to induce me to rent a yurt from WRO.   I acknowledge and agree that I am solely responsible for snow removal for the duration of my yurt rental period..  I acknowledge and agree that I am responsible for locating the yurt, that maps and GPS coordinates have been provided to me by WRO, and that I have been instructed that using the maps and a GPS to locate the yurt is highly recommended. Further, I acknowledge and agree that I have full responsibility to choose appropriate terrain, operable equipment, and monitor all weather conditions during my stay in the yurt.  If I require rescue by emergency response providers and/or search and rescue, I acknowledge and agree that I am solely responsible for coordinating such rescue and for the cost of such rescue. With all of the foregoing in mind, I assume full responsibility for my own safety. 

5.  Application of Agreement to Minor Participants:  In the case of a minor Participant, I, as parent or legal guardian, acknowledge that I am not only signing this Agreement on my behalf, but that I am also signing on behalf of the minor and that the minor shall be bound by all of the terms of this Agreement.  Additionally, by signing this Agreement as the parent or legal guardian of a minor Participant, I understand that I am also waiving certain rights on behalf of the minor that the minor otherwise may have.  I agree that but for the foregoing, the minor Participant would not be permitted to stay in the yurt, and sign this document out of a desire to have the Participant be allowed to stay in the yurt.  I represent that I am a legal parent or guardian of the minor Participant.

6.  Representation of Capacity to Contract, and Acknowledgement That Agreement is a Binding Contract:  I represent that I am at least 18 years of age, and that I have the capacity to understand and be bound by all of the provisions of this Agreement.  I understand and acknowledge that this Agreement is a contract and shall be binding to the fullest extent permitted by law.  It is my intent that this Agreement shall be binding upon my assignees, subrogors, distributors, heirs, next of kin, executors, and personal representatives, and those of the Participant. 

7.  Agreement to Application of Idaho Law and Selection of Forum:  I agree that any and all claims for injury and/or death arising from my participation in the Activity shall be governed by Idaho law, and that the exclusive jurisdiction for any claim shall be in the Lemhi County District Court, without regard to where the incident giving rise to any lawsuit occurs, and without regard to any jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws analysis.   

8.  Miscellaneous Provisions:  I agree that WRO may utilize any photographs or videos taken at the yurt during my stay in the yurt rental for any purpose, and that any such image is the property of WRO.  If any sentence, clause, paragraph or part of this Agreement is declared unenforceable, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect.  This Agreement can be modified only in writing.  An electronic signature or acknowledgment of agreement upon this contract is fully binding and enforceable, and a copy of this executed Agreement may be used as if it is the original.   


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